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2019-2020年高一英语Unit2 The Olympic Games教案 人教版 必修2Teaching Aims:1. Let students have the general idea about the Olympic Games history and relative information; 2. Train the students listening ability;3. Improve the students reading ability by scanning (fast- reading) and intensive reading (blank- filling and main idea- getting);4. Train the students ability of getting information quickly;5. Discussion method to make the students take an active part in the teaching and learning activities;6. Pay more attention to the Beijing Olympic Games and English study.Teaching Aids:1.a recorder2.a puter (PPT)Teaching Procedures:Step1: Lead- in(Before class show some pictures about sportsmen and sport events on the screen. At last, there is the picture of the Olympic rings.)T: Good morning, boys and girls!S: Good morning, teacher!T: Sit down, please.S: Thank you!T: Just now we have seen some pictures about sportsmen and sport events on the screen. Now please look at this picture. What is it?S: Five rings.T: Yes. Once you see it, what will you think of?S: The Olympic Games.T: Yes, very good. So today we will talk something about the Olympic Games. Now here are some pictures on the screen. Can you name all of them? What event is this picture? And this one? S: hurdles, cycling, swimming, judo, shooting, high- jump, long-jump, football, weightlifting, horse riding, basketball, diving.T: Very good. You know so many sports games. Now we will play a game. Please guess “ What events are they?” No.1 This is a very fast game. Each of the two teams has five players and the game is played for two periods of 20 minutes each. The players try to put the ball into a “ basket”. It is useful if you are very tall.S: Basketball.T: Yes, you are clever. ( Then show a picture of Jordan playing basketball.) Do you know who he is?S: Jordan.T: Yes. Im sure all of you know him. I think he is the greatest basketball player and I like him very much. And you?S: Yes, we like him too.T: Next event. No. 2 The game is played by two teams of six players each. Each team can hit the ball up to 3 times, but not more than 3 times. Then the ball must land on the other side of the net.S: Volleyball.T: Yes, good. (Then show a picture of Chinese Women Volleyball team.) Do you know not long before, our Chinese Women Volleyball team just won a gold medal in S: The Volleyball World Cup.T: Yes, you know it. Good. Now, next. No. 3 This game must be played in water by several players. One who first reaches the finishing line is the winner.S: Swimming.T: Yes, you got it. ( Show a swimming picture.) Next. No. 4 Several players take turns to fire at something with a gun.S: Shooting.T: ( Show a picture of WangYifu.) Right. And who is he?S: WangYifu.T: Yes. He is famous. Next. No.5 The game is played by two strong people. One tries to get the other down on the floor.S: Judo.T: Good. ( Show a judo picture.)Step 2: Listening and ScanningT: Now we have talked a lot about sport events. And today we will go to see the greatest sports meeting, which include all of themthe Olympic Games. Now please turn to page 52. listen to the tape carefully. When you are listening, please pay attention to these numbers on the screen, and find out the relative information of them: 4years; 2 years; 776 BC; 393 AD; xx; 27; 1984; 28; xx; xx. (Play the tape.) OK, the passage is over. Now look at the numbers. Please give me some information about them. First, 4 years? ( And 2 years?) S1: The Olympic Games are held every 4 years.S2: The Winter Olympic Games are usually held 2 years before the Summer Olympic Games.S3: The ancient Olympic Games began around the year 776 BC.S4: After about the year 393 AD the Olympic Games stopped.S5:The first Olympic Games in modern times happened in 1896.S6: In xx, the 27th Olympic Games were held in Sydney, Australia.S7: In the 1984 Olympic Games, Carl Lewis won four gold medals.T: Do you know which four gold medals he won?S: The 100- meter race; the 200- meter race; the 4100-metre relay; the long jump.T: Good, thats right. ( Show Carl Lewis pictures on these 4 events.) Now go on.S8: In Sydney the Chinese team got 28 gold medals.S9: In xx, China won the petition to host the 29th Olympic Games.S10: In xx, the 29th Olympic Games will be held in Beijing.T: Very good. You have done a good job. You can get the information quickly. So here we will have another practice: True or False. No. 1 In the early Olympic Games, only men were allowed to pete and watch the Games.S: True.T: Right. NO.2 The ancient Olympic Games began around the year 776 BC in Rome. Most of the games were quite different from they are today, for example, running, jumping and wrestling.S: False.T: How to correct it? S: In Greece; the same as.T: Good. No. 3 Several hundreds of years later, the Olympic Games were st
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