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学习目标 1 能听 说 读 写下列重点单词 born as became letter spell herself 2 能理解并运用句型 She couldn t see or hear 3 掌握could couldn t 动词原形 Who is she Who is she She is a very famous lady She is from She is a very famous lady She is from America America She couldn t see and couldn t hear But she could learn and work She She wrote the book If you give me three days to see Helen Keller 海伦 凯勒 Helen Keller 1880年6月27日 1968年6月1 日 19世纪美国盲聋女作家 教育家 慈善家 社会活动家 她以自强不息的顽强毅力 在安 妮 莎莉文老师的帮助下 掌握 了英 法 德 拉丁 希腊等五 国语言 完成了她的一系列著作 并致力于为残疾人造福 建立 慈善机构 被美国 时代周刊 评为美国十大英雄偶像 荣获 总统自由勋章 等奖项 主要著 作有 假如给我三天光明 我的生活 我的老师 等 New words born 出生 be born in 出生于 as 作为 become became 变成 drew draw 画画 letter 字母 spell 拼写 herself 她自己 all over到处 all over the world 世界各地 live 活着 live to be 活到 role model 模范 榜样 be a role model for 是 的榜样 Questions When was Helen Keller born Where was she born What couldn t she do What did she learn 1 When was Helen Keller born She was born in 1880 2 Where was she born She was born in the US 3 What couldn t she do She couldn t see or hear 4 What did she learn She learnt to read write and speak Read and number the pictures 读 给下列图片排序 1 2 3 5 6 4 Read and match 请为每幅图找到相对应的句子 5 Helen Keller was born in the US in 1880 6 She became blind and deaf She couldn t see or hear 4 She had a teacher 3 She learned to read and write 1 She wrote a book about herself 2 She travelled all over the world Where there is a will there is a way 有志者 事竟成 Never give up 永不放弃 What can we learn from Helen Keller Guessing game What could couldn t he she do What could he do He could write He couldn t walk What couldn t he do What could she do She could sing She couldn t swim What couldn t she do
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