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2019-2020年高中英语(人教大纲)第三册:Unit12 Education(备课资料).异域风情American Style of EducationOn the first day of school,Johnny had a hard time getting out of bed.“Johnny,get up!Youre going to be late for school!”warned his mother.“Mom,do I have to go to school?”Johnny plained.“Yes,son,summer is over,and the new school year is starting.You must go to school.And besides,”reasoned Johnnys mother,“youre a teacher!”This old American joke does have a ring of truth to it.American teachers and students alike enjoy their summer vacation,but dont let the humor fool you:Education is a major part of American culture.Schools do more than just fill students heads with knowledge.They pass on culture,traditions and values.American children start their education in elementary school.Most youngsters enter first grade at around six years of age.Children can prepare for this step by attending preschool and kindergarten from ages three to five.Young learners finish elementary school in fifth or sixth grade.From there,students go on to junior high school until eighth or ninth grade.Americans plete their required education in high school.They graduate and receive a diploma after twelfth grade.Beyond high school,Americans have many chances for further education.In contrast to other countries,the U.S.has no national college entrance exam.Instead,private panies give exams to students.Universities decide which tests students must take.In addition to test scores,university officials also consider applicants high school grades and other.知识归纳1.带介词to的动词短语归纳(1)look forward to期望、盼望Looking forward to your early reply.盼望你早日回复。He said that he was looking forward to seeing me soon.他说他期望早日见到我。(2)devote.to.把用于;致力于;倾心血于After graduation he started to devote himself to science research.他毕业后开始致力于科学研究。He devoted his lifetime to teaching.他把一生献给了教育事业。(3)pay attention to注意Pay attention to what you are doing.注意你正在做的事。No attention was paid to my advice.我的劝告没有人在意。(4)stick to坚持Dont stick to your own opinion.不要固执己见。No matter what you say,I shall stick to my plan.不管你说什么,我都会坚持我的计划。(5)lead to导致,通向The drivers carelessness led to the traffic accident.那位司机的粗心大意造成了这起交通事故。All roads lead to Rome.条条大路通罗马。(6)listen to听、留心听He listened to us talking/talk.他听了我们谈话。(7)see to注意、照顾You just stay there.Ill see to everything here.你留在那儿好了,这里的一切由我来照料。See to the fire.当心火。(8)get used to习惯于Youll get used to the work in a short time.你不久就会习惯这份工作的。I was used to driving in all kinds of weather.我习惯于在各种天气里开车。(9)get down to认真考虑、认真对待The mittee got down to business after tea.喝完茶后委员们开始讨论问题。(10)turn to转到、求助于Their talk turned to the change that had taken place in the city.他们的话题转到城市发生的变化上了。He turns to me for help whenever he has difficulties.他无论什么时候有困难,都向我求助。(11)object to 反对、不赞成I dont object to your talking to him about it.我不反对你去和他谈这件事。He objects to being treated as a guest.他反对像客人那样来对待他。(12)e to到达、谈到I came to this school in xx.xx年我来到这所学校。When it es to politics I know nothing.谈到政治,我一无所知。(13)apply to申请For particulars,apply to the information desk.详情请向咨询台询问。(14)belong to属于This animal belongs to the cat family.这种动物属于猫科。(15)reply to答复、回答Please reply to my question.请回答我的问题。(16)add to增加,增进Your pany adds to the enjoyment of our visit.有你们陪同,我们这次访问更加愉快了。I dont want to add to his difficulties.我不想增加他的困难。(17)attribute to归功于We attribute all our successes to the wise leadership of the Party.我们取得的一切成就都归功于党的英明领导。(18)refer to提及,提到;查阅,参考The lady referred to looks forward to visiting the art exhibition soon.刚才提到的那位女士期望很快能够参观美术展。Please refer to the map.请查阅地图。2.through的用法归纳(1)用作介词通过,穿过,经由The train passed through the tunnel.火车穿过了隧道。We got the news through our friends.我们通过朋友得到这个消息。The river flows through the city from west to east.那条河从西到东流过城市。He is looking through the window.他正在向窗外看。指(时间)从头到尾经过;(美)直到某一时刻They worked through the night.他们工作了一整夜。The patient has slept soundly through the night.病人整夜都睡得很香。The conference will be from August 5 through August 10.会议将从8月5号持续到8月10号。遍及,横过He has just travelled through the country.他刚刚游遍全国。(指方法、手段等)经由,通过We learn to speak through speaking.我们通过说话学会说话。I heard of the job through a newspaper advertisement.我从报上的广告中知道了这份工作。由于(表原因或理由)We missed the train through being held up on the motorway.由于高速路上交通阻塞,我们误了火车。Weve got into this trouble through his carelessness.由于他的粗心,我们才陷入了这种困境。(2)用作副词穿过、通过They wouldnt let us through.他们不让我们过去。从头到尾,自始至终I didnt read the play through.我没看完那个剧本。彻底、透He was wet through from the rain.雨水把他淋透了。电话接通Can you put me through to Mr Jones?请给我接通琼斯先生好吗?(越过限制、穿越障碍等)出来The guerrillas managed to break through.游击队员突围了。(3)用作形容词直通的、直达的、可通行的Is there a through road to
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