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.七年级英语期中复习与巩固检测题一、单词辩音:(选出划线部分一个与众不同的选项)二根据要求写出下列单词:1.upstairs(反义词) _2.by air(同义词) _3.never(反义词) _4.sheep(复数形式) _5.reporter(动词) _6.busy(副词) _7.second(基数词) _8.noisy(名词) _9.children(单数) _10.die(形容词) _三. 单项选择填空:1.Whats Uncle Joe doing?He _ computer games.A. playing B. is play C. is playing D. plays2.Thank you for_ me with my English.A. help B. helps C. helpful D. helping3. Do you have any bread? Yes, I _.A. have B. am having C. do D. doing4. Are you listening or writing? _.A. Im listening. B. Im not writing. C. Yes, Im writing. D. No, Im not.5. _ does your father work?In a factory.A. What B. How C. Where D. Which6.Mr. Green_ his car to work every day.A. goes B. drives C. rides D. makes7.We usually go shopping_ Saturday afternoon. A. in B. at C. on D. for8.He is_.A. eight years old B. eight-year-old C. eight-years-old D. eight year old9.Why do you_ the animals?A. want see B. wants see C. wants to see D. want to see10.Did you arrive_ there?A. at B. in C. / D. to11. Amy helped us a lot. Lets write her a letter to say _.A. goodbye B. sorry C. hello D. thank you12. Wed like some chicken, please. _ We have no chicken now. A. Thank you. B. What do you want? C. Im sorry. D. Why do you want chicken?13. Sandy, what about _?A. going swimming B. go swimming C. to go to swim D. going swim14. What _ do you want to buy? Thats all.A. other B. else C. else things D. others15. He has _ books, but I have _.A. many, no B. much, none C. many, none D. much, no16. How do you usually go to work?A. By a Underground B. By Underground C. Take the Underground D. By the Underground17. Lets meet _ the shopping center _ seven thirty.A. in, at B. at, in C. on, at D. in, on18. Mr. Brown _ there very early every morning.A. arrives at B. gets to C. reaches to D. gets19. Wound you like to come to my home for supper? Yes, I _.A. would like B. like C. would love D. would love to20. Did your father _ ?A. take you to there B. take you there C. took you there D. took you to there四. 补全对话:看图补全对话,每空一词,有的单词首字母已给出。A: What can I _1_ for you, sir? B: Id like to o _2_ some food and drink. A: What would you _3_? B: Some milk, first. A: How _4_ would you like? B: A small c_5_ is OK. A: What food do you want? B: Some b_6_, a dish of b_7_, some_8_ and a bowl of _9_. A: How _10_ eggs would you like then? B: Two, please.五. 完形填空:Two friends_1_a picnic together. Their names are Jim and Tim. Tim is very lazy._2_ the first evening of their holiday, Jim says to Tim, “Heres some money. Go and buy some meat.”“Im too tired,”_3_Tim, “You go.”So Jim goes_4_the meat._5_he comes back. He says to Tim, “Heres the meat now, please cook it.”But Tim answers, “No, Im not good at_6_, you do it,” So Jim cooks it,_7_he says to Tim, “Go and _8_some water.”“No, I dont want to get my clothes dirty,” Tim answers._9_Jim says, “The meal is ready, come and eat it.”“Yes, Ill do that,” answers Tim, “I dont like_10_ No all the time.”1. A. have B. has C. had D. are having2. A. In B. At C. On D. Of3. A. answer B. answers C. answered D. in answering4. A. to buy B. buy C. is buying D. bought5. A. Later B. In C. At first D. Before6. A. cook B. cooking C. cooks D. cooked7. A. or B. and C. then D. but8. A. got B. to get C. getting D. get9. A. At last B. At first C. Just now D. At the moment10. A. telling B. saying C. talking D. speaking六阅读理解:Li Ming is staying with
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