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春节延期及在家办公安排通知的HR邮件模板各位同事,大家好:当前疫情数字持续上升,考虑到即将迎来返城高峰及病毒具有潜伏期不易被发觉的原因,回程途中和聚集办公可能会给大家带来一些健康风险。公司非常关心全体员工的健康安全,因此基于国家国务院延长2020年春节假期的通知和公司内部管理层的商议决定: 春节休假期间延长至2月2日,对于已经在系统中申请休假的员工公司将统一进行调整,延长休假期间工资及社保正常支付。 如无特殊或者紧急工作需求,员工可选择在2月3日-2月7日在家办公。对于确实需要到办公场所办公的同事,也请与经理沟通报备后注意做好防护工作。 2月3日起办公室正常对员工开放并会充分做好每日消毒保障工作。 取消所有内部培训,会议,差旅安排,何时恢复请等待进一步通知。必须要有团队交流的建议采取视频和电话会议方式避免聚集。 有新型冠状病毒感染密切接触史,或过去14天到过湖北,或有咳嗽、发热、呼吸困难等疑似症状的同事,请及时告知经理,可以在症状消失后继续在家办公直至14天观察期结束后再返岗。同时,公司希望大家不必过于担心,理智应对,从自身出发继续做好个人保护。早睡休息多喝水提高自身抵抗力尽量避免外出行无需焦虑平常心如春节期间和在家办公期间有发现公司员工的新冠肺炎病例,请及时向人力资源部 (HREmailxxx.com) 报告。国家政策可能后续还有变化,因此公司政策也有可能调整。对于相关细节,公司还将继续整理员工的Q&A供大家参考。因此,请大家在家中好好休息的同时持续留意公司的最新通知。祝大家新春愉快,平安健康!人力资源部Dear colleaguesThe number of epidemic cases is increasing continuously. Considering the coming peak time of returning to the cities and the reason that the virus is not easy to be detected. This may bring some health risks to everyone on the way back and gathering in office.The company is taking care of the health and safety of all employees, so based on the State Council 2020 Spring Festival holiday extending notice, the company leadership team has below decisions: Extended the Spring Festival vocation to February 2, and the employees who have applied for leave in the extended period in the system will be adjusted manually by HR. The extended vocation wont impact employees normal payment of salary and social security benefit. If there is no special and urgent work in office demand, employees can choose to work at home from February 3 to February 7. For colleagues who really need to work in the office, please also communicate with your manager and pay attention to your personal protection on the way to office. The office will open from February 3 and will start daily disinfection to protect our employees. All internal training, meetings and travel arrangements should be canceled. Please wait for further notice when to resume. We suggest using video and teleconference for team communication to avoid gathering. If you have close contact history of new coronavirus infection, or have been to Hubei in the past 14 days, or have coughing, fever, dyspnea and other suspected symptoms, please inform your manager in time and you can continue to work at home until the end of the 14 day observation period.At the same time, please do not worry too much and continue paying attention to your personal protection: Go to bed early, rest and drink more water Strengthen resistance Avoid going out Keep Kalm No worryIf you find any new cases of crown pneumonia during the Spring Festival and working at home, please report to the human resources department (hremailxxx.com) in time.The government policy may change in the future, so the companys policy may also be adjusted. For relevant details, the company may send out the Q & A to employees for your reference. Please take a good rest at home and keep an eye on the companys notice.Wish you all a happy, safe and healthy new year!Human Resources Department春节后继续在家办公的HR公告模板各位同事,大家春节好:公司正在密切关注新冠肺炎疫情动态,我们已经看到全国范围内多省市已经启动一级响应,说明国家政府已经高度重视。公司希望大家不必过于担心,理智应对,从自身出发继续做好个人防护工作。早睡休息多喝水提高自身抵抗力尽量避免外出行无需焦虑平常心同时,公司也非常关心大家的健康,考虑到即将迎来返城高峰及病毒具有潜伏期不易被发觉的原因,回程途中和聚集办公可能会给大家带来一些健康风险。因此公司经过慎重考虑决定:为了员工的健康着想,在春节休假结束后请所有员工继续在家办公一周,等待公司的进一步通知。请各位同事与各自经理沟通安排好相应的工作计划。对于有特殊情况,确实需要到办公场所办公的,也请经理获得公司管理层审批后与员工协调安排,同时注意做好防护工作。如春节期间和在家办公期间有发现公司员工的新冠肺炎病例,请及时向人力资源部 (HREmailxxx.com) 报告。最后祝大家新春愉快,平安健康!人力资源部应对新型肺炎节后安排通知的HR邮件模板(中英文对照)作者:深蓝君强调声明:这只是虚拟的通知模板,并不是任何一家真实公司的通知,只是为了行业互助,节省有需求朋友撰写邮件的时间。欢迎转发与更多有需要的朋友们分享。通知模板正文如下各位同事,大家好:对于大家正在共同密切关注的新型肺炎,基于官方数据,累计报告的感染数字还在增长中。其中确诊病例以湖北居多并逐步辐射到全国各地和其他国家。目前国务院也正在对新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎疫情防控工作进行全面部署。官方已经报道人传人的可能。员工的健康是公司最重视的,目前正值春运高峰期间,特此提醒所有同事们:注意卫生勤洗手家中开窗多通风咳嗽喷嚏掩口鼻出门防护戴口罩避开人群密集处接触病患要保护烹饪煮熟肉蛋类出现症状速就医同时公司决定,即日起暂停前往武汉的差旅和武汉同事至其它城市的差旅。何时结束此限制请等待公司进一步通知。在春节结束后,如有以下情况,请联络经理报备后,自行安排在家办公直至确认无感染后再进入公司。 出现感冒咳嗽发热等症状; 1月1日起去过武汉; 1月1日起有接触过武汉的亲友访客;公司将密切关注最新动态并可能采取必要措施保护员工健康。也请所有同事在节后密切留意公司发出的相关进一步通知。如期间有发现公司员工的新型肺炎病例,请及时向人力资源部(HREmailxxx.com)报告。最后,预祝大家春节愉快,身体健康,阖家幸福!人力资源部Dear colleaguesBased on official data, the number of reported cases of new coronavirus infection is still increasing. Among them, most of the confirmed cases are in Hubei province and gradually spread to other provinces/cities and other countries. At present, the State Council is also making acomprehensive deployment of the prevention and control of pneumonia caused by the new coronavirus. The possibility of human-to-human infection has been confirmed.The health of employees is the most important thing for the company. Itis during the peak time of Spring Festival travel rush, we hereby remind all colleagues: Pay attention to hygiene and wash hands frequently P
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