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高考英语阅读理解题的分值站高考英语总分的40/150,是所有题型中分值比例最大的,因此在阅读理解上是否的高分是能否取得高考英语好成绩的关键。 一般说来,高考英语阅读理解部分主要测试考生以下能力: 1、掌握所读材料的主旨大意。 2、了解用以阐述主旨的事实和有关细节 。 3、根据上下文猜测某些词汇和短语的意义。 4、理解个别句子的意义也理解上下文之间的逻辑关系。 5、根据所读材料进行一定的判断、推理和引申。 6、正确领会作者的观点和态度。 高考之所以把阅读理解置于如此重要地位,纯粹是为了忠实并严格的执行“高中英语教学要侧重培养学生的阅读能力”这一规定。 那么,如何在阅读理解上得高分呢?根据多年的教学实践,我认为做阅读理解题还是有一定的技巧的。下面,根据今年一摸试题,讲一讲阅读理解的几个解题技巧。 1、速读全文,抓主题句,了解主旨大意。 阅读能力一般指阅读速度和理解能力两个方面。阅读速度是阅读最基本的能力,考生必须在十分有限的时间内,运用略读、扫读、跳读等技巧,快速阅读,搜索关键词,主题句,捕捉时间,顺序,情节,人物和观点,并且理清文章脉络,把握语篇实质。主题句一般出现在文章的开头或结尾,主题句往往对全文起提示,启迪,概括和归纳的作用。主旨大意题,归纳概括题,中心思想题往往可直接从主题句中找到答案。 如:一摸题中的59题What can we infer from this passage?就是考查对文章主题推断的题,我们可以根据文章最后一段的第一句“It felt so good being back home.”来推断,此题答案为D。 2、看题干,带着问题读文章。读题干时,首先要掌握问题的类型,客观信息题可以从文章中直接找到答案,而主观判断题考查的是对文章的深层理解,这类题必须经过对作者的态度,意图以及对整篇文章进行深一层的推理才能得出答案。其次,了解试题题干以及各选项所包含的信息,然后有针对性的进行扫读,对有关信息进行快速定位。此法可有效地加强阅读的针对性,提高阅读准确率,节省宝贵的时间。这一方法适合解答事实细节题,客观信息题。特别适用于对图形表格类题材的理解。 如56题:Three days later Jennifer came back home _.我们在第一段景色描写中看到“The golden red sun was setting.”这样的句子,由此判断jennifer 回家的时间应该是at sunset,因此答案为B. 3、通过逻辑推理,做好深层理解题。在实际阅读中,有时作者并没有把意图说出来,要根据字面的意思,通过语篇的逻辑关系,研究细节的暗示,推敲作者的态度,理解全文的寓意。这就要求读者要对文字表面信息进行分析、挖掘和逻辑推理,不能就事论事,以偏概全。 如58题:“her father didnt take care of the garden because _。”我们从倒数第二段First she went into the kitchen where she saw a note written by her father.It said :Dear Ellen,there is some coffee ready.I went looking.中可以推断出爸爸因为忙于寻找女儿而疏于对花园的打理,因此答案为。 、猜词悟意,扫除阅读拦路虎。猜词是英语阅读中的一个非常重要的能力,它不仅需要准确无误地理解上下文,而且要有较大的阅读量,掌握并认识较多的课外词汇。我们要学会顺藤摸瓜,通过构词、语法、定义、同位、对比、因果、常识及上下文等线索来确定词义。 如57题:What does the underlined phrase This thought most probably mean? 根据文章第四段:The sun had set a few minutes before and it was getting cold too. She wished she had her favourite sweater on:it kept her really warm. she imagined having it with her. This thought disappeared when she finally saw her front door.我们能推断出 this thought 指的是穿着毛衣那种温暖的感觉。因此,答案是c. 虽然解题有技巧,但是积累也非常重要。没有平时的积累什么样的技巧都是空中楼阁。要突破高考阅读理解关,要解决三个量:即词汇量:达到3500词;阅读量:35万词;还有阅读质量。因此,阅读训练要从早抓起,坚持才会有效果。附:阅读文。 A gentle breeze blew through Jennifers hair. The golden red sun was setting. She was on the beach ,looking up at the fiery ball.She was amazed by its colour, deep red in the middle,softly fading into yellow.She could hear nothing but the waves and the seagulls flying up above in the sky. The atmosphere relaxed her.After all she had been through,this was what she needed.Its getting late,she thought.I must go home.My parents will be wondering where I am. She wondered how her parents would react,when she got home after the three days she was missing.She kept walking ,directing herself where she spent every summer holiday.The road was deserted. She walked slowly and silently.Just in a few hundred metres she would have been safe in her house. It was really getting dark now. The sun had set a few minutes before and it was getting cold too.She wished she had her favourite sweater on:It kept her really warm. She imagined having it with her.This thought disappeared when she finally saw her front door.It seemed different. Nobody had taken care of the outside garden for a few days. She was shocked:her father was so strict about keeping everything clean and tidy, and now.it all seemed deserted. She couldnt understand what was going on. She entered the house. First she went into the kitchen where she saw a note written by her father. It said:Dear Ellen,there is some coffee ready. I went looking. Ellen was her mother but-where was she?On the right side of the hallway was her parents room.She went in . Then she saw her. Her mother ,lying on the bed,was sleeping. Her face looked so tired,as if she hadnt slept for days. She was really pale.Jennifer would have wanted to wake her up but she looked so tired. So Jennifer just fell asleep beside her. When Jennifer woke up,something was different.she wasnt in her mothers room and she wasnt wearing the old clothes she ran away in. She was in her cozy bed in her pajanas. It felt so good being back home. Suddenly she heard a voice.Are you feeling better now, dear? You know you got us very very scared.56.Three days later Jennifer came back home_.A.at sunrise B.at sunset C.at night D.at midday57.What does the underlined phrase This thought most probably mean?A.The idea of going back home.B.Her anxiety about her parents.C.The feeling of being warm in her favourite sweater.D.The feeling of going back home safely.58.Her father didnt take care of the garden because _.A.he was busy looking for herB.he had to look after his wifeC.he was not strict with his jobD.he no longer enjoyed working in the garden59.What can we infer from this passage?A.In fact Jennifers mother had been sick for days.B.As Jennifer walked towards home,she became increasingly scared.C.When she found the garden deserted,she realised she
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