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2019-2020年高中英语必修2Unit6lesson1AMatterofTaste6Teaching aims: 1. To read a text and take notes on it. 2. To help the students appreciate the paintings. 3. To help the students describe the paintings. 4. To practise using vocabulary of describing the paintings.Important points: 1. To help the students appreciate the paintings. 2. To help the students describe the paintings. 3. To practise using vocabulary of describing the paintings.Difficult points: 1. To help the students appreciate the paintings. 2. To help the students describe the paintings.Teaching procedures:Step 1: Revision Get the students to describe the paintings. Take a painting as an example.Eg: A. Guernica-Picasso This is a realistic painting. The painter was Picasso. It was painted by Picasso. The subject of the painting was war. The painting was dark. The shapes are round, square and clear. The lines are wavy. In my opinion, I dont like this painting. It is too pessimistic.Get the to choose one painting to describe.Step 2: Lead-inT: Just now we described some paintings drawn by foreign painters. Now lets have a look at our Chinese paintings. Look at the three paintings at P36 and discuss in groups: Which do you like best? Why? What will you think of when you see the paintings?Eg:1) People should work harder. People cant give up or stop, they must carry on.2) The insects like to eat vegetables. The green vegetables are good for health. Even a rearhorse it. We can show the painting to a child who doesnt like vegetables.3) In the old time there were some ladies in rich family, they had nothing to do everyday, spent most time thinking, feeling sad. They waste precious time.Step 3: ReadingT: We have just talk about these three paintings. If you want to know more about the paintings and painters. Lets read the text to get more information.Task 1: Read fast and plete the notes.Task 2: Find the words in the text with the definitions.Paragraph 1:1.something that people have done for a long time and continue to do: custom2.to help the progress of something3.having a lot of new ideas4.beautiful handwritingParagraph 2:5. people who watch or listen to a performance6. ability to form new ideas and to make pictures in ones mind7.living being, esp. an animalParagraph 3:8. a way of doing something9. to say strongly that something is importantTask 3: Read the text carefully and plete the notes.1.The life of the artists2.The description of the three paintingsStep 4: SpeakingDescribe the life of the artists and the pictures in your own words. Try to use the form to help you.Group 1 the life of the artistsGroup 2 Picture 1Group 3 Picture 2Group 4 Picture 3Step 5: Enjoy readingStep 6: Voice your opinionCulture paring1. Which do you prefer, Chinese paintings or foreign paintings?2. Can you say some differences between Chinese paintings and foreign paintings in this lesson?Step 7: Useful Language Points (If time permits)Line 2: he developed the traditon of develop: e.g.开发、发展、开展,1.His business developed quickly.发展2.We need to develop solar energy further.开发3.I developed the habit of eating between meals. 养成了4.Please try to develop the idea more fully.说明Line 5: Across the paiting,named Racing Horse we can at high speed. 在整幅被称作“赛马”的画中,我们会看到一匹骏马在飞驰。 across: 穿过,指在物体的表面运动 named Racing horse 是过去分词短语 修饰 the paiting. 过去分词作定语时的几种情况: 1)单独一个过去分词作定语一般放修饰的名词之前 The wounded soldier lay on the ground,unable to move.2)分词短语放被修饰的名词之后 The girl dressed in red is my daughter. Were going to talk about the problem discussed at the last meeting. This is a letter written in blue ink.At high speed 快速地 At the speed of 120 kg 以120 公里的速度 At the speed of sound 以声音的速度Line 18 Its shiny black eyes,which are fixed on show the creatures 它亮晶晶的眼睛正盯着白菜,显示出对白菜的兴趣 which are fixed on the cabbage,是非限制性定语 从句。只起补充说明的作用,即使省略也不影响 主句意义的完整。 The clock,which my great-grandfather bought many years ago, still runs correctly. Line 20 Qi Baishis styleleave the audience guessing leave + 宾语+使 处于某种状态 后接复合宾语的用法 名词 形容词 副词 do-ing leave+宾语 + to do done 介词短语e.g.The parents died,leaving the boy an orphan. Dont leave all the windows open. He leave all the lights on when he went out.He left me waiting in the rain. Dont leave me to explain it to them. He will never a job half done. Dont leave by himself at home. 试比较: leave 客观上存留的状态 make,have强调主动性、目的性 ( make 后不用-ing 形式作宾补) keep表示“使处于状态”
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