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.顾问聘用协议Employment Agreement甲方:Party A: Shanghai BU Cultural Development Co., Ltd.法定代表人:Legal representative: 地 址:Address:电 话: Tel:乙方:韩升洙 Party B: Han Seung-soo 护照号码:Passport number: 住址:Address:电话: Tel:鉴于:Whereas,对中国乃至全球青年企业家成长的关注与支持,上海彼友文化发展有限公司(以下简称“BU资本”)在未来两年内将在中国上海青浦区发起“全球青年企业家高峰论坛”。就此高峰论坛,经双方深入交流,BU资本与第56届联大主席韩升洙总理本着友好协商的原则,就甲方聘请乙方担任顾问所涉事宜,签订本协议。Party A, Shanghai BU Cultural Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as BU Capital), will sponsor the Global Summit Forum for Young Entrepreneurs in the Qingpu District of Shanghai, China in the next two years in an effort to support young entrepreneurs both in China and around the world ,and intends to hire Party B, Han Seung-soo, former Prime Minister of Korea and President of the 56th Session of the United Nations General Assembly, to serve as the Chief Advisor to the event. The two parties have entered into the following agreements regarding the aforementioned matters after friendly consultations: 1、 甲方聘请乙方担任“全球青年企业家高峰论坛”总顾问,并向乙方颁发聘书(见附件)。Party A shall appoint Party B as Chief Advisor to the Global Summit Forum for Young Entrepreneurs and issue a Letter of Appointment to Party B (see the Annex). 2、 乙方将协助引荐全球相关政界、商界及各种民间组织等资源,提升此次高峰论坛的影响力。Party B shall refer and recommend global political and business leaders as well as NGOs to Party A, to increase the influence of the Forum. 3、 在论坛筹备期间,乙方将出席每年1-2次的筹备会议,对论坛的筹备提供指导建议,并协助资源搭建。During the Forums preparation period, Party B shall attend one or two preparatory meetings each year, advise on the Forums preparations, and help with resource acquisition.4、 论坛召开期间,乙方将出席论坛并发表讲话。When the Forum is in session, Party B shall attend the Forum and deliver speeches.5、 与此论坛相关的重要活动将邀请乙方出席。Party B will be invited to key events related to the Forum.6、 乙方的形象将出现在与此论坛相关的宣传载体上。Party Bs image will appear on the publicity materials of the Forum. 7、 基于乙方对此次论坛付出的感谢及尊重,甲方每年给予一定补贴,以感谢乙方的付出与贡献。Party B shall be compensated by Party A each year for a certain amount as an appreciation for the contribution of Party B.8、 需要乙方出席的活动、会议等安排上尊重乙方的意见,并做好全程安排。For events and conferences that require Party Bs presence, proper arrangements shall be made from beginning to end and Party Bs opinions shall be respected. 9、 乙方授权甲方为BU资本作为韩升洙总理参加此次论坛的唯一授权方行使相关权利。Party B shall authorize Party A to serve as its sole agent with respect to the Forum and exercise the corresponding rights. 10、 甲方保证并承诺,对于在本协议签订过程中及执行中知悉的乙方商业秘密及其它情况,负有严格保密的义务。Party A undertakes and warrants that Party A shall keep Party Bs business secrets and other information that Party A has obtained in signing and executing this Agreement strictly confidential.11、 双方应按照合同约定履行义务。如有未尽事宜,由甲、乙双方友好协商确定,另行签订补充协议。Both parties shall fulfill their obligations set out in this Agreement. For matters not covered herein, the two parties shall sign a supplemental agreement through consultation. 12、 本协议一式两份,甲乙双方各持一份,具有同等法律效力。This Agreement is made in duplicate, each of which shall be deemed equally authentic and held by each party. 13、 本协议自双方授权代表签字或盖章之日起生效。This Agreement shall take effect upon being signed or stamped by both parties or their authorized representatives.(以下无正文)(Remainder of Page Intentionally Blank)甲方签字: 乙方签字:Party As signature: Party Bs signature2016年 月 日 2016年 月 日Date: Date:附件:聘书Annex: Letter of Appointment精选范本
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