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nThe world of our senses 江苏教育学院附属高级中学 张红 Five senses We dowiththe sense seeeyessight hear taste smell touch fe el earshearing tongue taste budstaste nosesmell hands feet skintouch What would happen if you lost one or two of your senses nA person who cannot see is and someone who cannot hear is blind deaf Read the short passage on page 1 Do you know how blind people can read They can read by touching raised dots which represent numbers and letters This system is called Braille breil 盲文 How do the deaf communicate with each other They use body language or sign language Sometimes senses may cheat us and they may affect one another 江苏教育学院附属高级中学 陈志耘 What do you see in the picture ask for help blind accident fear What can you think of when the word fog is mentioned fog get lost danger confuse What would you do if you get lost in the fog Lead in 1 What is the story about A young lady in the fog At 86 King Street 2 Where did Polly live 3 Who helped Polly 4 What was the old man carrying A blind man A stick Scan the story and try to find the route 路线 that Polly took home outside Polly s working place at the bus stop on the street in the Underground train at Green Park station in Park Street at the corner of the street at 86 King Street Read the story again carefully and then answer these questions 1 Why did Polly leave work early 2 Why did Polly take the Underground train to Green park 3 What was the weather like outside the train station Because there was a thick fog that afternoon and she wondered if the bus would still be running in the fog Because the fog is too thick for the bus to go to King Street The fog lay like a thick grey cloud 4 According to lines 23 25 what made Polly afraid 5 According to line 33 what did the man look like 6 How could the man tell that Polly was young The rough hand that brushed her face and the man s voice that was close to her ear made Polly afraid He looked old He could tell Polly was young by hearing her voice Put these events in the correct order by writing 1 to 10 in the blanks 1 Polly took the Underground to Green Park 2 An old man took Polly s hand 3 A hand reached out and grasped Polly s arm 4 Polly thanked the blind man 5 A tall man in a dark overcoat was watching Polly 6 Polly and the old man turned left at thecrossroads 7 Polly felt frightened when a rough hand brushed her cheek 8 Polly got to King Street safely 9 Polly left the office at four o clock 10 The old man went to help others Find these new words in the article Guess their meanings from the context Then match them with the correct definitions 1 d 2 c 3 e 4 f 5 b 6 a Homework P5 E P90 A1 A2
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