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U3 知识点总结1. Protect 保护 常用短语:protectfrom. 保护免于.2. Be covered by 由.覆盖 eg:About 70% of the Earth is covered by water.3. Someand some. 一些.一些. 时态常用一般现在进行时 eg: Some students are singing, and some are dancing.4. Provide sb with sth/ provide sth for sb 为某人提供某物5. Put.into. 把.倒入6. On Earth 在地球上(Earth 首字母一定大写,中间不用冠词 the修饰)、 in the sky 在空中、 under the water 在水下、 on the land/ ground 在陆地上/地面上7. Stop doing sth 停止做. stop to do sth 也可以,但两者意思不同8. Must 是情态动词,后接动词原形。Must do sth; 其否定式为neednt/dont have to. Mustnt 是“禁止,不允许”9. It is + adjective + (for sb) to do sth 意为“(对某人来说)做某事”中间的形容词常用 important/easy/difficult10. For our future 为了我们的未来; in the future 未来11. Burn things to make energy 燃烧事物造能12. Fact 事实,真相; 短语 in fact 实际上/事实上 常用于句首13. 分数表达法:a.公式“基数词+序数词” 如果分子大于1,则分母要用序数词的复数形式。E.g.: 1/3 one third 2/3 two thirds 3/5 three fifths 二又三分之二 two and two thirdsb. “1/2” “一半”表达法, 用 one half 或 a half 表示。E.g.: 一个半小时 an hour and a half 或 one and a half hoursc. 1/4 表示方法, 用one quarter 表示,如果分子大于1,则用quarters E.g.:3/4 three quarters 14. Kilometer 千米 kilo- 是千的意思;centi- 是厘的意思15. Quiz 测验,同义词:test 16. 虾 shrimp 螃蟹 crab 乌龟 tortoise 海豹 seal章鱼 octopus 水母 jellyfish 海豚 dolphin17. 可数名词/不可数名词可数名词有复数形式,可以用a/an 修饰;不可数名词没有复数,动词用单数形式,不能a/an 修饰。常见不可数名词见下表(液体)water, tea, milk, orange, ink, rain (食物类)meat, fish, chicken, bread, food, salt, rice, (其他)paper, chalk, glass, wood,snow(抽象)time, work, weather、homework, housework, money, knowledge, news, information.有些名词既可作可数,又可作不可数,见下orange 橙汁 chicken 鸡肉 fish 鱼 oranges橙子 chickens 小鸡 fishes 各种鱼 paper 纸 glass 玻璃 time 时间 papers 报纸 glasses玻璃杯,眼镜 times 次数 food 食物 light 光 fruit 水果 foods 各种食物 lights 灯 fruits 各种水果不可数名词复数表达方式:其结构形式是“a+量词+of+名词”,复数形式是“数词+复数量词+of+名词”。Of 也可以修饰可数名词。常见的量词有:glass 杯, bottle 瓶, cup杯(用于咖啡,茶), bowl 碗, piece片/张(用于纸张,面包等), bag袋, box箱/盒, pair 双(用于鞋子,筷子等) 可数名词复数形式变化形式:1. +sbookbooks2. 以s, x, ch, sh结尾,+esclassclasses3. 辅+y, 改y为i, +escitycities, playplays4. o+es或o+s (有生命+es;无生命+s)potatopotatoes, tomatotomatoes, photophotos5. f, fe , 改v+eslifelives, leafleaves6. 不规则manmen toothteeth childchildren7. 单复数相同fish, deer, sheep, Chinese, Japanese18. There is / are .“有”,表示某地有某人或某物。There is + 单数可数名词或不可数名词; There are + 复数可数名词。肯定式:There is / are 否定式:There is / are not 疑问式:Is / Are there ?“就近原则”Be 的形式取决于离它最近的那个词的词性,不可数用is。Eg:There is a glass of water and three apples on the table.There are three apples and a glass of water on the table. There be 不能和 have 连用;there 可以直接接动词19. Lift.up 提起,举起,吊起20. Keep.alive 使.活着;keep doing sth 保持/坚持做某事21. Breathe v 呼吸,breath n 呼吸22. Little 修饰不可数名词,few 修饰可数名词, a little/ a few 有一些; little/ few 几乎没有。Some 用于肯定句中,若变为否定句或疑问句,则要变为 anyExercise 1. There _ some good news in todays newspaper. A. were B. are C. is D. was2. There _ two pictures and a map of China on the wall. A. have B. has C. are D. is3. Look, there _ a lot of fish in this river. A. are B. is C. were D. was4. Twelve _ were hurt, but no _ were lost in that accident. a. person, life b. people, lives c. peoples, lives d. persons, life5. 13.The _ are going to fly to Beijing. a. German b. Germans c. Germanys根据汉语完成句子。1. 你能帮我把这个扔掉吗?Could you help me _ this _?2. 我们将为你提供一切。We will _ you _ everything.3. 地球上有许多动植物。There are many animals and plants _Earth.4. 我们应该停止做浪费水、电和粮食。We must _stop_ _ water, electricity and food.5. 人不是生活在水下,而是在陆地上。People do not live _ _water, but _ _.6. 桌子上有两杯牛奶和一个鸡蛋There_(be) two _ _ _ and _ _ on the desk.
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