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2011学年度第一学期六年级英语期末学习水平评价听力部分(教师朗读内容)一、听句子,选出句子含有的信息, 并把其字母编号写在括号内。1. Ben is going to play chess with Yongxian this Sunday.2. The capital of the USA is Washington D.C.3. All of us are going to have fun in the Six Banyan Temple.4. Janet is bored. She wants to go swimming with her friends.5. The cat under the bed is really dirty.6. I saw a film on TV last Sunday.7. Miss Chen prepared the new lesson last night.8. At Halloween children say trick or treat from door to door.9. Its my third time in Beijing now.10. People always decorate their Christmas trees before Christmas Day.11. My mother washed her car yesterday afternoon.12. Betty had a cold last night.13. Rome is smaller than Tokyo.14. Sixty pupils in one small classroom. Its too crowded.15. We spent our winter holiday in Harbin last year.16. The population of Guangzhou is about 7,000,000.17.Yongxians favourite festival is Spring Festival because he can get lucky money.18. Janet and her family often have a big dinner and eat dumplings in the evening.二、听句子,根据听到的内容,写出图的英文大写字母编号。A. Beijing is the capital city of China B. Paris is the capital city of France. Its beautiful. C. London is the capital city of Britain. D. New York is in the USA. Its the biggest city of America. E. Toronto is the biggest city of Canada F. Rome is in Italy. G. Sydney is the biggest city of Australia. H. Fuji Mountain is in Japan三、情景反应。根据听到的内容,选出相应的应答语,把其编号写在括号内。 1. How are you ? 2. Tom, Ive got a basketball, would you like to play it with me now?3. Whats the date today? 4. Happy birthday!5. Thank you, Xiaoling. 6. Could I speak to Susan?7. Jane, Shall we go to see the flower show tomorrow?四、听句子,判断句子与图意是否相符,如相符,请在相应图的括号内写“T”,否则写“F”。1. Dragon Boat Festival is very popular in western countries.2. The man went to see a doctor yesterday.3. The children are seeing a film. 4. The man is going to go swimming with his friends.5. The boy plays basketball quite well.五、听句子,根据听到的顺序用阿拉伯数字给下面的图编号。Yongxian was very busy last week. What did he do?1. Last Monday evening Yongxian watched TV. It was really good.2. Last Tuesday evening Yongxian played computer games. It was really interesting.3. Last Wednesday afternoon Yongxian played football with his friends after school. They were very happy.4. Last Thursday morning Yongxian did some reading at home. It was a nice story book.5. Last Saturday morning Yongxian did his homework. It was a hard work for him.6. Last Sunday afternoon, Yongxian played table tennis with his father. He felt very tired after that.六、根据听到的内容写出句子所缺的单词。1. We are going to Baiyun Hill and watch birds.2. Christmas is the most popular festival in western countries.3. The day after tomorrow will be Mid-autumn Festival in China.4. I want to visit the Great Wall.5. Can you answer the question?6. I got a lot of lucky money last Spring Festival.7. Help yourself to some more mooncakes, Tim.8. Our city is smaller and quieter than Guangzhou. 9. Would you like to go boating with me?10. Mrs. Brown didnt know anything about the Chinese history.11. Autumn is the best time to live in Toronto.12. Spring Festival is more interesting than Mid-autumn Festival.13. Our national flag is red with five yellow stars.七、听对话及问题,选择问题的正确答案,把其字母编号写在相应的括号内。 1. A: The school holiday is coming. What are we going to do, Xiaoling?B: Shall we go to the circus?A: Great! Its very interesting.Q: Is Xiaoling going to the circus?2. A: Tomorrow is Sunday. I want to go fishing. Would you like to go with me, Mike?B: Sorry, I cant. I have to help my mother with the housework.Q: What is Mike going to do tomorrow?3. A: Dad, Shall we climb the Baiyun Hill?B: No, we cant. Its raining outside. Its dangerous.Q: Are they going to climb the Baiyun Hill?4. A: Hello! May I speak to Miss Zhang?B: Sorry, Miss Zhang is not at home. Shes in the office. Can you call back later?A: OK! Thank you.Q: Where is Miss Zhang?5. A: Janet, what did you do yesterday?B: I saw a film on TV. It was really good.Q: What did Janet do yesterday?6. A: Hello, Judy. Is this our new school? B: Yes. My old school was smaller and older than this school.Q: What was Judys old school like?7. A: Tomorrow is Spring Festival. B: Is it the most important and popular festival in China?A: I think so.Q: What is the most popular festival in China?8. A(女): Did you go to bed late last night, Mr. Wang? B(男): Yes, I marked the pupils homework. I went to bed at a quarter to one in the morning. Q: What did Mr. Wang do last night? 9. A(男): Whats the date today, Xiaoling?B(女): Its Saturday, April 2nd.Q:What was the date yesterday?10. A(女): Whats your favourite festival, Ben? B(男): Halloween. A(女): Why? B(男): Because at Halloween I often go from door to door to say trick or treat and ask for sweets and cakes. Thats i
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