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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 Unit 3 Inventors and inventions习题 新人教版选修8.单项填空1Have you _?No.I had the wrong number.Agot inBgot awayCgot off Dgot through解析 考查动词短语的区别。get in“插话,收割”;get away“离开;走开”;get off“下车”;get through“接通电话,完成,到达,通过”,由此可知该题的答案为D项,意思是“你打通电话了吗?”答案 D2So far nobody has claimed the money_in the library.Adiscovered Bto be discoveredCdiscovering Dhaving discovered解析 考查非谓语动词作定语。句意:迄今为止,没有人认领在图书馆里发现的钱。因discover与money之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,故用过去分词作定语。答案 A3There were many talented actors out there just waiting_.Ato discover Bto be discoveredCdiscovered Dbeing discovered解析 考查不定式的被动式作目的状语。解答这类题时,一定要弄清非谓语动词和主语之间的逻辑关系。句意:在外面有许多有才华的演员等着被发现。to be discovered为不定式短语作目的状语。discover与其逻辑主语actors之间为动宾关系,且discover动作是将要发生,故用动词不定式的被动式。答案 B4After that,he knew he could_any emergency by doing what he could to the best of his ability.Aget away with Bget on withCget through Dget across解析 考查get动词短语。句意:(经历过)那件事以后,他知道只要他尽自己所能就能处理任何紧急情况。to the best of尽所能;就的限度。get away with携潜逃;(做了坏事)逍遥法外;get on with进展;相处;get through通过;完成;get across过(马路、桥等);使(人)了解自己的意思。由句意可知,C项为最佳选项。答案 C5Its the sort of work that _ a high level of concentration.Acalls for Bmakes upClies on Dstands for解析 考查短语动词辨析。call for需要,需求;make up编(故事、借口等);lie in位于,在于;stand for代表。根据句意,A项符合。答案 A6I tried phoning her office,but I couldnt_.Aget along Bget onCget to Dget through解析 考查动词词组辨析。get along“相处融洽,进展”;get on“继续,进行,上车”;get to“到达,开始”;get through“穿过,通过,读完,打通(电话)”。根据句意:我试着给她办公室打电话,但是没有打通。因此只有get through符合句意。答案 D7It is difficult to_one twin from the other.They almost dont _from each other.Adiffer; distinguish Bdistinguish;differentCdistinguish;differ Dtell;different解析 distinguish表示“区分,辨别”,常构成distinguish A from B,而differ from each other意为“有区别,不同于”,相当于be different from each other。答案 C8Mum,it is nice weather.I want to skate this afternoon.Dont you think the ice on the lake is too thin to _ your weight?Acarry BbearCcatch Dtake解析 这里的bear不表示“忍受”,而是“承受”的意思。答案 B9Hardly could he_this amount of work in such a short time.Aget through Bget offCget into Dget down解析 考查动词短语辨析。句意:在这么短的时间内他几乎完不成这么多工作。get through有完成之意,符合句意。get off下车;get into进入,陷入;get down“下车,吞下,写下”;都与句意不搭配。答案 A10It is hard for young children to distinguish right _ wrong.AwithBto CfromDbetween解析 distinguish right from wrong“辨别是与非”。答案 C11When we plan our vacation,mother often offers_suggestions.Acareful BpracticalCeffective Dacceptable解析 母亲是长辈,她所拥有的是实用的信息。建议要经过检验之后才知道是否有效,排除C项,可接受的建议不一定实用,排除D项。答案 B12Mum,weve got to be _ and buy only what we need.Oh,Im glad to hear that.Apractical BcontentCfamiliar Dactual解析 前句句意:我们一定要实际些,只要我们需要的东西。practical实际的,符合情况的;content满意的;familiar熟悉的;actual实际的。答案 A13Letterboxes are much more_in the UK than in the US,where most people have a mailbox instead.Amon BnormalCordinary Dusual解析 考查同义词辨析。句意:信箱在英国比在美国更常用,在美国大多数人都有一个邮箱。mon指“为许多人或事物所共同具有的,因而常见”;ordinary指“由于与一般事物的性质或标准相同,因而显得平常,无奇特之处,反义词为special”; usual指“在某一地方或某一时间内所常见的,往往指常用的东西,或常发生的事情,反义词为unusual”;normal同regular一样,意为“正常的,正规的,标准的”。答案 A14Start out right away,_ youll miss the first train.AandBbut CorDwhich解析 句意:立刻出发,否则你会错过第一班火车的。or否则,符合句意。答案 C15Christmas Day is usually celebrated on December 25th _ the birth of Jesus Christ.Ain praise of Bin honor ofCin terms of Din association with解析 考查介词短语辨析。in praise of称赞;in honor of纪念;in terms of在方面;in association with与在一起,与联合。由题意知选B项。答案 B.完形填空Elaine was a saleswoman,who drove all over the city five days a week.When all the freeway lanes were at a dead stop,she would drive quickly along the emergency lane.While driving she usually_1_on her cellphone,drinking a soda or eating a sandwichher hands,legs and mouth were always_2_while she was driving.Last night she got_3_in Friday evening rush hour.She was going to be _4_for her date.She was already_5_when things seemed to be getting worse and all the traffic stopped.Elaine drove_6_over to the emergency lane.Soon she saw the red flashing lights in the mirror.She had to_7_her car.A goodlooking officer walked up.“Officer,my boyfriend left me after he got me pregnant.I have constant morning sickness.Im just trying to get to the nearest store to buy my_8_.” She looked at the officer with_9_eyes.He looked at her pitifully,then said_10_,“Okay,maam.Take the first exit.I hope youll be feeling better.”The officer walked back to his car and Elaine drove on.This was the second time that_11_had worked for her.She had one more thing to do before she got home.She had to mail a package.When she got to the shopping mall at 7 pm,no parking was_12_,except for the handicapped space.Elaine drove right into it.She would only be a minute,she told_13_.All she had to do w
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