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LOGO1 Section A Progressive Reading Revised Edition LOGO2 Section A 策 划 鞠方安 商希建 主 编 刘兰芝 杨真真 副主编 鲁显生 Gerald Zimmerman 王欧 制作人 郑丹 LOGO3 Section A Lesson Eight The Functions and Effects of Music LOGO Background Information Warm up Questions Main Idea Language Points Difficult Sentences Keys to the Exercises Catalogue LOGO Vietnam War A military struggle fought in Vietnam from 1959 to 1975 involving the North Vietnamese and the National Liberation Front NLF in conflict with United States forces and the South Vietnamese army The U S government therefore supported the South Vietnamese government This government s repressive policies led to rebellion Background Information LOGO6 In 1965 the United States sent in troops to prevent the South Vietnamese government from collapsing Ultimately however the United States failed to achieve its goal and in 1975 Vietnam was reunified under Communist control in 1976 it officially became the Socialist Republic of Vietnam Section A Background Information LOGO7 Rock Music and Rock and Roll Rock music began in the United States but it has influenced and in turn been shaped by a broad field of cultures and musical traditions including gospel music the blues country and western music classical music folk music electronic music and the popular music of Asia Africa and Latin America In addition to its use as a broad designation the term rock music commonly refers to music styles after 1959 predominantly influenced by white musicians Background Information LOGO8 Other major rock music styles include rock and roll also known as rock n roll the first genre of the music and rhythm and blues music R movie LOGO Language Points 2 persuasive adj line 2 para 1 able to make other people believe something or do what you ask 他赞成办一座新学校的理由很有说服力 His arguments in favour of a new school are very persuasive 他发表了很有说服力的论点 He made a persuasive argument LOGO21 Section A Language Points 一个训练有素的律师能把自己的观点表述得令人 信服 A trained lawyer can present arguments persuasively 他拥有能改变你想法的人格魅力和说服力 He has the personality and the persuasiveness to make you change your mind LOGO Language Points 3 candidate n line 3 para 1 1 someone who is being considered for a position for example someone who is running in an election or applying for a job 民主党候选人的得票数依然领先 The Democratic candidate is still leading in the polls 约翰是这个工作最有力的竞争者 John was the strongest candidate for the job LOGO Language Points 2 BrE someone who is taking an examination 500名学生参加入学考试 There were 500 candidates at the entrance examination 3 someone who is studying for a degree at a college 攻读博士学位者 a doctorial candidate LOGO Language Points 4 someone or sth that is likely to experience or get sth 体重偏高或口味偏咸者易患高血压 Those who are overweight or indulge in high salt diets are candidates for hypertension 这本小说最有可能获奖 The novel must be a prime candidate for the award LOGO25 Section A Language Points 5 quell vt line 3 para 1 1 to put down 调来部队平息暴力事件 Troops were called in to quell the violence 他压制对自己计划的反对意见 He quelled the opposotion to his plan LOGO 2 to cause to an end 阿斯匹林将止住你的头疼 Aspirin will quell your headache 我竭力消除紧张情绪 I tried hard to quell my nervousness Language Points LOGO27 Section A Language Points 6 recording n line 4 para 1 music speech or images that have been stored on tape or discs 这录音的复制质量不太好 The quality of reproduction isn t very good on this recording 警方讯问的录像带放在了抽屉里 The video recording of a police interview is put into the drawer LOGO28 Section A Language Points 一段录音的时间 a recording session 音像业 the recording industry LOGO29 7 whip up v prep line 1 para 2 to try to make people feel strongly about sth 报纸上的文章激起了人们对新税收政策的担心 Newspaper articles have whipped up fears of the new tax policies 演说者把人群的情绪鼓动到如痴如狂的地步 The orator whipped the crowd up to a state of frenzy Section A Language Points LOGO30 8 fervor n U line 1 para 2 feelings of great warmth and intensity enthusiasm 这个演讲唤起了民族主义热情 The speech aroused nationalist fervor Section A 英国正在兴起奥运热 Olimpic fervor runs high in Great Britain Language Points LOGO31 9 slap vt line 4 para 2 to hit someone with the flat part of your hand 汤姆给了她一记耳光 Tom slapped her across the face 父亲在小家伙的头上拍了一巴掌 叫他走开 The father slapped the kid on the head and told him to go away Section A Language Points LOGO32 Section A Language Points 10 spangle vt line 4 para 2 to cover sth with shiny points of light 灯光点亮了夜空 Lights spangled the night sky 天空闪烁着星星 The sky was spangled with stars LOGO33 Section A Language Points the Star Spangled Banner 1 the national flag of the US 星条旗是美国的国旗 The Star Spangled Banner is the national flag of the United States 2 the national anthem national song of the US 谁写的美国国歌 星条旗永不落 Who wrote the national anthem of the United States the Star Spangled Banner LOGO34 Section A Language Points 11 bond n last line of para 2 1 an official document promising that a government or company will pay back money that it has borrowed often with interest 股票和债券是很好的投资 Stocks and bonds can be good investment 最近债券价格暴跌 There is a sharp decline in bond pri
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