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Module 5 Cloning 克隆 单词盘单词盘 点 根据词词性和汉语汉语 意思写出词汇词汇 1 v 追逐 追赶 追踪 2 v 对对照 3 n 害怕 恐惧 4 adj 完全相同的 同一的 chase contrast fear identical 5 v 治愈 6 adj 难难以置信的 7 n 嫌疑人 8 v 陪伴 陪同 9 v 吸收 10 v 问题问题 困难难等 发发生 出现现 cure incredible suspect accompany absorb arise 11 v 使惊恐 使受惊吓 adj 恐惧的 adj 令人恐惧的 n 恐怖分子 12 v 使觉觉得恶恶心 使厌烦厌烦 adj 令人厌烦厌烦 的 adj 反感的 13 v 拒绝绝 n 拒绝绝 谢绝谢绝 14 adj 有益的 有用的 n 好处处 v 使受益 15 v 抵抗 n 抵抗 反抗 terrify terrified terrifying terrorist disgustdisgusting disgusted refuse refusal beneficial benefit resistresistance 品词词自测测 根据所给词给词 的适当形式填空 People are often by the events made by the terrify Cycling is highly to our health That is to say we can get much from cycling benefit terrified terrifying terrorists beneficial benefit 短语语回放 1 火 燃尽 烧烧完自灭灭 2 与 形成对对照 3 扑倒在 上 4 发发出声音 5 一再 屡次 6 错误错误 地 7 把 当成 对对待 throw oneself on burn out contrast with make a sound again and again by mistake treat as 8 一系列的 9 和 一样样 与 一致 10 依靠 依赖赖 11 如下 12 摧毁 13 摆摆脱控制 14 据我们们所知 a sequence of be identical to rely on as follows knock out get out of control as far as we know 15 分解 16 使 复活 break down bring back to life 句式扫扫描 1 当在大学学习时习时 he discovers the secret of how to create life 2 正是在11月一个寒 冷的晚上 I saw my creation for the first time 3 I wish 我没创创造 this creature 4 But 依靠少数克隆的 动动植物 would restrict the biodiversity of the breed While studying at university It was on a cold November night that I had not created to rely on a few cloned animals or crops 仿句自测测 根据下面句式仿写句子 while v ing当 的时时候 仿写 当我在写信时时 我听到有人敲门门 It is was 被强调调部分 that who 的强调调句型 仿写 直到昨天我才注意到这这件事 While writing a letter I heard someone knocking at the door It was not until yesterday that I noticed it 核 心 要 点 beneficial三年1考 break down三年2考 1 contrast v 对对照 对对比 n 对对比 对对照 The snow was icy and white contrasting with the brilliant blue sky 雪冰冷洁洁白 与明媚的蓝蓝天形成对对照 It is interesting to contrast his proposal with and hers 将他和她的建议议作对对照是很有趣的 She almost failed the exam but her sister by contrast did very well 她考试试差点不及格 而相比之下她的妹妹考得很好 His white hair was in sharp contrast to with his dark skin 他的白头发头发 与黑皮肤形成了鲜鲜明的对对比 归纳归纳 contrast with contrast and with by contrast in contrast to with 和 形成对对照 把 和 进进行对对比 相比之下 和 形成对对比 2 beneficial adj 有益的 有用的 有帮助的 1 be beneficial to 对对 有利 2 benefit v 使受益 n 好处处 benefit from受益于 for sb s benefit for the benefit of sb 为为了帮助某人 为为某人的利益 be of benefit有益 有好处处 Fresh air is beneficial to one s health 新鲜鲜空气有益于健康 I have a lot extensive reading 广泛的阅读阅读 使我受益匪浅 It is said that yoga is very beneficial to human health 句型 转换转换 It is said that yoga is to human health 据说说瑜伽对对人体健康有极大好处处 benefited from of great benefit 3 cure v 治愈 治好 n 治愈 疗疗法 对对策 There is still no cure for the common cold 目前仍没有治愈感冒的良药药 She tried every means to cure her child of the bad habit 她想尽一切办办法试图试图 改掉她孩子的这这一恶习恶习 It was a disease far beyond cure 这这种病已是不可救药药了 归纳归纳 a cure 疾病的治疗疗方法 问题问题 的解决办办法 cure sb 治愈某人的 cure不可救药药 for of beyond 辨析 理解下列区别别并选词选词 填空 cure treat 指 治愈 治好 疾病 消除痛苦 除掉恶习恶习 弊 端 嗜好等 侧侧重结结果 常用于cure sb of sth 结结 构中 通常强调过调过 程 指对对病人进进行诊诊断和治疗疗 但不含 治好的意思 一般用于treat sb for sth 结结构中 The doctors spent a month her and at last she was 熟词词生义义 根据语语境选择选择 最佳汉汉意 Ministers hoped that import controls might cure the economy s serious inflation A 解决B 治疗疗C 对对待 答案 A treating cured 4 resist v 抵抗 抗拒 对对抗 忍住 一般用否定式 抗 酸 耐 热热 1 resist doing sth 反对对做某事 can t resist doing sth 禁不住做某事 2 resistant adj 对对 有抵抗力的 抵制的 反抗的 be resistant to对对 有抵抗力 3 resistance n 反抗 抵抗 make some no resistance进进行 不抵抗 Jill couldn t about his baldness 吉尔忍不住拿他的秃顶秃顶 开玩笑 Many young people could not resist the spiritual pollution 很多年轻轻人不能抵制精神污污染 Peasants need some plants that are resistant to disease 农农民需要一些能抵抗疾病的植物 resist making jokes 点津 resist后接名词词 代词词或动动名词词作宾语宾语 不接不定式 5 absorb v 吸收 液体 光 热热能等 理解 使专专心 1 absorb one s attention 吸引某人的注意力 2 absorbing adj 十分吸引人的 引人入胜胜的 3 absorbed adj 精神集中的 be absorbed in 专专心致志于 be absorbed into 被吸收 纳纳入 Plants can absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen 植物可以吸收二氧化碳释释放氧气 The novel was so absorbing that she read on without a break even forgetting food and sleep 这这本小说说非常引人入胜胜 她一口气读读了下去 甚至废废寝忘食 She lay on her sofa and her book and didn t hear anything 她躺在沙发发上专专心看书书 没听见见任何声响 was absorbed in 点津 be absorbed in doing sth 结结构在句中作状语语 定语语 时时 常用其过过去分词词形式absorbed in 类类似的结结构还还有 be lost in 陷入 专专心致志于 be caught in 被困在 be buried in 埋头头于 be devoted to 致力于 专专心于 be occupied in with 忙于 be involved in 专专注于 熟词生义 根据语语境选择选择 最佳汉汉意 She won t be able to absorb another heavy blow A 吸收B 承受C 理解 答案 B 6 treat as 把 当成 对对待 treat sb to 招待 拿 款待某人 treat well badly善待 虐待 treat seriously carefully认认真对对待 treat with respect kindness尊重某人 善意地 对对待某人 Do not this serious matter a joke 不要把这这件严肃严肃 的事情当作笑料 I ll treat you to a movie tonight 今晚我请请你去看电电影 The prisoners were badly treated by guards 这这些囚犯受到卫卫兵的虐待 treatas 点津 与treat as 结结构 意思相似的还还有 consider as regard as look on as think of as 等 7 get out of control摆摆脱控制 out of control失去控制 in control of控制着 under in the control of 受 的管理 控制 under control被控制住 beyond control无法控制 lose control of失去对对 的控制 take gain control of得到 取得对对 的控制 have bring under control 使 得到控制 Inflation has got out of control 通
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