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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 Unit1 The world of our senses课后达标检测7(含解析).单项填空1(xx怀化高三模拟)The traditional _ to dealing with plex problems is to break them down into smaller,more easily managed ones.Aapplication BreferenceCapproach Dintroduction2You cant camp_ you like these days.Many natural areas are now under protection.Awhichever BwhereverCwhat Dwhen3(xx郴州质检)Much to our _,the oute of the general election is far better than we have expected before.Adelight BRelief Csurprise Ddisappointment 4Although Kate didnt say anything,I _that she didnt like this young man.Astared BfearedCsensed Dwatched5It is obvious to the students_ they should get well prepared for their future.Aas BwhichCwhether Dthat6The final score of the basketball match was 9394.We were only _beaten.Anearly BslightlyCnarrowly Dlightly7(xx衡阳八中检测)The book wasnt intended for children probably because the author _too many scientific terms in it.Aattracted BappealedCemployed Dattached8pared with his sister,Jerry is even more_ to,and more easily troubled by,emotional and relationship problems.Asceptical BaddictedCavailable Dsensitive 9Its reported that the factory is now _ large as what it was.Atwice as Bas twiceCtwice much Dmuch twice10Maybe you have been to many countries,but nowhere else _ such a beautiful place.Acan you find Byou could findCyou can find Dcould you find11How about eight oclock outside the cinema?That_ me fine.Afits BmeetsCsatisfies Dsuits12The pany is starting a new advertising campaign to_new customers to its stores.Ajoin BattractCstick Dtransfer13Good news!Faye Wong is to stage a concert in Nanjing.Dont be too excited.It remains to be seen _ we can afford a ticket.Awhether BwhenCwhat Dthat14The parking rules in public places should be _ strictly,otherwise you will get a ticket.Arealized BrecognizedCconsulted Dobserved15“Could we put off the meeting?”she asked.“_,”he answered politely.“This is the only day everyone is available.”ANot likely BNot exactlyCNot nearly DNot really.完形填空(xx湖南“五市十校”高三联考)One beautiful sunny day, I had a Little League baseball game. At the time it was very _1_ to me, and I was really focused on doing well, as the other sevenyearolds were. It was our last game of the season, and we were all trying to have fun.As the game _2_, the score got close. When we had our final chance to win at the end of the last inning(一局), it was my turn to hit. I looked over my _3_,who was talking to my dad about something. As I stepped in, my coach called me back. He asked me if it would be all right if my brother _4_ for me. My brother wasnt on the team. He had never even played baseball due to his _5_, He certainly couldnt hit. But I _6_very maturely for a kid of my age. “Of course, he can hit for me,” I said.As my dad carried him to the plate(垒垫),I _7_ that without his wheelchair he would have to be held up. But would the kids _8_ him? I wondered.Then I heard some boys call out, “You can do it”. These words of _9_ showed me how great the moment really was. On the first swing (挥杆动作), which was pretty much my dad holding Sams hands around the bat and my dad swinging, heor theyhit the ball. The kids on the other team did something _10_ then. They overthrew the ball to _11_ him. Three times. Sam had hit his first and only home run(全垒打). And as my dad carried him around the bases, I knew this _12_ would stick with me and everyone else there forever.Ive seen a beautiful thing with my own eyes!1.A.difficult BimportantCaccessible Dchallenging2A.started BbroadcastCdelayed Dprogressed3A.coach BmomCbrother Dteammate4A.ran BhitCwatched Dshouted5A.absence BmistakeClaziness Ddisability6A.fought BexplainedCargued Dresponded7A.thought BhopedCrealized Dbelieved8A.make fun of Btake hold ofCmake use of Dtake charge of9A.assistance BacceptanceCtolerance Dpersistence10A.exciting BterrifyingCamazing Dconfusing11A.encourage BinstructCfort Dimpress12A.struggle BmemoryCvictory Dattempt.语法填空(xx湖南六校高三联考)Students who want an easy way to get information about a large number of colleges in the United States can visit a website like CampusTours. . It brings together virtual campus tours 1._ interactive maps of more than twelve hundred colleges and universities.CampusTours recently celebrated its fifteenth anniversary. The president of the pany, Chris Carson, was one of the people 2._ started the site. He says more than one hundred twenty thousand foreign students use the site each year.3._ m
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