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牛津版(深圳广州)初中英语七年级上册期末复习(题型专练):阅读理解(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 阅读理解 (共10题;共90分)1. (10分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的4个选项A、B、C、D中选出最佳选项。 My name is Lisa Baker. I have a big family. My dad is from America and my mum is from China.I also have a Chinese name. Its Bei Lisha. In English, your given name is before your family name. But in Chinese, your family name goes first.My mum has two names, too. Her Chinese name is Huang Bixia. Her English name is Patricia Baker.(1)Lisas English family name is_. A . LisaB . Lisa BakerC . BakerD . Bei Lisha(2)Lisas Chinese given name is_. A . BeiB . LisaC . BakerD . Lisha(3)Lisas mothers Chinese family name is_. A . Huang BixiaB . HuangC . BixiaD . Lisa(4)Lisas mothers English given name is _. A . BakerB . PatriciaC . HuangD . Bixia(5)Lisas friends call her mum Mrs _. A . BakerB . PatriciaC . LisaD . Bixia2. (10分)根据内容,判断句子正误。 Do you have a nickname (昵称) ? Most of us do by our looks, clothing, or personality. But for cities, the meaning of their nicknames has much more than that.Many big cities have nicknames, such as New York-The Big Apple, London-The Great Smog, and Rome-The Eternal( 永恒的) City. Why do cities have such nicknames?In the 1920s, there were many races in New York. People called the prizes of these races apples. Writer John J. Fitz Gerald first called New York the Big Apple, because New York is the place that many people dreamed of going to for the biggest prize of all.For Rome, as the name suggests, the answer is simple. Romans believed that no matter what happened to the world, Rome would go on forever. Rome has been an important center of power for more than 2,000 years.As for London, in the Victorian period, it had problems with its air. Later in 1952, serious air pollution made 10,000 people fall ill. But now the air of London has become better.Does that sound interesting? Does your city have a nickname?(1)Most of us get our nicknames only by our looks. (2)The Great Smog is the nickname of London. (3)The nickname of New York was given by writer John J. Fitz Gerald. (4)Rome has been an important center of power for more than 2,000 years. (5)Later in 1952 ,the air of London became better. 3. (10分)阅读短文内容,根据短文选出正确选项。For us boys and girls, books are not all. We can find time to play at home or school. Playing is about having fun. But how do we play? It doesnt mean(意味着)watching TV or playing computer games. In the morning, we can run with our parents to be healthy. We can play sports with friends after school. We can also do what we like after class. For example(比如), we can draw and we can play chess with others. It is also fun to help others. Children who are playing are happy and they cant be bored.It can help students be with others and it is good for them. Play well and then you can learn well.(1)Where can children play according to the passage? A . In the hillB . At schoolC . On the floorD . In the street(2)According to the passage, what can children play in the morning? A . Watch TVB . Play computer gamesC . Run with parentsD . Learn math(3)When children are playing, they are_. A . sadB . happyC . hungryD . bored(4)Which one is TRUE according to the passage? A . Playing means watching TV.B . Playing means playing computer.C . Children cant play at school.D . Playing is good for children.(5)The underlined(下面画线的)word it means_. A . PlayingB . StudyingC . ReadingD . Help4. (10分)阅读理解 Simon lived in a big house with his family in the southeast of Australia. Their house was 20 kilometers from the town, at a beautiful beach. There were five people in his family. Theyre his parents, his two younger sisters and him. The house had four bedrooms, a living room, a dining room, a kitchen and two bathrooms. In front of the house, there were many trees and flowers. They had a very big farm around the house, and thousands of sheep were there. In the morning, Simon took a school bus to his school in the town. And after school, he helped his parents do some farm work. At weekends his school friends often came to visit. They usually travelled there by bus. On the farm they played games, went swimming and had a picnic together. They thought it was a nice place to live in. It was so relaxing, and never dull. (1)Simon and his family lived . A . near the seaB . in the townC . behind the forestD . on the mountain(2)There were rooms in their big house. A . sixB . sevenC . eightD . nine(3)Simon went to school by school bus because . A . there was no railroadB . they didnt have a carC . he couldnt ride a bikeD . his ho
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