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第一部分 选修8 Unit 5 第一部分 选修8 Unit 5 第一部分 选修8 Unit 5 第一部分 选修8 Unit 5 第一部分 选修8 Unit 5 第一部分 选修8 Unit 5 试试探性的 不确定的 有观观察力的 敏锐锐的 足够够的 充足的 富裕的 原始的 远远古的 简简陋的 使 成熟 成熟 严严重的 深刻的 吐出 唾液 食物等 吐痰 放射性的 有辐辐射能的 加速 促进进 头晕头晕 目眩的 眩晕晕的 使人发晕发晕 或困惑的 快乐乐的 欢欢快的 种类类 类别类别 范畴 嗥嗥叫 叫喊 吼叫 长嚎长嚎 嗥嗥叫 alternative regardless somehow skilful arrest delete interrupt interruption assume assuming assumption sharpen sharp sharpener messy mess applaud applause starvation starve analysis analysesanalyse significance significant division divide accuracy accurate accurately identify identification botany botanical mess messy sharpener sharpen sharpener sharp accuracy accurately accurate interrupted interruption regardless of at most keep out be fed up with look ahead date back to concentrate on cut up take turns to do sth can t couldn t help doing sth regardless of had looked ahead cut up are fed up with keepout at most as the old saying goes If only I had followed had just enteredwhen the bell rang only to be told to do sth do sth do sth have no alternative but to face failure bravely have no choice but to face failure bravely can do nothing but face failure bravely interrupted interrupting Interruptions Assuming is assumed assumption of significant is very important for is very significant for is of great significance to regardless of other people s feelings dates back to dating back to under arrested arrested our attention am fed up with am bored with had had worked to find accelerating to be told 本部分内容讲解结束 按ESC键键退出全屏播放
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