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摘 要分析了数控技术和数控装备在装备制造业的地位,对CM6132精密车床的进给系统的进给进行数控化改造,进行了数控化改造的总体方案设计。通过确定基本系数、运动参数和动力参数,选择了滚珠丝杠和联轴器。改造后的机床成本低,提高了加工精度、具有可观的经济效益。关键词:CM6132数控化改造;滚珠丝杠;步进电机AbstractAnalysis of the numerical control technology and equipment in the equipment manufacturing industry status, the CM6132 precision lathe feed for feeding system of NC transformation, for the NC transformation of the overall scheme design.By determining the basic factor, movement parameters and dynamic parameters, selection of the ball screw and coupling.After the transformation of the machine tool with low cost, high machining precision, and has considerable economic benefit.Key Words:CM6132 NC transformation; ball screws; stepper motor目 录摘要I第1章 绪论11.1 选题的意义11.2 数控系统发展简史11.3 国内数控状况分析21.4 数控系统的发展趋势21.5 普通机床进行数控化改造的必要性3第章 总体方案的设计42.1 计算参数和技术要求42.2 总体方案的拟定42.2.1 进给电机伺服系统的改造设计52.2.2 联轴器52.3 尺寸参数72.4 运动参数72.5 动力参数82.5.1 计算电机功率82.5.2 计算转速9第3章 进给系统的计算103.1 横向进给传动链的设计计算103.1.1 计算主切削力103.1.2 计算各切削分力103.2 导轨摩擦力的计算113.2.1 在切削状态下坐标导轨摩擦力的计算113.2.2 在不切削状态下坐标轴导轨摩擦力的计算123.3 计算滚珠丝杠螺母副的轴向负载力123.3.1 最大轴向负载力的计算123.3.2 最小轴向负载力的计算133.4 确定进给传动链的传动比和传动级数133.5 滚珠丝杠的动载荷计算与直径估算143.5.1 估算滚珠丝杠预期的额定动载荷143.5.2 估算允许的滚珠丝杠的最大轴向变形163.5.3 按精度确定允许的滚珠丝杠的最小螺纹底径163.6 初步确定滚珠丝杠螺母副的精度等级173.7 确定滚珠丝杠螺母副的规格型号183.8 纵向进给系统的设计计算193.9 滚珠丝杠螺母副的承载能力校验193.9.1 滚珠丝杠螺母副临界压缩载荷的校验193.9.2 滚珠丝杠螺母副临界转速的校验203.10 滚珠丝杠螺母副额定寿命的校验213.11 计算机械传动系统的刚度223.11.1 计算机械传动系统的刚度223.11.2 计算滚珠丝杠螺母副支承轴承的刚度233.11.3 计算滚珠与滚道的接触刚度243.11.4 计算进给传动系统的综合拉压刚度253.11 计算滚珠丝杠螺母副的扭转刚度25第4章 驱动电动机的选型与计算274.1 计算折算到电动机轴上的负载惯量274.1.1 单个回转体零件的转动惯量的计算274.1.2 折算到电动机轴上的移动部件的转动惯量274.1.3 加在电动机上总的负载转动惯量的计算284.2 计算折算到电动机轴上的负载力矩284.2.1 折算到电动机轴上的切削负载力矩的计算284.2.2 折算到电动机轴上的摩擦负载力矩的计算294.2.3 由滚珠丝杠预紧力产生的并折算到电动机轴上的负载力矩的计算294.2.4 折算到电动机轴上的负载力矩的计算304.3 计算折算到电动就轴上的加速力矩304.4 选择驱动电动机的型号314.4.1 选择驱动电动机的型号314.4.2 确定最大静转矩324.4.3 验算惯量匹配32第5章 机械系统的动态分析345.1 计算丝杠工作台纵向振动系统最低固有频率345.2 计算扭转振动系统的最低固有频率345.3 计算机械传动系统的反向死区355.4 机械传动系统由综合拉压刚度变化引起定位误差355.5 计算滚珠丝杠因扭转变形产生的误差365.5.1 扭矩引起的滚珠丝杠螺母副的变形量的计算36结论37致谢38参考文献39CONTENTSAbstractI Chapter 1 Introduction11.1 Topics significance11.2 CNC system development history11.3 Domestic NC State Analysis21.4 CNC system development trend21.5 Ordinary machine tool CNC transformation of the need3Chapter 2 The overall program design42.1 Calculate parameters and technical requirements42.2 Overall planning42.2.1 Feed motor servo system reconstruction design52.2.2 Couplings52.3 The size parameter62.4 The motion parameters72.5 The dynamic parameters82.5.1 Calculate the motor power82.5.2 Calculate the speed9Chapter 3 Calculate of the feed system103.1 Traverse to the design of drive chain103.1.1 The calculation of the main cutting force103.1.2 Calculate the cutting force103.2 The rail friction calculation113.2.1 Calculate the coordinates of rail friction in cutting state113.2.2 Axis without cutting state rail friction calculation123.3 Alculate the ball screw pair of axial load force123.3.1 The maximum axial load force calculation123.3.2 The minimum axial load power calculation133.4 Determine the feed drive chain gear ratio and transmission series133.5 The ball screw estimates143.5.1 Estimate the ball screw expected dynamic load rating143.5.2 Estimate allows the ball screw axial deformation163.5.3 The precision to determine the smallest thread of the ball screw allow bottom diamete163.6 The preliminary to determine the accuracy class of the ball screw nut173.7 Determine the specification model of the ball screw nut183.8 The vertical feed system design and calculation193.9 Dall screws for bearing capacity check193.9.1 The ball screw nut critical compression load calibration193.9.2 The critical speed of the ball screw nut checksum203.10 Dall screw pair rated life Check 213.11 Calculate the mechanical transmission system of stiffness223.11.1 Calculate the mechanical transmission system of stiffness223.11.2 Calculate the stiffness of the ball screw nut supporting bearing233.11.3 Calculate the contact stiffness of the ball and the raceway243.11.4 Calculate the feed drive system integrated tension and compression stiffness253.11 Calculate the torsional stiffness of the ball screw nut25Chapter 4 drive motor selection and calculation274.1 The calculation of commuted to the motor shaft load moment of inertia274.1.1 A single rotary part of the moment of inertia calculation274.1.2 The moment of inertia of moving parts, converted to motor shaft274.1.3 Increase the total load on the motor rotation inertia calcu
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