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牛津高一英语M3U1 The world of our senses学案ReadingAims : Get the general idea of the passage and develop the students reading ability by learn the reading strategy.第一部分:重点讲解1. at lunchtime 在午餐时分2. step out into 走入3. She wondered if / whether the bus would still be running. eg. I wonder if I have a chance to see a film.我不知道是否有机会看场电影.4. Once (she was )out in the street, she walked quickly towards her usual bus stop.在状语从句中,如果主句和从句中的主语一致,同时谓语动词为be动词时,主语与be动词可省略.或者从句主语为形式主语it,谓语动词为is/was 时,可省略it is/was. eg. Once ( it is ) worked out, the plan must be carried out.I will not go unless ( I am ) invited.While ( he was ) traveling in America, he picked up some English.I will come to you for help if ( it is ) necessary.5. the truth is that the fog is too thick for the bus to run that far.You see , a fog this bad is rare.1.) the truth is that 事实上eg. The truth is that no one has ever got the chance.2.) that/this 意为那样,那么,这样,这么,修饰 eg. We will build a dam about that high/ this high.I know only that much.The weather is not that hot .6. As (= when ) Polly observed the passengers on the train, she sensed (= felt ) that she was being watched by a tall man in (=wearing穿) a dark coat.7. The tall man was nowhere to be seen. = Nowhere was the tall man to be seen.8. There was no one in sight. = No one could be seen.9. but by the time(到时候, 引导一个状语从句) she reached the corner of the street,By the time he came to life , he had lain in bed for two days.10. She could feel her heart beating with fear. with 表示原因.He fell ill with fever. He was shaking with cold.11. A minute before, she had wished for someone to come along .= she had wished to see someone appear.12. A few seconds later, a hand reached out and touched her arm.Polly found herself staring up at a man (who was )standing with his hand resting on her arm.find doing sth./ done eg. She finds everyone talking about her. She finds herself talked about.with doing/ done / prep./ adv.在句中作状语.eg. He came in ,with a dog following him. The little girl walked slowly, with her hand held tightly by her mother. He looed sad, with tears in his eyes. He was sleeping , with the light on.It gives me the chance to pay back the help that people give me when its sunny.第二部分:练习I. 选择恰当的词组完成下列各句,注意其形式的变化。每个词组限用一次。glance at, reach out, watch out for, pay back, getacross, in sight, wish for, be frozen with, make sense, make the most of , be related to, cant help1. What problems should I _when buying an old house?2. He _ and his hand touched rough-grained wood.3. When he saw a big bear coming towards him, he _fright.4. The boys were so hungry that on arriving home they ate everything _.5. He is not very good at _ his ideas _. 6. I couldnt have been happier: there was nothing else I could _.7. Fox has written a book about how culture _ art.8. It would _ for the parents to join in this discussion with their children.9. We all _ each other, saying nothing, and walked after him.10. The person told me that he was trying to find every chance to _ the help that people gave him when in trouble.11. Now that we are here, we must _ this opportunity to learn more.12. I _ wondering what happened to that little girl.II. 选用适当的介词完成下列句子。1. _ lunchtime, we found he didnt show up. 2. The mist _ the river banks had gone by mid morning.3. I noticed that her face went red _cold.4. While crossing the streets in the city, you must watch out _ the vehicles. 5. I dont think you were listening to me just now. Instead, you were staring _ space.6. The policeman said there was no evidence the shooting was linked _ anything else.7. The bus didnt arrive on time. Tom became anxious and glanced _ his watch from time to time.8. People like to listen to Beethovens music just _ pleasure.9. He always won the music competitions, and he quickly became known _ the best pianist in his country.10. Havent you seen the soldier _ watch at that gate? Hes so still that he looks like a statue.III. 翻译下列句子。1、根据天气报告, 明天上午很有可能下雨。2、我时常想动物和人是否具有同样的意识。3、我看见一位老人很吃力地在街上走着,手里还拿着一根拐杖。4.、到20岁时,那位大学生已经写成了两部小说。5、当这群孩子意识到自己迷路时,他们都禁不住哭了起来。6、她意识到被人跟踪了,然而当她回头看时,再也看不到那人了。7、当她苏醒过来时,发现自己正躺在医院了。8、孩子们一到床上,就会很快入睡了。9、我的电脑上周末被一种未知病毒攻击,因而电脑已坏了一周了。10、我们的问题是到目前为止我们还没有找到一个正确的方法去解决这困难。第三部分:练习答案I. 选择恰当的词组完成下列各句。1. watch out for 2. reached out 3. was frozen with 4. in sight 5. getting across 6. wish for 7. is related to 8. make sense 9. glanced at 10. pay back 11. make the most of 12. cant helpII. 选用适当的介词完成下列句子。1. At 2. on 3. with 4. for 5. into 6. to /with 7. at 8. for 9. as 10. on III. 翻译下列句子。1. According to the weathe
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