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Section Discovering Useful Structures & Listening and Talking 基础训练单词拼写1The lion stole in on the family of _ (鹿)答案:deer2A _ (袋鼠) and her baby eat leaves of the tree.答案:kangaroo3Do you think butterfly is a type of _ (昆虫)?答案:insect4The ball rolled into the n_. A shout of joy rose from the crowd. 答案:net5(2019北京高考)Paul Wilson will make sure lowincome students in his n_ arrive at their college classes on time.答案:neighbourhood单句语法填空1Our pilot _ (reduce) height so that we could land safely.答案:reduced2The alarming report _ (write). It will be finished this afternoon.答案:is being written3Still, in the wild forests, animals _ (hunt) for profit. 答案:are being hunted4Things _ (change) in recent days. More and more villagers agree to move. 答案:have changed5Each time our team compete, binoculars _ (use) for watching them. 答案:are used单句写作1他的成功主要归功于勤奋努力。His success was largely _ hard work. 答案:due to2为了想法子增加家庭收入,她开始制作洋娃娃。While _ a way to increase the family income, she began making dolls.答案:searching for3为了赢得比赛他每天都训练。He practices every day _ he may win the match.答案:in order that4更糟糕的是,那些野鸭子被猎杀,成为饭店里的佳肴。 _, the wild ducks are killed for food in restaurants.答案:Even worse5我们应该做些力所能及的事情来关照那些流浪猫。We are supposed to do something we can _ those homeless cats.答案:do to care for思维训练完形填空 (2019南通市高一英语能力提升练) In the wild, it often comes down to predator (捕食者) and prey (猎物), the hunter and the hunted. Most animals want to stay _1_. They have developed ways of adapting to _2_habitats, and hiding or escaping from those who would like to _3_ them. So how do they do that?One very helpful adaptation is called camouflage (伪装). You may have been _4_by an animal that was using camouflage in the past. It looked so similar to its surroundings that you nearly _5_ seeing it at all. Its coloring, markings, or other physical features resemble its _6_so much that you can look directly at it without _7_ it at first. This is often good enough to fool a predator that is scanning an area to look for _8_. This helps prey to _9_ from its predator. But did you know that it often works the other way around, too? Predators can use camouflage to _10_ their prey. If a predator wants to eat a certain animal, and that animal cannot see it lying in _11_, it can catch its prey _12_, swallowing it before it even knows what is happening.Another popular adaptation is mimicry (拟态). Mimicry is when an animal has markings or other _13_ characteristics that allow it to look like some other kind of animal or plant.If it can make its predators _14_ that it is something that preys on them, or would at least be difficult or _15_ to catch, its predator will often go off in search of a(n) _16_ target.Sometimes animals are able to _17_ when their habitat changes because they adapt to the new conditions. For example, birds that were accustomed to nesting in tall _18_ have survived industrialization of their habitat by learning to nest in the narrow openings of tall buildings. Raccoons (浣熊) easily adapt to residential areas that have _19_ their woodland homes. They often help themselves to any food they can get, such as food in trash cans, or _20_ inside peoples homes!篇章导读:本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了动物们在大自然中用不同方式适应环境、努力生存的现象。 1A.warm BaliveCactive Dyoung答案:B由上文的“the hunter and the hunted”及下文的“hiding or escaping from”可推断,大多数动物想要“活着(alive)”。2A.comfortable BnativeCtraditional Dsevere答案:D由上文的“have developed ways of adapting”可推断,动物们用各种方法适应“严峻的(severe)”自然环境。3A.lose BknowCkill Dhelp答案:C动物们总是逃避想要“杀死(kill)”它们的天敌。4A.annoyed BinspiredCsurprised Ddisturbed答案:C由下文的“ . that was using camouflage in the past. It looked so similar to its surroundings .”可推断,或许有一只伪装在与其看起来很像的环境中的动物曾“使你感到惊讶(surprised)”。5A.missed BstoppedCstarted Dforgot答案:A由上文的“It looked so similar to its surroundings .”可知,伪装的动物与其所处的环境很相似,以至于你差点“没有(missed)”看到它。6A.trash BparentCenemy Dhabitat答案:D由第5空前的surroundings可知此处也指类似含义,结合选项可知“habitat (栖息地)”也表动物所处的环境。7A.feeling BhearingCseeing Dsmelling答案:C伪装的动物的外表和其所处的周边环境如此相似以至于你可能盯着它(所处的位置)却没能一开始就“看到(seeing)”它。8A.brothers BfoodCfriends Dwater答案:B伪装可以欺骗正在寻找“食物(food)”的捕食者。9A.learn BhideCsteal Dbenefit答案:B伪装可以帮助猎物“躲避(hide)”它的捕食者。10A.amuse BexciteCconfuse Dtrap答案:D由上文的“. it often works the other way around .”可知,不光猎物会通过伪装躲避捕食者,捕食者也会通过伪装给猎物“设陷阱捕捉(trap)”。11A.turn BdelightCtrouble Dwait答案:D动物无法发现正在伪装、“埋伏着等待(lie in wait)”的捕食者。12A.disagreeably BregularlyCunexpectedly Ddoubtfully答案:C正在伪装的捕食者因为不易被发现,所以可以“出乎意料地(unexpectedly)”抓住它的猎物。13A.physical BsocialCchemical Dcultural答案:A由下文的“. a
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