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Come on Come on I am the best Helping others is helping yourself 帮助别人就是 帮助自己 Period 2Period 2 Section A 2a 2c Section A 2a 2c DesignerDesigner Qian LingyuQian Lingyu Unit 9 Unit 9 My favorite subject is science My favorite subject is science 1 To learn the new words about subjects 学习有关学科的生词 2 To learn to talk about your favorite subject 学习谈论你最喜欢的学科 3 To learn to give reasons 学习表叙理由 4 To be a good student and study all the subjects well 做一名好学生 学好各门功课 自读下列学习目标 Check the new words and leading 交 流 预 习 Read the words and expressions loudly 为什么 因为 星期一 星期五 星期六 确实 毫无疑问地 why because Monday Friday Saturday for sure 友情提示 师师友互助检查检查 Memory Challenge 记忆挑战 比一比 看谁读得最好 A What s your favorite subject B My favorite subject is art Practice in pairs 两人小组练会这个对话 art A Why do you like it B Because it s fun fun 友情提示 师师友互助检查检查 A What s your favorite subject mathB My favorite subject is math A Why do you like it B Because it s interesting interesting 友情提示 师师友互助检查检查 My favorite subject is Chinese A What s your favorite subject easy B easy Chinese A Why do you like it B Because it s 友情提示 师师友互助检查检查 music A What s your favorite subject B My favorite subject is B Because it s A Why do you like it relaxing music relaxing 友情提示 师师友互助检查检查 P E A What s your favorite subject B My favorite subject is B Because it s A Why do you like it exciting P E exciting 友情提示 师师友互助检查检查 A What s your favorite subject B My favorite subject is A Why do you like B Because it s I like English best useful and interesting English English useful and interesting 友情提示 师师友互助检查检查 A What s your favorite subject B My favorite subject is A Why do you like it B Because it s fun interesting exciting important easy relaxing P E science historyart geography Chinese English music math Ask and answer in pairs 同桌操练类 练类 似的对话对话 Let s talk and learn 学 习 对 话 2a Listen and put the conversation in order Because it s fun What s your favorite subject My favorite subject is P E Why do you like P E 1 2 3 4 友情提示 师师友独立完成 2b Listen and match the subjects you hear with the descriptions 1 art 2 science 3 music 4 P E 5 math 6 geography 7 history a fun b interesting c boring d difficult e relaxing 友情提示 师师友独立完成 2c Pairwork What do you think of the subjects above Make your own conversations using pictures and the words in 2b What s your favorite subject Alice Why do you like Who is your teacher My favorite subject is Because it s Mr Mrs 友情提示 师师友互助检查检查 Let s extend and improve 拓 展 提 高 Frank Hi Bob How s your day Bob It s OK I like Monday because I have P E and history They re my favorite subjects Frank Who s your P E teacher Bob Mr Hu He always plays games with us Frank That s great But why do you like history It s boring Bob Oh I think history is interesting What s your favorite day Frank Friday Bob Why Frank Because the next day is Saturday Bob Haha That s for sure I like Friday too Pairwork 2d Role play the conversation 1 Bob s favorite day is 2 Bob s favorite subjects are 3 Bob s P E teacher is 4 Frank s favorite day is 5 Bob thinks history is 6 Frank thinks history is Answer the questions P E and history Monday Mr Hu Friday boring interesting 1 why是疑问问副词词 意为为 为为什么 用 来询问询问 原因或理由 用 Why 一般疑问问 句 构成特殊疑问问句 其答语语通常为为 Because 如 Why do you like English 你为为什么喜欢欢英语语 Because it s very interesting 因为为它们们有趣 知识点拨 2 because 用作连词 其后接从句 陈 述原因或理由 用于回答why提出的 问题 如 Why do you like P E 你为什么喜欢体育 Because it s relaxing 因为它很令人放松 The book is very interesting so we all like it 这这本书书很有趣 我们们都很喜欢欢它 3 汉语汉语 中的 因为为 所以 常常连连用 但在英语语中because和so不能同时连时连 用 如 Because the book is very interesting we all like it 4 我们周二和周四上体育课 We on Tuesday and Thursday 点拨 have与学科名称搭配 表示 上某一学科 的课 英语中 have 与不同的名词搭配 可表示不同的含义 如 have a class lesson 上课 have breakfast lunch dinner 吃早 午 晚饭 have a soccer game 举行足球比赛 have a party 举办聚会 have P E 5 play with sth sb 玩某物 与某人玩 play 意为 玩 玩耍 如 Kate likes to play with her dog after school 卡特喜欢欢放学后和她的狗 一起玩 She often plays with her children in the garden 她经经常和孩子们们在花园里玩 6 for sure adv 无疑 肯定 确实如此 毫无疑问 I think he lives there but I couldn t say for sure 我想他是住在那 里的 但我不敢肯定 You can t say for sure that it won t rain tomorrow 明天难难保不下雨 Let s practice and improve 互 助 提 高 选择填空 1 What s your favorite subject My favorite subject is A French fries B England C music D Sunday 2 your favorite subject A What s B What C Where D When 3 What does he like best Basketball A food B subject C color D sport 4 I like music it s relaxing A becauseB but C with D or Exercises 友情提示 师师友独立完成 A Hello B Hello A is your please B name is Jim A What s your subject B favorite subject is science A do you like it B Because it is A what s your sister s favorite subject B favorite subject is A Oh really I like P E 完成对话对话 What name My favorite My Why interesting Her P E too Exercises 友情提示 师师友互助检查检查 1 My favorite color is blue 划线线部分提问问 your favorite color 2 He likes art because it s fun 划线线部分 提问问 he like art 3 Anna likes music best 同义义句转换转换 Ann s is music 句型转换Exercises favorite subject What s Why does 友情提示 师师友互助检查检查 Let s sum up 总 结 归 纳 The words 单词 The phrases 短语 The sent
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