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单项选择1. They cooked meals _ an open fire. A. above B. on C. overD. under2. _ the pictures on the wall, please. A. Put down B. Put out C. Put upD. put off3. It rained _outside, so it was a _ rain.A. heavily, heavy B. heavy, heavily C. heavy, heavy D. heavily, heavily4. The bottle is _ with water.A. full B. fulled C. fill D. filled5. He pretended to sleep _, but I know he was _.A. sound, awake B. soundly, awake C. sound, wake D. soundly, wake6. John fell asleep _ he was listening to the music. A. whileB. as soon asC. beforeD. after7. -_ all your things, Tom! I hate them here and there. -OK, Mum. A. Put upB. Put onC. Put awayD. Put down8. The fire was completely _ shortly afterwards with the help of the firemen. A. floated awayB. put outC. given outD. cut down9. The cookies _ goo. Could I have some more? A. smellB. feelC. soundD. taste10. There is not enough _ in the corner for the fridgeA. fieldB. placeC. groundD. room11. Bill was told to write a notice and _. A. put it upB. put it onC. put up itD. put on it12. Attention, please. The flight has to be _ because of the heavy rain. A. put onB. put awayC. put offD. put up13. The bus will stop _ in front of the school. A. correct B. right C. correctly D. rightly14. The box is full _ books. A. by B. with C. of D. off选词填空 (A. across B. over C. through)1. I went_ the road.2. The river runs_ our city. 3. He passed_ the hall. 4. I swam_ the Changjiang River 20 years ago. 5. Look left and right before you go _ the street. 6. She put a blanket_ the sleeping child. 7. She climbed_ the wall. 8. There is a bridge_ the river.9. They held a large umbrella _ her.用所给词的正确形式填空1. After a _ (wonder) performance, they left the theatre.2. I have a comfortable _ (sleep) bag.3. It was raining _ (heavy) outside.4. Jim is one of the _ (sing).5. This song is one of _ (beautiful) I have ever heard.6. Thats the most interesting story I _ (tell).7. As soon as he _ (come) tomorrow, ask him to my office.8. I asked him _ (not watch) TV again.9. Someone _ (ask) for you on the phone just now.10. This watch _ (not belong) to me. Its his.11. The earth _ (move) round the sun。12. Look! They are _ (dance)用since和for填空1) _ two years2) _ two years ago3) _ last month 4) _ 19995) _ yesterday6) _ 4 oclock7) _ 4 hours8) _ an hour ago9) _ we were children 10) _ lunch time11) _ she left here1. He has lived in Nanjing _ the year before last.2. Ive known him _ we were children.3. Our teacher has studied Japanese _ three years.4. She has been away from the city _ about ten years.5. Its about ten years _ she left the city.用have/has been to/in, have gone to及go的各种形式填空。1. -Where is Jack? -He _ his country.2. David _ the park just now.3. John _ England since he came back.4. How long _ have _ this village?5. The Smiths _ Beijing for years.6. -_ you ever _ America? -Yes, I _ there many times.7. I _ this school since three years ago.8. -Where is Jim? -He _ the farm.9. -When _ he _? -He _ an hour ago.10. -Would you like to _ the zoo with me? -Yes, but I _ there before.11. -Where _ you _ now? - I _ the zoo.12. He often _ swimming.13. _ you _ there last year?14. _ they often _ skating in winter?用过去时或现在完成时填空:1. -“_ you _ (have) lunch?” -“Yes.” -“When _ you _ (have) it?” -“I _ (have) it at 12:00.”2. -“_ you _ (write) a letter to your aunt yet?” -“Yes, I _. I _ (write) one last week.”3. -“_ he _ (finish) his homework?” -“Not yet.”4. -“_ they ever _ (be) abroad?” -“Yes, just once.”5. Your father _ just _ (finish) his work.6. Your father _ (finish) his work just now.7. Last term I _ (learn) many English words.8. They _ (not read) the interesting books yet.9. He _ never _ (go) to the science museum.10. _ you ever _ (drink) coke?11. -“_
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