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Unit 11 Making Friends 第一段 第二段 第三段 第四段 Language Study I 1 P 87 Language Study I 2 P 88 练习册 P66 3 汉译英 练习册 P67 5 语法部分汉译英 Unit 11 Making friends 第一段 Friends play an important part in our lives We may have many friends But we often don t clearly understand how we make friends We may get on well with a number of people but we usually make friends with only a few of them 在 中起重要作用在我们的生活中 与 相处得很好 许多与 交朋友 中的几个 一些 译文 词组 首页 Unit 11 交朋友 朋友在我们的生活中担任重要 角色 我们可能有很多朋友 但 通常我们并不是十分清楚如何去交 朋友 我们也许和很多人相处得 很好 但是我们通常只和其中的一 些人交上朋友 课 文 词 组 词组 1 play a part in 2 in one s life 3 make friends with 4 get on well with 5 a number of the number of 6 a few of 在 中起作用 在 中担任角色 在 的生活中 与 交朋友 与 相处得很好 许多 数量 号码 中的几个 一些 课文第一段 第二段 People use the word friend freely Friends may have known each other since childhood or they may have recently met In fact people may have different kinds of friends such as school friends work friends or sports friends A person may choose different friends for different activities If you play with someone on the playground the person is your playmate If you often play chess with a friend the person is your chess partner 互相 事实上 不同类型的 例如 和 下棋 译文 词 组 第二段译文及词组 人们很随意地使用 朋友 这个词 有些朋友是儿时的伙伴 也有些是刚 刚认识 事实上 人们拥有不同类型的朋友 例如学校的朋友 工作的伙 伴或者是一起运动的朋友 对于不同的活动人们会选择不同的朋友 如果 你和某个人在操场上玩 那这个人就是你的玩伴 如果你经常和一位朋友 下象棋 那么这个人就是你的棋友 in factdifferent kinds of such as play chess with 首 页 课文第二段 Work Friends Sports Friends Chess Partner 第三段 词组及译文 One may have many good friends and only one best friend Best friends or close friends are usually people who have known each other for a long time A close friend is someone who is able to share joys and sorrows with you This is a person you can rely on when you need help and this is the person to whom you are willing to lend a helping hand 与 分享 共用信赖 依靠向 伸出援助之手 帮一下忙愿意 一个人也许有很多好朋友 但最知心的朋友只有一 个 最好或最亲密的朋友通常是彼此认识时间很长的两个人 亲密的朋友就是能够分享你的喜悦与悲伤的那个人 这是一个当你需要帮助的时候可以信赖的 人 而且也是你愿意向他伸出援助之手的 人 share withrely onbe willing to dolend a helping hand to 第四段 词组及译文 Friendship is one of life s greatest treasures Yet it would be too much to expect a friend to do everything for you As a French writer said Don t walk in front of me I may not follow Don t walk behind me I may not lead Just walk beside me and be my friend 友谊是人生中的最宝贵的财富之 一 然而 期待朋友为你做一切事情是太过分 了 正如一位法国作家所说 不要走在我的前面 我可能不会跟随你 不要走在我的后面 我可能不会带领你 只要与我肩并肩 做我的朋友 one of 名词复数 之一expect to do期待 做 in front of在 的前面in the front of 在 的前部 I 1 Complete the sentences 1 families have their own houses and cars 2 I didn t him to come and help me 3 Are you your new classmates 4 Most of the students in our class are boys only them are girls 5 She never the boys in other schools 6 I have many clothes to wash Would you please me 7 Our monitor me because I didn t clean the blackboard before class 8 We haven t got enough rooms for all the students to stay in You have to a room other three students A number of expect getting on well with a few of makes friends with lenda hand got angry with sharewith Language Study I 2 Put the Chinese into English 1 Women 起重要作用 in the development of our country 2 We are still students now We have to 依靠 our parents to live and to study 3 In this restaurant you can buy 不同种类的 Chinese food 4 Any time I see someone in trouble I am willing to 帮他一把 5 The teacher 生我的气 yesterday because I was late for class again play an important part rely on different kinds of lend him a hand got angry with me 经典语句 1 Friends play an important part in our lives 2 In fact people may have different kinds of friends 3 A close friends is someone who is able to share joys and sorrows with you 4 Don t walk in front of me I may not follow Don t walk behind me I may not lead Just walk beside me and be my friend 朋友在我们的生活中担任重要角色 事实上人们拥有不同类型的朋友 亲密的朋友是能够与你分享喜悦与悲伤的那个人 不要走在我的前面 我不会跟随你 不要走在我的身后 我不会带领 你 只要与我肩并肩 做我的朋友 Unit 11 练习册练习 P 66 3 Put the Chinese in the brackets into English to complete the sentences 1 Women 起重要作用 in the development of our country 2 We can only 依靠 依赖 ourselves in our study 3 We should joys and sorrows 与 分享 our friends 4 You can see 许多 大量 students in the library after class 5 People different 交朋友 for different activities 6 You must be good friends because you always help 互相 7 The teacher 对某人生气 me because I didn t have class without any reason 8 What are you doing I 寻找 my key I forget where I put it 9 You should everything 准备好 the exam 10 At last the teacher and students 达成一致 the plan for their picnic play an important part rely on share with a number of make friends each other got angry with am looking for get ready for agreed on 练习册 P67 5 汉译英 1 I don t know 他在做什么 2 When did she tell you that 她要和人们一起去 3 He said that 他在学英语 4 I asked him 他来还是不来 5 Please let me know 我能为你做点什么 6 Do you remember 我们什么时候第一次见面的 7 Sorry I don t know 这台计算机是谁的 8 I ve forgotten 谁把我送到医院的 what he is doing she would go together with us he was studying English whether he would come or not what I can do for you when we met for the first time whose computer this is who sent me to the hospital
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