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9B Unit 2 Great people Reading 2 1 He became interested in flying when he took his first flight at the age of six at the age of when sb was years old e g The boy could swim at the age of 5 The boy could swim when he was 5 years old 那个男孩五岁岁就会游泳了 2 Armstrong joined the navy and served as a pilot for three years serve vi vt serve意为 服务 服役 招待 e g We should serve the people 我们应该为人民服务 serve as work as 作为 当做 He served worked as a teacher when he finished school 毕业毕业 后他做老师师 3 In 1962 he was chosen to become an astronaut choose vt choose意为 挑选 选择 用作及物 动词 常用短语choose sb to do sth 表 示 选出某人做某事 e g He chose one of his favourite books and read to his child 他选了一本心爱的书念给他的孩 子听 They chose him to make a speech at the opening ceremony 他们推 选他在开幕式上致辞 4 the spacecraft began spinning out of control spin用作动词 意为 旋转 e g He spun the coin on the table 他把 硬币放在桌子上旋转 He spun round when he heard someone call his name 他听见有人叫他 就连忙转过身来 out of control 失去控制 不受操纵 under control 被控制住 情绪良好 e g The fire was out of control and soon destroyed the whole village 大火失去了控制 很快吞食了整个村庄 She finds it difficult to keep her feeling under control 她觉得很难控制自己的情感 5 Armstrong received the order to cut the flight short 1 order既可用作名词 又可用作动词 意为 命令 order sb not to do sth命令某人 不 做某事 e g The commander ordered the soldiers to stand in line The doctor ordered me not to work for a long time and have a good rest 2 cut short 意为为 缩缩短 e g They had to cut their holidays short because of the heavy rain 因为为大雨 他们们不得不缩缩短他们们的假期 The interviewer cut short his guest in mid sentence 采访访的人没等客人把那句话说话说 完就打断 了他的话话 6 Together with Buzz Aldrin he landed the spacecraft Apollo 11 on the Moon together with用作介词 意为 与 一 起 连同 相当于as well as 可以 放在句首或句尾 也可放在主语后 但谓 语动词形式要与主语保持一致 e g Mr Li together with his children went to the park yesterday 昨天李先 生和他的孩子们一起去了公园 land用作动词 意为 使 降落 登陆 e g The pilot landed the plane safely 飞行员使飞机安全着陆了 The spaceship landed in the sea at six this morning 太空船今晨六点降落在海上 7 One small step for man one giant leap for mankind step n 脚步 梯级 台阶 脚步声 足 迹 步骤 措施 e g Nick took two steps forward and then stopped 尼克向前走了两 步 然后停了下来 The child is climbing up the steps 那小孩爬着上台阶 Have you heard steps outside the window 你听到窗外有脚步声吗 We found the steps of a bear on the ground 我们在地面上发现了熊的足迹 What s the next step 下一步该怎么办 giant adj 巨大的 伟大的 e g a giant step towards achieving independence 朝着独立迈出的巨大的一步 The giant packet gives you more for less money 特大的包装使你用便宜的价钱买到超值 的分量 leap用作可数名词 意为 跳跃 e g She made beautiful leaps 她优美地跳跃了几下 With a leap he crossed the stream 他一跃就跳过了小溪 leap用作动词 意为 跳 跳过 主要 指向前跳 e g They leaped with joy 他们高兴得跳起来 Don t leap over the fence 不要跳过那栅栏 注 jump也可表示 跳 跳跃 的意 思 但可指向前或向上跳 leap一 般只指向前跳 8 The highest award that a US citizen got award用作可数名词 意为 奖 奖品 奖金 奖学金 主要 指因有特殊的成绩或贡献而由政府 或组织授予的奖励 e g He won the first award 他获得了一等奖 His paining was given the highest award at the show 他的画在展览会上获得最高奖 award用作动词 意为 授予 颁发 给予 判定 e g He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature 他被授予诺贝尔 文学奖 The winner was awarded a gold medal 优胜者获一枚金牌 9 He was the pride of the whole world 1 pride n 意为 骄傲 自豪 2 proud adj 意为为 骄骄傲的 自豪的 3 be the pride of 的骄骄傲 Liu Xiang is the pride of all Chinese people 刘翔是全中国人民的骄骄傲 4 be proud of 以 为骄为骄 傲 自豪 His parents are proud of him 他的父母以他为骄为骄 傲 Translate the sentences into English 1 车失去控制 撞上了路边的一棵树 2 他是我们的骄傲 我们全家因他而自豪 3 他2010年当兵 当了5年的汽车驾驶员 4 由于恶劣的天气 他们不得不缩短他们的行程 The car went out of control and hit a tree by the road He is the pride of us All my family are proud of him He joined the army and served as a driver for 5 years They had to cut their trip short because of the bad weather Remember important words and expressions Preview the next lesson
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