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初中二年级2011-2012年第一学期英语期中考试试卷(高级中学)第卷*因为英语听力文件缺失,故省略听力部分. 单项选择:(共30小题,每小题0.5分,共15分) 16. Water from the sea . A. come; in the first place B. comes; at the first place C. come; at the first place D. comes; in the first place 17. I hate going to parks on weekends. There are always people. A. a lot of B. much C. few D. little 18. If something is free, you it. A. pay a lot of money for B. should pay for C. pay some money for D. dont need to pay for 19. Miss Wang, finish the homework tonight. - Yes, you . A. do we ought to; ought not to B. ought we to; ought to C. do you ought to; ought D. ought you to; not ought to 20. Jenny, if you really want the competition, you should practice every day.- I agree. I will try my best. A. to win; playing the piano B. winning; to play the piano C. to win; playing the piano D. winning; playing the piano 21. Ann, be careful! There is a hole in front of you.-Thank you very much! I it. A. wasnt know B. unaware of C. didnt know of D. was unaware of 22. Dad, which suit do you like , the black one or the grey one?- The grey one, but I am going to buy the black one because it is . A. best; cheaper B. better; cheaper C. the best; more expensive D. the better; expensive 23. Mary makes a living by dancing, right? Is she a dancer? - Yes, she can dance very A. well; good B. good; well C. good; good D. well; well 24. Why did you vote Joyce as the editor?-Because she has much .A. by, money B. on, work C. for, experience D. of, experience 25. when I saw the UFO.A. excited B. froze C. surprised D. bored 26. Maria always gets angry. Nobody likes her.- Yes, she has much .A. little B. a little C. few D. a few 27. Three college students(大学生) died of saving two children! - terrible news! But brave they are! A. How; how B. What; what C. How; what D. What; how 28. The A/H1N1 Flu(甲流)is around us. What can we do to prevent(预防)it? - Please remember away from the crowd and make your hands . A. to stay; to clean B. staying; to clean C.to stay, clean D. staying, clean29.Which do you like , tea, coffee or pure water? - In opinion, the pure water is best. A. good; I B. best, my C. well, mine D. best, me 30. Is Arthur responsible the newspaper? - , but Joyce is. Shes the chief editor. A. of Yes, the isnt B. for Yes, he is C. of No, he is D. for No he isnt 31. -The cake looks -Yes, and it tastes even A. well, good B. nice, better C. good, worse D. better, best32. -Dad. Why should I stop computer games? -For your health, my boy, Im afraid you . A. to play, must B. playing; ought to C. to play, should D. playing, may 33. -I phoned you at six last night, but answered. -I a walk in the park at that time. A. no one, was having B. anyone, was having C. nobody, had D. somebody, had 34. How about in the river with us?-Sorry I cant. My parents often tell me that. A. swim, dont do B. swim, to do C. swimming, not do D. swimming, not to do 35. What a film it was!-Yes, all of the children were A. frightened, frightening B. frightened, frightened C. frightening, frightening D. frightening, frightened 36. Miss, I cant find the answer this question?- You shouldnt always be dependent the teacher. I think you should consider it alone first. A. to, on B. at, on C. on, to D. in, to 37. - Whats the article about?- A man denied a diamond from a shop first, but he admitted that at last. A. stealing, to do B. to steal, doing C. to steal, to do D. stealing, stealing 38. -You decided to do so? -Yes. We talked it and made up our to do so. A. on, mind B. over, minds C. over, mind D. on, mind 39. - Do you know anything about Shenzhen?-Sorry! I went to Shenzhen, so I know little about it. A. hardly ever B. already C. ever D. hardly never 40. - will you hold the meeting?- In two time. A. How soon, weeks B. How often, weeks C. When, weeks D. How soon, weeks 41. We the meeting after we talked over all the problems. A. conclude B. concluded C. begin D. began 42. - , a person almost uses 15,000 litres of water for the shower e
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