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学会这几招,英语演讲更顺畅 当你站在台上对着台下的人演讲时,是否会有一种恐惧,原来学的东西也觉得一片空白,学会这几招,英语演讲更顺畅。1. Phrases for introducing visuals 如何解释表图?做这种presentation,通常会穿插一些图片,或者表格来做辅助说明的。所以,如何引导观众去看图表呢?下面这些方式可以试试看哦!如何引导观众去看图表?This graph shows youTake a look at thisIf you look at this, you will seeId like you to look at thisThis chart illustrates the figuresThis graph gives you a break down of然后,作为演讲人,你需要稍作暂停,给观众一些时间去消化图表上内容,然后向他们解释图表的意义,比如像下面这样:As you can seeThis clearly shows From this, we can understand how / whyThis area of the chart is interesting一般来说,图表就是一些charts,通常来说,分为line charts和pie chartsLine charts (线状图)show a relationship between two variables over a period time.Pie charts(饼状图) are best for showing percentages and proportions. With pie charts, we show how important each part is, and how it adds up to the total.那么,一般做演讲用到图表,一定是要讲各种变化,趋势。来看看各种变化怎么地道表达。一般程度的变化:slight, minor, steady剧烈程度的变化:dramatic, major, massive, disastrous, rapid, unparalleled 从时间维度来看的变化:gradual, sharp比如你跟公司领导汇报:Our revenues took a dip in the third quarter.Our revenues took a slight dip in the third quarter.第二种方法是不是让领导心里更舒服些呢?既然是变化,就有以下几种情况:上升、下降、有升有降、平稳,那些具体怎么表达呢?1、上升的说法一般程度上升: climb, rise, increase, gain, strengthen剧烈程度上升: surge, rocket, soar, go through the roof, jump2、下降的说法一般程度下降: decline, decrease, drop, fall, slide, weaken, dip剧烈程度下降: slump, crash, collapse, plummet, plunge3、回升的说法rallyrecoverimprovebounce back例如:Our revenues took a slight dip in the third quarter but rallied to its previous levels within the first month of the fourth quarter.4、稳定的说法一般程度的稳定: hold steady, level off, stabilize长期的稳定: stale, immovable, stagnant例如:Despite some ups and downs, our growth is relatively stable. (Positive) After a year of ups and downs, their growth is stagnant. (Doubtful)2. Summarising 如何收尾?临近结尾的时候,演讲人需要做一些整体性的总结,比如可以这么说:That brings me to the end of my presentation. Ive talked aboutWell, thats about it for now. Weve coveredSo, that was our marketing strategy. In brief, weTo summarise, I3. Echo the opening statement 如何呼应主题?演讲和写文章一样,前后呼应非常重要,在结束的时候,可以来一段这样的话,让观众更加明白这场演讲的意义是什么!如何呼应开头?So I hope that youre a little clearer on how we can achieve sales growth of 20%.To return to the original question, we can achieveSo just to round the talk off, I want to go back to the beginning when I asked youI hope that my presentation today will help you with what I said at the beginning4. Handling questions Q&A如何搞定?一般演讲最后,都有Q&A环节,和观众做互动,那么一般要怎么说呢?Q&A表达Thank you for listening and now if there are any questions, I would be pleased to answer them.That brings me to the end of my presentation. Thank you for your attention. Id be glad to answer any questions you might have.回答完了,可以再次问下观众的想法,比如这样说:Does this answer your question?Do you follow what I am saying?I hope this explains the situation for you.I hope this was what you wanted to hear!但如果你不知道如何回答,可以这么说,避免尴尬:Thats an interesting question. I dont actually know off the top of my head, but Ill try to get back to you later with an answer.Im afraid Im unable to answer that at the moment. Perhaps I can get back to you later.Good question. I really dont know! What do you think?Thats a very good question. However, we dont have any figures on that, so I cant give you an accurate answer.Unfortunately, Im not the best person to answer that.这只是一个框架而已,真的要练好英语演讲,还得一遍一遍地重复。
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