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深中初一下学期寒假作业检测单项选择A) 从下面每小题的A.B.C.D四个选项中选出可以替代划线部分的最佳选项。1. Tom is good at basketball and he is one of the best players in our school team. A.does well in B.is bad at C.is good for D.do well in2. I want to be a computer engineer in the future. A.like B.enjoy C.try to be D.would like to be3. We must protect the Earth. A.make.die B.make.clean C.make.dirty D.keep.safe4. Jason usually arrives at school at 7:30 am. A.arrives in B.gets to C.reach D.walks to5. What else can we do to keep the environment clean? A.other things B.each other C.other places D.another6. Its a fine day today, the sun shines in the sky. A.makes noise B.sends out light C.gives out smell D.plays with water7. You really enjoyed yourself at Tommys birthday party, Im sure. A.had a wonderful time B.helped yourself C.behaved yourself D.had a rest8. Sorry, I cant go with you because I really have a lot of mails to answer at the moment. A.a larger number of B.a larger amount of C.a few D.a little9. We rode in a cable car to the top of the mountain. A. We went to the top of the mountain by cable car. B. We went to the top of the mountain on foot. C. We climbed to the top of the mountain by ourselves. D. We went to the top of the mountain by cable.10. Are you going to London tomorrow? -Yes, thats right. A.flying to B.moving to C.leaving to D.coming to11. Chinese people built the Great Wall without any modern machines. Thats amazing. A.interesting B.exciting C.surprising D.boring12. After studying Unit 1, I can complete an e-mail to a new friend. A.finish B.over C.end D.read13. Jim is a good student, he is seldom late for school. A.often B.never C.always D.hardly ever14. Before the new lesson, we often have a quiz in our English class every day. A.match B.example C.test D.game15. Its amazing for people to use power from the Sun. A.wonderful B.surprising C.important D.exciting16. His hobby is collecting strange things. A.beautiful B.unusual C.common D.large17. Ted and his brother go to school together. A.alone B.on their own C.by themselves D.with each other18. There is a post office across the street. A.on the other side of B.on C.at the corner of D.at the end of19. I will return to China in ten days. A.leave B.go away from C.go away to D.come back to 20. Mum turns on the lamp and it lights up the room. A.makes. beautiful B.makes.light C.makes.bright D.makes.darkB)从下面每小题的A.B.C.D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21. Hello, Anna. Im from _. What about you?-Im from_. A. America, German B. America, Germany C. American, French D. American, France 22. _ table tennis ball do you like better, the orange one or the white one? -I think I like the orange one better. A. What B. What about C, which D. Whose23. Does anybody know the answers _these questions? Yes, Mandy does. A.of B.about C.in D.to24. How does your father go to work, Mike?-He thinks its better to _a bus than to drive a car. A.by B.buy C.take D.have25. What do you often do after school?-I often _at school. A.plays the piano B.play basketball C.play the table tennis D.plays the football26. How long is your morning break?-Its _10:05_10:40. A.between, and B.from,to C.at,at D.at,to27. _nice day! Lets go for a picnic.-Good idea! A. What B. What a C. How D. How,a 28. Guangming Middle School_all the students and teachers_free breakfast. A.provide, with B.provides, with C.provide, for D.provides, for29. What _Sam usually_after school? -He likes playing the guitar. A.do, does B.do, do C.does, do D.does, does30. Fang Fang is a good student. She goes to school on time every day. She _ late for school. A.always is B.is always C.never is D. Is never31. Boys and girls, please stop _and start_to me. I have some good news for you. A.talking, listen B.to talk, to listen C.talking,listening D.talk, to listen33. What do you usually have for breakfast, Bruce? -I usually have a(n) _,some_ and two_. A.cake, apples, bread B.apple, cakes, milk C.egg,milk,cake D.apple,bread,eggs34. Its difficult for me _the right answer to this question. Could you help me?-Yes, sure. A.give B.to g
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