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A revision of the vocabulary in Unit 2 Book 3 Sun ZhihuiSun Zhihui 1 Learning aims 1 Knowledge aim to revise the usages of the words and phrases in Unit 2 Book 3 2 Ability aim to develop the ability of using words freely and correctly 3 Emotional aim to enjoy the feeling of helping others form a good living habit and using a foreign language to express ourselves 2 Important words 1 roast 2 fry 3 hostess 4 raw 烤制的 烘烤 油煎 油炸 女主人 女主持人 生的 未加工的 3 5 fibre fiber 6 digest 7 spy 8 sigh 9 n 日常饮食 vi 节食 10 n 谎话 vi 说谎 纤维 纤维制品 消化 摘要 概要 窥探 监视 间谍 叹息 叹气 diet lie 4 11 n 折扣 12 vt 咨询 商量 13 n 债务 14 vi 变细 adj 苗条的 15 n 顾客 消费者 16 vi 怒视 n 怒视 discount consult debt slim customer glare 5 Expanded words 1 n 缺点adj 虚弱的 2 n 天平 平衡 vt 平衡 权衡 adj 均衡的 3 n 好奇心adj 好奇的 adv 好奇地 weakness weak balance balanced curiosity curiouscuriously 6 4 n 强项 力量adj 强壮的 vt 加强 5 n 界限 限度 vt 限制 adj 有限的 6 n 利益 好处 vt vi 使 受益 adj 有益的 7 vt vi z 使 联合 使 结合 n 联合 strength strongstrengthen limit limited benefitbeneficial combinecombination 7 1 She is as tall as you but she s weaker and slim than you 2 If any of these symptoms occurs consult your doctor is a must 3 If you want to lose weight diet is a must 4 This shop tries its best to meet the needs of its customer Exercise 1 slimmer consulting dieting customers vi 节食 8 Important phrases 1 ought to 2 win back 3 spy on 4 before long 5 put on weight 6 体重减轻 减肥 应当 应该 赢回 重新获得 暗中监视 侦查 不久以后 增加体重 lose weight 9 7 做坏事 逃脱惩罚 8 说谎 9 谋生 10 欠债 11 削减 删节 get away with tell a lie earn one s living in debt cut down 10 1 The man ought to be fired You shouldn t let him stealing from the shop 2 Since the dancers have to pay the high cost of clothing out of their own pockets 自掏腰包 they are often heavily Exercise 2 get away with in debt 11 3 The shop will hold an end of season sale that is to say they willthe prices to sell the goods off quickly 4 Though Jenny is the best student in study she shouldn t get away with cut down telling a lie 12 Important sentences 1 没有比这更好的了 比较级表达 2 Something terrible if Li Chang was not coming to eat in his restaurant as he always did must have done 表示 Nothing could be better 最高级含义 must have happened 对过去动作的推测 13 3 He could not 允许永惠不受惩罚 telling people lies have 宾语 宾语补足 语表示 4 你为什么不坐下来 and try a meal Why don t you 表示 have Yong Hui getting away with 让某人做某事 Why don t you sit down 建议 14 1 我无心的话一定深深地伤害了他 2 我不允许你反复犯同样的错误 3 你为什么不来和我们一起踢足球呢 Exercise 3 My mindless words must have hurt him deeply I won t have you making the same mistake again and again Why don t you come and play football with us 15 假如你是李华 你的美国朋友 Abby 向 你征求关于保持健康的建议 请根据下面 要点给他写一封回信 1 健康平衡的饮食 2 减少摄入富含糖类和脂肪的食物 3 良好的生活习惯很重要 4 充分的睡眠 Writing 注意 1 请根据以上要点写一篇50词左右的短 文 2 尽量使用所学知识点 3 可适当增加细节 16 A possible version Dear Abby I am delighted to have heard from you As for your question I d like to give you the following tips to keep healthy First of all you need a healthy and balanced diet Besides you d better not eat the foods containing too much sugar and fat 17 which will make you put on weight easily Therefore you should cut down the amount of them More importantly it is very necessary to form a good living habit and have enough rest I hope my suggestions will help you Yours Li Hua 18 Reflection important words and phrases lieliedliedlyingtell a lie A mind map 19 1 Finish the exercise on Page 55 2 Continue revising Homework 20 此课件下载可自行编辑修改 供参考 感谢您的支持 我们努力做得更好
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