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1.Applied linguistics aimed to solve problems in various fields by applying the knowledge of linguistics.2.The nature of applied linguistics: Independent Interdisciplinary Applied scienceEmpirical science3.名:Non-cognitive VS Cognitive:Non-cognitive :1)refers to “the change in a behavioral tendency” as the result of repeated reinforced practice of stimulus-response.2) refers to the change of external behavior 外部行为变化3) is mechanical connection between stimuli and responsesCognitive: 1) is the conceptual process experienced in the association between stimuli and responses2) refers to the acquisition and organization of meaning3) is a process of getting to know the outside world through understanding and deduction 推断演绎4. learning includes not only deliberately acquired new associations (intentional learning)意向学习 but also those acquired without conscious awareness. (incidental learning)附带学习5Philosophical bases of learning theories:The pessimistic view 悲观论The hedonistic view 快乐主义The optimistic view 乐观论The tabula-rasa or “blank-slate” view: in behaviorism, the starting point for first language acquisition was sometimes assumed to be zero.( a blank slate) 白板论6. 1. Pavlovs classical conditioningv Experiment :Salivation reflex in dogsv Food; sound of bell/light; salivatev Contiguity and repetition 2.Thorndikes instrumental conditioning 工具性条件反射v Experiment :Trial and error behavior of animalsv Trial and error : 试错法,尝试错误说:一种通过尝试各式各样的方法或理论直到错误被充分地减少或杜绝从而达到正确的解决方法或令人满意的结果的方法 Three laws of learning:v Law of readiness:准备率 (感兴趣)v Law of exercise:练习率Repetition of a conditioned response would strengthen the bond between the stimulus situation and the response.v Law of effect:效果率It states that “when a modifiable connection is made and is accompanied by or followed by a satisfying state of affairs, the strength of the connection is increased.” 3.Hul SOR theory:S-O-R: O: intervening variables中间变量. His major assumption involved the inner states in people. It is used to signify the importance of intervening happenings in the organism.7.简:Stimulus-response theory 刺激-反应理论It describes learning as the formation of associations between responses. A stimulus is that which produces a change of reaction in an individual or organism. A response is the behavior which is produced as a reaction to a stimulus. Reinforcement is a stimulus which follows the occurrence of a response and affects the probability of that response occurring or not occurring again.8.简: Gestalt psychology:The meaning of gestalt: pattern or configuration (结构,形状整体) it refers to a whole that is greater than the sum total of its parts.A gestalt is a form, and there is a form which is present in a whole which is lost when the parts are examined in detail without reference to their relationship to the whole. 9.Advance organizer先行组织者: it is an activity which helps students organize their thoughts and ideas as a preparation for learning or studying something.10.名:Competence VS PerformanceCompetence:refers to a persons internalized knowledge of a language. In other words, competence refers to what person knows about a language.Performance: refers to the actual use of a language. It refers to how a person actually uses his competence in comprehension and production of a language. (CHOMSKY)11.The features of L1 acquisition:v 1)universally successful 全世界都成功v 2) no explicit instructionv 3) rapid (0-4 years old)v 4) conditional (i. exposure; ii. Critical period1.5-4 years old; iii. No mental deficiency).12. Some scholars suggest that children are able to learn language because adults speak to them in a special “simplified” language sometimes called motherese, caretakerese-, or child directed speech. (CDS) (more informally, baby talk). 13.名:Order vs. SequenceOrder of acquisition refers to the fact that one linguistic form, rule and item is acquired before another.Sequence of acquisition refers to the stages that learners go through in learning a TL feature.Developmental pattern is a cover term for order and sequence.14.Foreign Language vs. Second LanguageForeign language refers to a language which is not a Native Language in a country. It is not used as a medium of instruction in the mainstream education, as a working language of mainstream mess media or as a language of communication within a country. 中国人在中国学英语Second language can be used interchangeably with “foreign language”. It is also used to refer to a language that a person with a first language learns and acquires in a country where the language is a Native Language.中国人在英国学英语15. Differences between child and adult learnersKrashens summary of findings: adults and older children in general initially acquire the second language faster than young children, but children second language acquirer will usually be superior in terms of ultimate attainment.16. The biological e
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