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EMPLOYMENT APPLECATION FORM 职位申请表 Date 日期: 年 月 日Position Applied for:申请职位:Other Choice其他选择: Recent Photograph 近照Salary Expectation 薪金要求:Available Date 可到岗日:Personal Date 个人资料Full Name 姓名English Name 英文Gender 性别Male男 Female 女 Height 身高Weight体重Tell NO. 联系电话Education Background 学历Home Address 家庭住址Date of Birth 出生日期Birthplace 籍贯Minority 民族Hobbies& Interests兴趣爱好Marital Status 婚姻状况 Married已婚 Single 未婚 Divorced 离异 Email电子邮箱ID No.身份证号码 / Passport No. 护照号码Registered Residence Address 户口所在地址Special Talents 特长:In case of emergency, please notify 如遇紧急情况,请通知:Name 姓名Relationship 关系Tel Number 电话号码Family Date 家庭情况List father, Mother,brother and sister. If married, list names of children, husband or wife. 请写明父母和兄妹的情况;如您已婚,请写明孩子和配偶的情况.Name 姓名Relationship 关系Age 年龄Occupation 职业Name of Company 工作单位Education Background 教育背景Name of School 学校名称Subject 主修科目From 自To 至Certificate obtained 所获学历Training History培训/学习经历Training Institution培训机构Training Content培训内容From 自To 至Certificate obtained 所获学历Language Skills 语言技能Languages 语言技能Certificate obtained 所获等级程度Basic 基础 Good 好 Fluent 流利 Basic 基础 Good 好 Fluent 流利 Basic 基础 Good 好 Fluent 流利Employment History 工作经历 Start from the most current employment, list all employment 请详细列出你的工作经历,从目前职位开始Name of Company 工作单位Position 职位From 自To至Salary 月薪Reason of Leaving离职原因Reference 证明人Tel Number电话Name of Company 工作单位Position 职位From 自To至Salary 月薪Reason of Leaving离职原因Reference 证明人Tel Number电话Please answer the following questions :请回答下列问题:Yes是No 否If so, give particulars 如果有,请写明详细情况1. Have you been dismissed from any employment because of misconduct? 您曾因违纪被解雇吗?2. Have you been arrested and/or convicted in any court of law or detained under the provision of any written law? 您有因触犯法律而被拘押或法院判罪?3. Have you had any serious illness during the last 3 years? 近三年中,您是否患过严重疾病?4. Do you have any disability or suffer from any chronic illness? 您有无任何残疾或患任何慢性疾病?Professional Skill 专业技能1. Other skills and/or abilities you would like to specify? 有无其它您需要说明的工作技巧或能力? Cashiering Typing Driving license Other 收银 打字 驾驶执照 其它 2. What computer programs can you operate? 您会操作何种电脑软件? Windows Word Windows Excel Lotus Other 其它 3. Which Certificate you have? 拥有何种资格证书?Cooking Certificate Professional/Technical Certificate Other烹饪证书 专业技术证书 其他 Any member working in our company/group? 是否亲属/朋友中有人在本公司或本集团工作?How were you referred to us? 您是如何得知此空缺的?Other Information 其它资料Declaration 声明I authorize Shenzhen HCM to secure any information regarding myself and I hereby release any person, firm or institution of all liability for any damage whatsoever from issuing such information.I further declare that the statements made by me in this application are true, complete and correct. Any false statement or dishonest answer to any question may be grounds for my immediate discharge from employment with Shenzhen Bay MARINA CLUB. 我声明,新加坡珀瑞酒店及度假村(中国)有限公司可以向本申请表中所提供的人、单位和学校调查我的个人情况。我再次声明,我所填写的个人情况是真实、完整和正确的,我同意并接受如果声明及其他部分系伪造或不正确,我司可终止对我的雇佣。 Signature 签名 Date 日期 年 月 日INTERVIEW ER ASSESSMENT FORM面试考核表Evaluation code 1 Outstanding 2 Above average 3 Average 4 Below average 5 Poor评 估 标 准 出色 高于标准 一般 低于标准 劣 By the first interviewer 由第一面试人填写by the second interviewer 由第二面试人填写General Appearance 整体仪容仪表Friendliness & Courtesy 友善及礼貌程度Personality 性格Alertness 机敏程度Maturity 成熟感Self-confidence 自信心Conversation ability沟通能力Job Knowledge 工作知识Experience 工作经验Overall Comments 整体评价Opinion of the 1st interviewer第一面试人意见Date 日期:Opinion of the 2nd interviewer第二面试人意见Date 日期:Opinion of the 3nd interviewer第三面试人意见Date 日期:Result of interview Accepted Pending for future reference Rejected面试结果 接受 留作日后参考 不合格
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