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纳税人识别号:Taxpayers identification code征收管理码:Collection and administration code 外商投资企业税务登记表TAX REGISTRATION FORM FORENTERPRISES WITH FOREIGNINVESTMENT企 业 名 称:_NAME OF ENTERPRISE企 业 类 别:_ENTERPRISE CATEGORY中华人民共和国国家税务总局印制PRINTED BY THE STATE ADMISTRATION OF TAXATIONOF THE PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CHINA受理税务机关 (盖章)Registration authorities(Seal) 年 月 日受理税务登记日期:Date of registration企业名称Name of enterprise中 文Chinese英 文English注册地址及邮编Address of registration电话 Tel.网址Web site生产经营地Place of operation电话 Tel.邮编 P.C.企业类型Enterprise category业 别Kind of business注册资本Registered capital投资总额Total investment法定代表人Legal representative身份证名称Id name证件号码ID NO.协议出资日期及金额Date and amount ofAgreed investment第一次1st time第二次2st time第三次3st time投资者名称Name of investors注册地址Address of registration注册资本Regisered比例Proportion中方ChineseSide外方Foreignside生产经营期限Approved period of business年 月 日 至 年 月 日 From D M Y to D M Y1开业日期Business-starting date年 月 日D M Y获利年度First profit-making year年 月M Y从业人数Number of employees其中:外籍人员人数Number of foreigners合同批准机关名称Name of contractApproval authorities批准文号及日期Approval document NO. and date of issuance工商登记Industrial & commercialregistration受理机关名称Name ofregistration authorities营业执照号及发照日期License NO. and date of issuance经营范围Business scope主要原料及来源Major raw materialand its sources主要设备及来源Major equipment and its sources生产加工方式Method of production财务负责人Finance manager办税人员Responsible person for taxEmail开户银行Bank where account is opened币种currency帐号A/C Number是否缴税帐号Whether for tax payment记帐本位币Currency usedin bookkeeping固定资产折旧方法Fixedassetsdepreciation method 2会计年度Fiscal year是否是一般纳税人VAT general taxpayer or not是 否 Yes No税务代理机构Tax proxy unit名称Name电话Tel.地址Address邮编P.C.代理人资格证书字号No.of qualification certificate受托代理人姓名Name of responsible person电话Tel.境内分支机构Branches within China名称Name注册地址及邮编Address of registration设立时间Date of establishment营运资金Operating3境外分支机构Branches outside China名 称Name注册地址Address of registration设立时间Date of establishment资本额Amount of capital说明及附送件:Explanation and attatchments法定代表人(签字或盖章)Legal representative(Signature or seal) 企 业 盖 章 Enterprise seal经办人(签字或盖章)Handling person(Signature or seal)填表日期Date of completion年 月 日D M Y以下由税务机关填写(Hereunder to be filled out by tax authorities):经办人:电话:主管科室(税务所):电话:备注:税务登记机关(盖章)税务登记证发证日期年 月 日税务登记有效期4
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