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英语演讲及辩论课程大纲和要求总学时: 36 学时,周学时2,共上16周。教材: 社会热点问题 参考教材:名人演讲-响彻世界的声音任课教师:辛柯教授教学目标:本课程是为英语专业高年级学生开设的,其目的是培养高年纪学生较强的英语讲演和辩论能力、较高层次的听力、写作能力、思辨能力和多层次分析问题的能力,并扩大知识面和词汇量。教学要求:1、学生通过听大量英语名人演讲磁带和阅读有关英语演讲材料,掌握演讲文体的篇章特点,韵律节奏等。 2、学生根据教师所给定的主题(主要是社会热点问题),写出自己的讲稿(500800词),在课后能熟练背诵,在班上演讲(57分钟),并回答教师与同学围绕该主题所提的问题。3、要求学生就相关主题写讲稿之前,大量阅读国内外英文报纸或杂志、或听英文广播,或在互联网上搜寻资料;对有些观点不能人云亦云,要从各个层面分析问题,得出具有个人特点、令人信服的结论。4、学生根据同一主题,分正反两方写出演讲稿,由正反方两方选出代表,进行辩论。由学生投票选出胜方。或者根据社会热点问题举行模拟记者招待会,有记者对主持人提问。 5、每学期每人要写810篇演讲稿。 6、要求学生课后反复听课文所配录音磁带,并背诵部分段落。考试要求:期末根据本学期所给定的8-10个主题,教师对每一位学生指定或由学生选定主题准备一篇讲演稿或辩论稿。在演讲之前,抓阄决定每人的演讲或辩论次序,由教师和三名学生担当的评委打分。成绩: 参与课堂活动的表现占总分的30%,完成作业情况占20%,上课考勤占10%,期末考试成绩占40%,其中笔试(根据所给主题写的讲演稿)占20%,面对面和老师/学生辩论或讨论占20%。序言语言表达能力是一个人总体能力中非常重要的一部分,是一个人逻辑思维能力、理性分析能力、组织能力、决策能力、感召能力、个人魅力的总体表现。而语言表达中的幽默、哲理又是一个人智慧的体现。在公众面前发表演讲是衡量一个人语言运用能力的重要标志。能用英语和他人就一个主题进行辩论是外语学习较高层次的要求;写演讲稿也是写作的高层次要求,因为演讲稿是一种特殊的文体,从用词、修辞、句子结构到篇章结构都有严格的要求。从不同的方位和各个层次把问题分析得有条有理,给听众提供信服的证据和结论也是演讲家必备的能之一。高等教育不仅要培养工程师、教师、科学家、医生、各种管理人员,同时培养企业领导人、国家领导人以及雄辩的演讲家和辩论家也是高等教育的目标之一.要培养良好的语言表达能力需要大量的语言操练和科学思维的训练, 同时要加强背诵讲稿的能力。里根总统在当演员是就练成了非凡的记忆力。演讲时配合得当的手势、恰如其分的面部表情,以及清晰的发音,准确的句子和词的重音都是需要长期训练的。Basic requirements for Public Speech and DebateSpeeches are not magic. A speech is a combination of information and opinion written on paper and spoken. If you can have a thoughtful conversation, you can write and give a thoughtful speech. This is just one more reason why spoken English is so important. The following are the basic requirements for a public speech.1. The speech should focus on one topic so that the audience can easily get the gist. The speech that covers too many thoughts, opinions or ideas could only confuse the audience. 2. No speech should last more than 20 minutes. The more important the message, the less time required to say it. The more you speak, the more boring the audient find it is. In other words, the shorter your speech is, the more easily it can be remembered! The Gettysburg Address given by President Lincoln lasted only about 3 minutes. 3. Complicated sentence patterns should be avoided. And parallel structure may very often produce amazing effect. 4. Choose your words carefully. Its important to remember that your words must be hearable and comprehensible the first time they are spoken.5. A clear pronunciation is necessary since a lot of words sound alike and the speaker has to give a distinct pronunciation of every word, but sometimes he has to speak very slowly, sometimes very quickly with exciting rhythm. 6. With the help of gesture, the speaker sometimes has to invite the audience for participation, resulting in an exciting atmosphere.7. Humor is vital. Every speech needs it, and you need it, too, probably at the top. Ronald Reagan always wanted a joke at the beginning of a speech because he needed the quick victory of laughter. It helped him relax. It also helped the audience relax.8. While debating with others, the most important is to collect convincing facts or data to support your point of view and come to a convincing conclusion. 9. Debating is an art that needs techniques as well as intensive training. The rational analysis of the question concerned and a quick response are based on the participants wide range of knowledge. 10. Dont forget to say thanks. Say your thanks in the manner or with the tone. Offer a compliment or a warm word whenever you can. 英语演讲及辩论课程计划Teaching PlanThis semester we are to have 8 topics for public speech and debate and 4 press conferences. And each topic covers 4 hours; for the first 2 hours, students are divided into small groups (each consisting 4) and discuss the questions given on the topic. After class, they have to collect information on the topic through internet or by reading English newspapers. Then they have to write a speech of 800 to 1000 words. For the second 2 hours, students have to deliver their speeches, with each speech lasting for about 10 to 15 minutes. Then the speaker has to answer the questions raised by their peers and try to defend his/her view. The four press conferences are held in class but preparation is to be done after class, based on the topics given by the instructor or selected by students themselves. Each press conference needs 3 speakers, one standing for an expert in a specific academic field, another for government official, the other for organizer of the press conference. Each speaker has to deliver a short speech concerning the topic given and be ready to answer the questions raised by their peers. The preparation covers the collection of information from internet, reading newspapers, listening to the radios or discussion among students. Week 1 to 2: Topics: Urbanization in China(A constant migrant army of farmers from rural areas into urban areas, advantages and disadvantages 从乡村大量流入大城市的农民工给社会发展都带来了那些好处和弊端?)Questions to be discussed:1. What are the
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