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1Unit 2 Body Language词汇学习1、翻译下列词语 tone 手势 姿势,位置facial 表达,表情 n. 表达 v. 动作,行为 生气的 行动,产生行为趋向 anger emotion完成 沟通,交流 exactly胃部 分开,分离 胸口chin 情感,感觉 verbal 点头 通常地 一致,同意接近地,靠近地 打招呼 cheekbow 摇动,晃动 招呼,问候 n.signal palm 允许每件事物 bend 不礼貌的口袋 disrespect 触摸,接触英国人 Korea German Asian来回地,前前后后地 上上下下地 词汇扩展1. close Hes my close friend. Close the door, please. Dont stay close to each other.2. position We can express our feelings by the way we position our body.I can find the position of Beijing on a map.He is sitting in a comfortable position.Part 1预习:1、翻译下列词语sign 猜 不同的 语言 手 移动 交叉,穿过 嘴饱了 饿,饥饿 手指 生气安静的 说 大声地 展示 交流 tone of voice the way one moves facial expressions the position of ones body What if.American Indians used to do think of make signs with hands the shape of a cup in front of 肢体语言,身体语言 变成白色 tend to If I were., I would. 2、What can you do if you are happy/angry?2课堂导学课堂练习1、回答下列问题1. What are the speakers talking about?A. American Indians languageB. American Indians body languageC. A foreign language 2. What can we learn from the dialogue?A. American Indians make signs to understand each othersB. Americans make signs to communicateC. The speakers know American Indians body language in todays English class.2、完成对话A: Can you guess what American Indians used to communicate when they spoke different languages?B: If I were they, I would think of using _.A: Thats exactly what they did.When one group of American Indians met another group, they had to make signs with_ to understand each other.B: Do you know some of their signs?A: Yes.I learned some in todays _. See,If they were hungry,they would move the right hand back and forth across the stomach.If they wanted to express, Lets eat ,they would make the right hand in the shape of _ and move it up and down in front of the mouth.B: What if they were full?A: If they were full, they would separate the _finger and the one next to it ,and move the hand from the chest to the chin.3、用 If I were., I would.造句Eg. If I were you, I would try to talk to others.1、回答下列问题1. Whats the conversation mainly about?A. The students parentsB. Body languageC. The students hobbies2. What can you learn from the conversation?A. When Graces father is angry, his face turns red.B. When Yanglins father is angry, he speaks less.C. When Lilis father is angry, he speaks loudly.3Unit 2 Part 2 (1) 预习翻译词组1. more than half of our ideas_ 2. tone of voice_3. our facial expressions_ 4.non-verbal message_5. in different cultures _ 6. to show agreement_7. stay close to each other _8. greet by kissing on both cheeks _9. shake hands_10. to signal a person to come near_11. palm down/ up_12. cross ones legs_13. hand everything with both hands to show their respect_14. a sign of disrespect_15. touch the head of another person_课堂导学一、Read the passage and answer the question1、 What is the passage about ?_2、 Is there different body language in different countries?_二、1、What can we learn from the passage?A. When the Muslims are hungry, they will use the left hand.B. Crossing their legs in Korean is polite.C. The Japanese greet by bowing.D. In Thailand, you should hold the palm up and move the fingers towards your body when you want a person to come near.2 Which one is NOT true in the passage?AWhen you bend your finger to a Japanese waiter, maybe he will be angry with you.B. The Muslims think the right hand is clean.C. In some Asian countries, you must not touch th
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