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武汉市2013届高中毕业生二月调研测试英语试卷分析总体分析:英语回归本质强调情景试卷评析:全卷总词汇数量适度,但实际设计的词汇级别却并不低,出自高中教材中的单词占了试卷总词汇量的很大份额,与高考命题思路吻合。备考建议:在培养熟记语篇中词汇、语法的过程中,也利用这些地道的语言材料拓展阅读面。一. 单项选择21.Accent, tone, _ and vocabulary can affect the ability of a language learner to understand or to be understood.A. whistleB. translationC. fluencyD. experience答案:C解析:口音,语调,流利度和词汇能够影响语言学习者理解和被理解的能力。考点:本题考查名词意义的辨析。whistle 口哨;translation 翻译;fluency 流利;流利度;experience 经历;经验。难度:B22.For most people, getting on in life, winning _, saving a bit, going on a better holiday, buying a car, purchasing a home, giving the children a better start-all these are natural aims.A. promotionB. victoryC. sympathyD. reputation答案:A解析:对大多数来说,生活顺利,赢得升职,略有盈余,度个好假,购车,买房,给孩子好的开始所有这些都是自然的目标。考点:本题考查名词意义的辨析。promotion 升职;victory 胜利;sympathy 同情;reputation名气;名声。难度:C23.Right now, the government should adopt a far more _approach to push the stateseconomy forward.A. dynamicB. apparentC. desperateD. previous答案:A解析:现在,政府应该采取更有活力的方式来推动国家经济。考点:本题考查形容词意义的辨析。dynamic 有活力的;apparent 明显;desperate 绝望的;previous 之前的。难度:B24.Relief work and selfless _aid continues, which helps deliver needed equipmentsto the disaster area.A. conventional B. voluntaryC. unusualD. remarkable答案:B解析:救济工作及自愿的无私援助在继续,这点有助于把必要的设备运到灾区。考点:本题考查形容词意义的辨析。conventional传统的; voluntary自愿的;unusual不同寻常的; remarkable不同凡响的。难度:B25.In Mexico, dining is more than a meal. It s a social occasion lunches are _ quick and suppers can last for hours.A. obviouslyB. frequentlyC.rarelyD. usually答案:C解析:在墨西哥,就餐不仅仅是填饱肚子那么简单,更是一种社交场合午餐很少会匆忙结束战斗,晚饭要吃上几个小时。考点:本题考查副词意义的辨析。obviously 明显地; frequently经常地;rarely 极少;D. usually通常。难度:B26.The Government s proposal is welcome, but it only _ the surface of the problem.A. reachesB. possessesC. influencesD. scratches答案:D解析:政府的建议颇受欢迎,但是它仅仅触及问题的表面。考点:本题考查动词意义的辨析。reaches 达到;possesses 拥有;influences 影响;scratches难度:C27.Sorry, I didn t _to take a taxi but I had to as I was late.A. supposeB. meanC. assumeD. hope答案:B解析:不好意思,我不是故意要打的士的,我必须得打的因为我晚点了.考点:本题考查动词意义的辨析。suppose 假设;mean 打算;意图是;assume 假设;承担;hope 希望。难度:B28.In Disneyland every year, some 800,000 plants are replaced because Disneyland refused to_signs asking his guests not to step on them.A, put downB. put outC. put offD. put up答案:D解析:每年在迪士尼,大约有八十万株植物被取代因为迪士尼不愿张贴标识让他的顾客不走在上面。考点:本题考查动词短语意义的辨析。put down写下;镇压;put out 熄灭;扑灭;put off 推迟;put up张贴;住宿。难度:C29.If appearance did not count, why would people _ for such interviews even if the job they are hoping to get is dressed down?A. stay upB. hold upC. pick upD. dress up答案:D解析:如果外貌不重要,为什么人们会为这些面试装扮即使他们希望获得的工作要求打扮朴素。考点:本题考查动词短语意义的辨析。stay up 熬夜;hold up坚持;pick up捡起;学会;dress up打扮;装扮。难度:B30.Calling an adult Mr. or Ms. signals the adults authority. When a kid uses a grown-up s title, it shows that the adult is _A. in common B. in turnC. in chargeD. in height答案:C解析:称呼一个成人先生或太太暗示他的权威。当一个小孩使用成人的头衔时,显示成人的把控力。考点:本题考查介词短语意义的辨析。in common共同点;in turn反过来;in charge掌控;负责; in height高度身高方面。难度:B二完形填空。The Johnson family from England believe they are lucky to be alive after surviving an incredible incident off the coast of Australia. The Johnsons had been 1 that they might see some whales when they were 2a yacht a large expensive boat for a 10-day sailing 3 around the Whitsunday Islands. 4, they had no clue just how 5 their viewing would be. Two hours into their journey a nine-meter-long humpback whale 6 out of the ocean and crashed into their boat before returning to the water.Mark Johnson, the eldest son, was sailing the yacht when he heard an immense bang and a thud(重击声).He 7thought the yacht had hit a rock. However, when he looked up, he saw the whale 8 down the deck of the boat. He told the reporters, “We were staring into its right eye. It was a very 9 moment. The eye was about the 10 of a dinner plate. It was huge.”11for the Johnson family, no one was hurt, but the yacht suffered 12damage. The whale had ruined the mast and rigging the pole and ropes which hold the 13 and so the family was left 14at sea, 10 miles from the shore. The 15 equipment was also damaged, but fortunately they had a cell phone and were able to call for help.Why the whale jumped onto the yacht is a 16 ,but the family thinks that maybe the boat had not 17 sailed between the whale and its baby calf. Perhaps the whale was trying to 18 its calf when it jumped, hit the yacht by chance.Whatever the reason, people are completely 19that this incident happened. There is over 135 million square miles of ocean so what are the 20of a whale jumping onto a 30-foot-long yacht? The chance of something like this happening is miniscule, but it just shows that life is full of surprises.1.A.explainedB.learnedC.toldD,taught2.A.hiringB.runningC.takingD,.driving
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