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Unit 8 Revision Detective stories Task 1 Words 1 侦探 2 杀人犯 3 夫妇 4 单身的 5 报酬 奖金 6 财富 7 证实 确认 8 死 死亡 9 真相 10 工程师 11 指纹 脚印 12 敌人 仇人 13 犯罪 罪行 14 锁 15 血 16 法律 17 枪 18 小偷 19 记录 20 监狱 21 关上 22 老板 上司 detective murderer couple single rewardwealth confirm death truthengnieer fingerprintenemy crimelock bloodlaw gunthief thieves record prison bossshut Word transformation Word transformation 1 miss v adj 缺少的 丢丢失的 2 murder v n 3 true adj n adv 4 experience n adj 5 heavy adj adv 6 crime n adj 7 safe adj n adv 8 thief n n 偷偷窃 9 untidy adj 比较级较级 10 lie 说谎说谎 v sp pp ing 11 wealth n adj 12 steal v sp pp missing murder truthtruly experienced heavily criminal safety safely theft untidier lied liedlying wealthy stolestolen 1 guess 2 Somewhere 3 single 4 Suppose 5 steal 6 reported 7 couple 8 bosses 9 system 10 shut 11 guard 12 missing 13 untidier 14 truth 15 heavily 16 wealthier 17 safety 18 lying 19 incorrectly 20 probably Keys to Ex 1 Keys to Ex 1 中考说明P128 Task 2 Phrases 短语语 归纳归纳 1 中等身高 2 不见见 3 更加严严重得多 4 一个25岁岁的男子 5 任何不同寻寻常的事 6 失血过过多而死亡 7 被刀弄伤伤 8 有罪的 9 被指控 go missing much more serious a 25 year old man anything unusual bleed to death be wounded with a knife be guilty of be charged with be of medium height PhrasesPhrases 短语语 归纳归纳 10 破门门而入 11 提供 的悬赏悬赏 12 根据记录记录 13 和警方联联系 14 气喘吁吁 15 为为了安全 16 和 无关 17 被 塑造 18 的画像 19 做一些违违法的事情 break into offer a reward of according to the record contact the police breathe heavily for safety have nothing to do with be created by the drawing of do something against the law 短语语 归纳归纳 20 与某人相处处融洽 21 报报警 22 靠 谋谋生 23 因谋杀罪而被捕 24 导导致 25 匆忙 26 一位有巨额财额财 富的人 27 保护护某人自己对对抗犯罪 28 防范某事 get on well with sb call the police do for a living be under arrest for murder lead to in a hurry a man of great wealth protect oneself against crime guard against sth Task 3 Language points 1 He was last seen leaving his office see sb do sth 我经常看到一个老人沿着这条路跑步 老师看见两个男孩正在那儿讲话 see sb doing sth I often an old man the road be seen to do sth The old man is often run down the road The teacher saw the two boys there The two boys there be seen doing sth see run down talking were seen talking seen to 2 the death of this bright young engineer 年轻聪明的工程师之死 death n dying The old man missed his wife very much dying dead The of the boy made his parents sad death His grandpa three years ago His grandpa for three years died has been dead die v dead adj He was charged with breaking into several computer systems over the last year 闯入 强行进入 3 因 被控告 charge sb with sth doing sth 鲁侦探指控那个嫌疑犯谋杀 Detective Lu the suspect charged with murder 4 break into闯入 强行进入 broke broken uLast night someone the shop and took away a number of watches A broke out B broke up C broke into u The house between midnight and 5 a m was broken into 1 When I walked past the park I saw some old men dancing 2 The police are checking the scene for useful information 3 Several men broke into a bank last night 4 The young man was charged with theft 5 The couple offered a reward of 50 000 yuan for the truth Keys to Ex 2 Keys to Ex 2 中考说明P129 Keys to Ex 2 Keys to Ex 2 6 His hard work led to his success 7 It turned out that he had nothing to do with the kidnapping 8 The police remind us to guard against theft 9 Every morning we are in a hurry to school after breakfast 10 My uncle repaired clocks and watches for a living in his twenties Task 4 Grammar 什么是定语从句呢 修饰前面某一名词或代词的从句 叫定语从句 结构 先行词 关系词 句子 The man who lives next to us is a policeman 先行词 关系词 定语从句 如果先行词是表示物的名词或 代词 关系代词应用that which 作主语或宾语 关系代词 指物 that which 指人 who 主 宾格 that whom 宾格 关系代词who that whom引导的定语从 句 如果先行词是表示人的名词 或代词 关系代词应用who that 作主语或宾语 whom 作宾语 关系代词用法 PeopleThings who which that 1 They want to develop a kind of food will help dog owners cool down their pets 2010 常 州 A who B what C which D whether 2 Shirley is the girl taught me how to use Wechat 微信 2014 黑龙龙江 A whom B which C who 3 I will never forget the day we spent in the old town with small houses 2014 杭州 A who B whom C that D what 中考链接 4 I like the writers are popular among teenagers 2014 成都 A who B which C whom 5 After Mandela was free 自由的 in 1990 he chose to shake hands with the people wanted to kill him 2014 山东 A whose B which C D who 6 People overweight need more water than thin people 2014 呼和浩特 A who is B which are C that is D who are Task 5 Mind map 1 detective 2 policeman 3 wounded 4 death 5 blood 6 offered 7 tips 8 money 9 never 10 against Keys to Mind map Keys to Mind map 中考说明P128 Task 6 Writing 写作思路点拨 审 题 人称 时态 内 容 词组句型自由发挥连词 从句 Introduction Main body Conclusion 书写 工整 满行 分段 第一人称 一般过去时 评分标准 A 17 20分 涵盖所有内容要点 结构清晰 内容连贯 运用多种句式 和语法结构 基本无语法错误 B 13 16分 涵盖大部分要点 内容基本连贯 语言少量错误 C 9 12分 只能运用简单句表达 语言有较多错误 但尚能答意 D 5 8分 能写出几个要点 但语言错误较多 影响了意思表达 E 0 4分 白卷或文不对题 错误百出 不知所云 WritingWriting 假设你叫李华 昨天晚上你看完电影在回家途中目击了一起抢 劫案 请就以下信息 以李华的名义写一份给警方的书面材料 要求词数100左右 材料的开头和结尾已给出 不计入总词数 Writing Writing 案发时间 昨天晚上大约九点 案发地点 电影院附近的一条街道拐角处 作案人情况 两个男子 一个戴着墨镜的高个子 一个矮个子 受害人情况 一位年轻的女士 戴着一条金项链和一块金手表 案发经过 你正在街道上走着 突然听到身后有人呼救 你看到两 个男子正抢劫一名女子 女子和他们进行了激烈的搏斗 当你赶到时 两个劫匪已各自骑着自行车逃跑 女子 的金表被抢走了 但幸运的是女子没有受伤 Dear Sir Madam I m wri
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