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沪教版2019-2020学年八年级下学期第一次学情调查英语试题B卷一、 单项选择。 (共20题;共40分)1. (2分)Jim spends hour reading books everyday. He bought me useful book as a birthday present. A . a; anB . an; aC . a; aD . an; an2. (2分) Are you good _ your students? Yes, I am.A . atB . withC . forD . Of3. (2分) Did you buy the book A brief history of time by Stephen William Hawking?Yes. I _ it since I entered the college. This is a best-seller.A . have boughtB . have givenC . have hadD . have borrowed4. (2分)- Do you know Lucys grandma?- Of course. She is a kind woman, but she has _ for about a month since she _ in the accident.A . been dead; was killedB . died; was killedC . been dead; killedD . died; killed5. (2分)Chinas Got Talent is _ interesting _ many people like watching it.A . too; toB . enough; toC . so; thatD . such; that6. (2分)Millions of Chinese_ Korean goods since Korean government allowed THAAD to be set in Korea.A . fought againstB . fight againstC . have fought againstD . fighting against7. (2分) Hobo and Eddie the cinema to watch the film Zootopia. Oh, thats why I cant find them now.A . have gone toB . have been toC . has gone toD . has been to8. (2分)Lily_the Reading Club two years ago.You mean she_the Reading Club for two years?A . joined; has joinedB . joined; has been inC . has joined; has been inD . has been in; has been a member of9. (2分)David finds _ difficult to communicate with his parents. A . oneB . itC . thisD . that10. (2分)In 2016, he _ a member of a football team. A . becameB . becomeC . becomesD . is becoming11. (2分)Can you finish_ these books before 10 oclock?-Yes, I can.A . to readB . readC . readsD . reading12. (2分)Help yourself to some fish.Thanks. Oh, it tastes so _.A . goodB . wellC . badD . badly13. (2分) _ do you need to get home from here ? Only 10 minutesA . How longB . How farC . How muchD . How old14. (2分)You should wait. Its too dangerous _ the road when the traffic light is red. A . crossB . to crossC . crossedD . crossing15. (2分)How was your voluntary work in Africa?Oh, amazing experience! Ill never forget it!A . whatB . what anC . howD . how an16. (2分)He is an honest boy. I have no reason to _ what he said.A . hearB . doubtC . repeatD . believe17. (2分)Would you like to sleep with the windows _ or _? A . open; closeB . opened; closedC . open; closedD . opening; closing18. (2分)I _ you if I find my uncles phone number. A . tellB . toldC . will tellD . have told19. (2分)I have a map of China. A . China mapB . map ChinaC . Chinas mapD . Chinas map20. (2分)Alice, our class lost the game yesterday. I know they practiced a lot.A . Thats for sure.B . Why not?C . I see.D . How come?二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)21. (10分)完形填空Once upon a time, the colors of the world argued.Green said, Clearly I am the most important. I am the sign of1and hope. I am the color of grass, trees and leaves.2me, all animals would die.”3said loudly. What is the color of the sky and the sea? Isnt water the most important thing for life? Yellow laughed, I bring laughter, happiness and warmth into the world. Every time people look at a 4, they start to smile. Without me there would be no fun. Orange said at the top of his voice, I am the color of health and strength. Think of carrots, pumpkins and oranges. When I fill the sky at5or sunset, everyone is6at my beauty. Red could7it no longer, so he shouted, I an the color of danger and bravery. I give people courage. The colors went on8. Their voices became louder and louder. The thunder(雷)got angry and the9started to pour. When the colors began to cool, the rain said, You foolish colors! Dont you know that each of you is special?10hands and follow me. They did what they were told and together made the most beautiful rainbow(彩虹)。(1)A . hope B . happiness C . health D . life (2)A . Unlike B . Without C . Except D . Including (3)A . Green B . Yellow C . Blue D . Orange (4)A . sunflower B . cloud C . star D . river (5)A . noon B . rainstorm C . evening D . sunrise (6)A . shocked B . terrified C . ashamed D . encouraged (7)A . hear B . enjoy C . stand D . receive (8)A . saying B . talking C . shouting D . arguing (9)A . snow
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