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Reading Step Three 分类训练 赢得高分 第15讲 提纲类作文 解题指导 提纲类作文是高考试题中最为常见的书面表达命题方式之一 通常会以中 文 英文 中文 英文 文字 表格 文字 图片等不同的形式给出要点 并 要求考生根据所列要点组织语言 将所列要点完整 清晰地表达出来 需要注 意以下几点 1 仔细研读题目 确定所写文章的主题 人称 时态及写作内容等 2 分析整合要点 对所给要点进行分析并重新整合 适当进行细节扩展 重新整合信息是为了根据要点间的逻辑关系和相似性等将信息分为若干部分 3 确定文章体裁 根据题目要求及要点的特征来进一步确定文章的体裁 根据要点的逻辑关系来确定文章的整体框架和具体段落 并根据重新整合的信 息来确定每个段落的具体内容 4 斟酌具体表达 根据要点的关键词来确定所用的具体词汇及搭配 根据要 点的内容及确立的文体特点来选择使用何种句型 根据文体信息选择合适的 句型 适时地交叉使用不同的句型 实战演练 一 目前 越来越多的家长花巨资送孩子出国学习 某英文报社就这一问题做 了调查 并开辟了专栏讨论 请你根据所给的提示 以 On Teenagers Studying Overseas 为题用英语写一篇短文 1 目前 很多家长都送孩子出国学习 且呈低龄化 但部分教育工作者和 家长都不赞成这种做法 2 38 的人赞成这种做法 1 这样孩子可以接受良好的教育 2 学好外语 将来发展的机会更多等 62 的人不赞成这种做法 1 花钱太多 是在国内花 费的10倍 2 孩子太小 在陌生的环境中容易学坏等 3 你的看法 启示 政府应该建立各类学校以适应人们的需求等 注意 1 文章的题目和开头已给出 不计入总词数 2 可根据内容适当发挥 3 词数150左右 参考词汇 教育工作者educationists On Teenagers Studying Overseas Nowadays more and more people are sending their children overseas for further study 参考范文 even at middle school age 38 of the people investigated agree to this They think their children can receive better education and learn a foreign language as well And they have more golden opportunities to develop themselves What is the most valuable is to learn to depend on themselves and to broaden their horizons and improve their understanding of the world 参考范文 However over 62 of the people especially some educationists and parents are not in favor of this for they think studying abroad costs over ten times as much money as in China Besides children are too young to take care of themselves Many parents worry about the safety of their children What s more they might follow bad examples In my opinion measures should be taken by the government to set up various schools and colleges to meet the needs of the people 二 学生会做了一个关于中学生睡眠 饮食和休闲等生活习惯的调查 发现 学生有不良习惯 请根据以下信息写一篇150词左右的短文 要点包括 1 不良习惯 晚上熬夜 不吃早餐上学 长时间上网聊QQ和玩游戏 2 简述这些坏习惯可能产生的影响 3 请根据下表提示 写写你认为中学生应培养的健康生活习惯 A healthy lifestyle EatingGood eating habits ExercisingDifferent sports Reading 注意 1 文章题目和开头已给出 不计入总词数 2 可适当增加细节 以使行文连贯 Let s Develop a Healthy Lifestyle According to a survey among middle school students many students have the following bad habits 参考范文 staying up late into the night going to school without breakfast spending much time chatting on QQ and playing computer games As we know if we often stay up late at night we will feel tired and sleepy during the daytime Going to school without breakfast will cause lots of health problems Spending too much time on QQ or computer games will do harm to our eyes 参考范文 I think it s important for us to live a healthy life First we should have good eating habits We can eat more vegetables and fruit Second we should take more exercise We can play basketball and football as well as swim Third in my opinion reading can make us relaxed Helpful books can help us a lot Finally when we feel bad we can listen to soft music to make us peaceful 三 在英语课堂上 你喜欢老师授课时只用英语 还是英语 汉语兼用 某英 语杂志社就此话题邀请中学生发表看法 请你围绕 How do you prefer English classes to be taught In English only or in both English and Chinese 这个问 题 参考所给要点 选择一种授课形式 写一篇英语短文 授课形式只用英语英语 汉语兼用 优点有助于提高听说能力易于理解等 缺憾不易听懂等英语氛围不浓等 结论 注意 词数150左右 参考词汇 气氛 atmosphere参考范文 参考范文 I prefer my English classes to be taught in English only As we all know a good learning environment is vital if we want to study English well Classes taught in English provide students with such an environment When English is the only language used in the classroom students will have more opportunities to practice listening and speaking Therefore they will be able to learn more quickly However there are also some problems with this teaching method As we haven t mastered enough English words sometimes we may find it difficult to follow the teacher Slow learners may even lose interest in English Practice makes perfect To learn English well requires a lot of practice Therefore I like my English classes to be taught completely in English
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