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Unit 1 Tales of the unexplained Word power 1 Who is she A beauty named Chang e on the moon The story about Chang e told us that we human beings had been dreaming of traveling to space for thousands of years 2 Discussion 1 Have you ever thought about exploring space one day What would you do in space 2 Who was the first man to travel to the moon and what do you know about him 3 nNeil Armstrong n This is a small n step for a n man n but a giant leap n for n mankind n n 这是一个人的 n 的一小步 却是 n 人类的一大步 4 Questions 1 When did space exploration begin in the world 2 When was the first manned spaceship launched in China Now there is a scientist who will tell you something about outer space and space exploration In 1957 Oct 15 2003 3 What achievements have humans made so far in space exploration 5 Read the first part of the speech and complete the time line of the main events mentioned TimeEvent 1957 1959 1961 the launch of the first artificial satellite unmanned spaceship launch into space orbit the Earth 6 7 2005 8 astronauts 9 spacesuit astronaut 1969 7 20 10 spacewalk 11 space station 12 space shuttle 13 spaceship 14 spaceship space shuttle a vehicle for carrying people through space a vehicle that is designed to carry people into space and back to the Earth several times to do experiments 15 What s this A launch tower launch pad a platform from which a space shuttle is sent into space 16 What lifts the space shuttle into space Two rockets 17 What happens to the two rockets after they separate from the space shuttle Fall into the sea and a ship will pick them up tracking ship 18 space shuttle launch pad space station spacewalk tracking ship rocket astronaut spacesuit launch tower 19 Word power Look at your textbooks and fill in the blanks of part C using words from page 6 20 I guess some of you are dreaming of becoming an and travelling to to carry out If this comes true you ll probably travel by a spaceship that looks like an aeroplane Two supported by a launch tower will lift the space shuttle into space Some time after the rockets and the space shuttle are the rockets will separate from the space shuttle and fall into the sea Then a ship will pick them up Astronauts will do their research in a base in outer space called Sometimes they go out of their space shuttle to take a In outer space astronauts cannot take off their which protect them and provide oxygen In 1965 Alexei Leonov from the former Soviet Union became the first human being to take a walk in space astronaut space space exploration space shuttle rockets launched space station spacewalk spacesuits Consolidation 21 spaceship spacecraft space shuttle space station space spacesuit spacewalk astronaut spaceman spac ewoman space exploration A Person who travels in outer space B Large manned artificial satellite used as a base for operations in space e g for scientific research C Vehicle manned or unmanned for traveling in space D Sealed suit covering the whole body and supplied with air allowing the wearer to move about in space E Manned spaceship designed for repeated use e g between Earth and a space station or the moon F The exploration of space traveling into space in order to learn about it G Action of moving about in space outside a spacecraft Explanation H Universe beyond the Earth s atmosphere in which all other planets and stars exist 22 Sun Mercury Jupiter Uranus Venus Earth Mars SaturnNeptune 23 514 8267 Earth Jupiter Mercury Mars Neptune Venus Saturn Uranus 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 3 24 nGuess nThis planet is the second in order of the sun next to the Earth It is named after a nRoman goddess It s known as an early morning star nVenus 金星 25 nIt is the fifth planet from the sun It is the largest one in the solar system nJupiter 木星 nIt is the smallest planet in the solar system and the nearest to the sun When it appears in the morning it s know as Apollo in honor of the Roman God of the sun nMercury 水星 26 nThis planet called a blue planet because about 70 of its surface is covered by sea This is where we live nEarth nThis planet has a striking 显著的 red appearance It is a dusty cold world and covered by an atmosphere too thin to breathe nMars 火星 27 nThis planet has large rings which make it one of the most visually 视觉上 remarkable 显著的 objects in the solar system It is also the only one of the planets less dense 密集的 than water nSaturn 土星 nThis planet which is the seventh in order from the sun was the first planet to be discovered in history It was in the year 1781 It has a faint 暗淡的 ring system nUranus 天王星 28 Writing If you had a chance to travel in space which planet would you want to go Why How would you like to go there 29 Homework P86 A2 p87 B2 30
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