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几家代表性医院 检验科现开展检验项目 Johns Hopkins Medical Laboratories项目 简介 华西医院检验科项目简介 协和医院检验科项目简介 中山达安基因项目简介 肿瘤个体化用药常用项目简介 我的思考 Johns Hopkins Medical Laboratories 600 North Wolfe Street Meyer B 130 Baltimore MD 21287 7070 Phone 410 955 2405 Fax 410 614 0455 JHML Services Blood Disorders PCR Bordetella pertussis Culture PCR Legionella pneumophila Culture Direct fluorescent antibody PCR Mycoplasma pneumoniae PCR Mycoplasma hominis Ureaplasma urealyticum Culture Bartonella spp Culture PCR Chlamydia pneumoniae PCR Chlamydia trachomatis Culture PCR Ehrlichia Anaplasma PCR Borrelia burgdorferi Culture PCR Neisseria gonorrheae Culture PCR Bacterial Identification Gas liquid chromatography of glucose metabolic end products for anaerobe identification Cell wall fatty acid analysis for speciation of non fermenting or uncommon isolates 16S ribosomal RNA gene sequence analysis for identification Toxin Testing Staphylococcus aureus Panton Valentine leukocidin Shiga like toxins 1 and 2 Clostridium difficile toxin by antigen and cytotoxic methods Antibiotic Susceptibility Testing and Monitoring Agar dilution susceptibility testing MIC Antibiotic bacteriocidal determination MIC MBC Antibiotic serum activity Schlichter test MID MBD Antibiotic synergy testing Antibiotic serum level determinations Molecular determination of antibiotic resistance genes Methicillin resistance mecA Vancomycin resistance vanA vanB vanC Molecular Epidemiology Pulsed field gel electrophoresis PFGE Restriction fragment length polymorphisms RFLP Epstein Barr virus EBV detection and quantification by PCR Parvovirus B19 PCR detection BK virus detection and quantification by PCR JC virus detection by PCR Cytomegalovirus CMV PCR detection Varicella Zoster virus VZV PCR detection Hepatitis C virus HCV quantification by PCR HCV genotype identification by direct sequencing Hepatitis B virus quantification by PCR Adenovirus detection by PCR Enterovirus detection by PCR High Risk HPV detection HC 2 Digene Ehrlichia chaffeensis and Anaplasma phagocytophila HGE agent PCR detection Atypical pneumonia pathogen detection by PCR Mycoplasma pneumoniae Legionella pneumophila Chlamydia pneumoniae Bacterial identification by 16S ribosomal RNA gene sequencing Molecular epidemiology by PFGE or RFLP Staphylococcus enterotoxin and TSST 1 gene and Shiga like toxin gene identification by PCR Bordetella pertussis PCR Detection Mycobacteriology Mycobacteria species identification and susceptibility testing especially for patients with multiply resistant pathogens is beyond the routine testing available in most hospital laboratories The Johns Hopkins Hospital Mycobacteriology Laboratory offers the following testing Culture smear Speciation Mycobacterial blood culture Routine susceptibility testing for M tuberculosis Susceptibility testing for select non specific mycobacteria upon request PCR for M tuberculosis from smear positive respiratory only specimens Mycology Most clinical laboratories can only identify common fungi but the Hospital s diverse patient base gives the Microbiology Laboratory experience testing for speciation of unusual organisms and for performing yeast in vitro susceptibility testing Fungal identification yeast dimorphics filamentous 真 菌鉴定 Cryptococcus antigen detection 隐球菌抗原检测 Fungal culture 真菌培养 Direct microscopic examination 直接镜检 KOH Calcofluor white 荧光染色 用于鉴别孢子虫 Giemsa Yeast in vitro susceptibility testing 酵 母菌体外药敏试验 Amphotericin B 二性霉素B Itraconazole 伊曲康唑 Voriconazole 伏立康唑 Fluconazole 弗康唑 5 fluorocytosine 5 弗胞嘧啶 Caspofungin卡波芬净 Parasitology The Microbiology Laboratory has extensive experience diagnosing problems in international populations exposed to unfamiliar parasites cancer patients who are immune suppressed and HIV infected patients who are prone to develop unusual infections Malaria and other blood parasites detection and identification 疟原虫和其他血寄生虫的鉴别 Cryptosporidium and Isospora identification 隐孢子虫 Microsporidium ssp identification 小孢子虫 Pneumocystis carinii identification 卡氏肺囊虫 Giardia lamblia identification肠兰伯式鞭毛虫 Virology The Virology Laboratory within the Division of Medical Microbiology uses many different cell lines for culture applies new methodologies for rapid and early identification of pathogenic viruses and performs viral susceptibility determinations rarely performed in other laboratories Respiratory virus respiratory syncytial virus RSV influenza A influenza B parainfluenza viruses 1 3 adenovirus rapid antigen detection and culture 呼吸道 病毒 Herpes simplex culture单纯疱疹 Cytomegalovirus CMV culture巨细胞病毒 Cytomegalovirus CMV culture early antigen Cytomegalovirus CMV quantification by PCR Varicella Zoster virus VZV culture水 痘 带状疱疹病毒 Enterovirus culture 肠道病毒 Adenovirus culture 腺病毒 Other Viral cultures 其他病毒 Viral susceptibility 病毒药敏 Molecular Virology see Molecular Microbiology 分子病毒学 华西医院检验科独特项目 游离脂肪酸 Free fatty acids FFA 3 甲氧基 4羟基苦杏仁酸 Vanillylmandelic acid VMA 抗酒石酸酸性磷酸酶 Tartrate resistant acid phosphatase 5b TRAP 5b 人巨细胞病毒载量 HCMV viral load 沙眼衣原体DNA CT DNA 淋
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