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蒙台梭利名言名句儿童的一切教育都必须遵循一个原则,即帮助孩子身心自然的发展。All education of the child must be guided by the principle of helping the physical and mental development of the child 我看到了,我忘记了;我听到了,我记住了;我做过了,我理解了。 I see, I forget; I hear, I remember; I have done, I understand. 儿童的进步不是取决于年龄,而是取决于能够自由地观看他周围的一切。Childrens progress depends not on age, but on the freedom to see everything around them. 当儿童还没有发展起控制能力的时候,“让儿童想干什么就干什么”是与自由观念相违背的。When children havent developed the ability of control, let children do whatever they want is contrary to the concept of freedom. 激发生命,让生命自由发展,这是教育者的首要任务。To stimulate life and let life develop freely is the primary task of educators. 教育体系是以感官基础,以思考为过程,以自由为目的。The educational system is based on sensory organs, thinking as a process, and freedom as a goal. 建立在规则上的自由,才是真正的自由!Freedom based on rules is the real freedom! 儿童对活动的需要几乎比食物的需要更为强烈。Childrens need for activity is almost stronger than their need for food. 教育就是激发生命,充实生命,协助孩子们用自己的力量生存下去,并帮助他们发展这种精神。”Education is to stimulate life, enrich life, help children to survive with their own strength, and help them develop this spirit.谁若不能独立,谁就谈不上自由。 No one can be free unless he is independent.儿童有一种特殊的敏感性,促使他认识周围的一切Children have a special sensibility to know everything around them.人类不像其它动物那样,生来具有已业已协调的动作,人必须学会协调自己的动作 Unlike other animals, humans are not born with coordinated movements. They must learn to coordinate their own movements.儿童有自我保卫和平和追求完美的内在冲动 Children have an inherent impulse to defend peace and pursue perfection小孩是在敏感期学会调适自己并获得特定能力的Children learn to adjust themselves and acquire specific abilities during sensitive periods.没有人能代替孩子的成长No one can take the place of a childs growth.我被人类崇高的思想所感动在人类的本能之中,他们对知识的受远超过了无意义的玩乐I am touched by the noble thoughts of mankind - in human instincts, they receive knowledge far more than meaningless pleasure.导师的职责是指导孩子的智能活动和孩子的心理The duty of a tutor is to direct the childrens intellectual activities and their psychology.孩子有超强的记忆力,当孩子可以动手操作而仅用眼看时,会记得更好Children have super memory, and they remember better when they can operate with their hands and only with their eyes.在一个真正属于孩子的地方,孩子会尽力去注意自己的举止,控制自己的行为In a place that truly belongs to children, children will try their best to pay attention to their behavior and control their behavior.生命的初期,一定要从环境中吸收大量的讯息,这是心智活动最频繁的时期,孩子需要从环境吸收一切的事物At the beginning of life, we must absorb a lot of information from the environment. This is the most frequent period of mental activity. Children need to absorb everything from the environment.断奶在幼儿生命中是个重要的转折点,我们不该让孩子继续吸吮而不咀嚼食物Weaning is an important turning point in a childs life. We should not let the child continue sucking without chewing food.感官训练可以培养敏锐的观察者,适应现在的文明时代,更能实际地应用于日常生活中Sensory training can cultivate keen observers, adapt to the present era of civilization, and be more practical in daily life.利用不同的感官刺激,有条不紊地将注意力引导到儿童的活动甽,即便是嗅觉也可以用理解的方式来训练,从而成为他们探索环境的器官Using different sensory stimuli, attention is systematically directed to childrens activities, and even the sense of smell can be trained in an understandable way, thus becoming an organ for them to explore the environment.孩子独立的智能发展无可限量,它直接依赖孩子心智的力量,而不仅靠导师的工作There is no limit to the independent development of childrens intelligence. It depends directly on the strength of childrens mind, not only on the work of tutors.妈妈必须同时喂养孩子的身体和精神,且精神上的需求更重于身体的需要Mothers must feed their children both physically and mentally, and their mental needs are more important than their physical needs.作为一名保护者,父母可通过拥抱与孩子接触 As a protector, parents can reach their children by hugging.新生儿具有奇妙的自我调节能力 Neonates have wonderful self-regulation ability成人必须给幼儿提供活动的空间Adults must provide children with space for activities让儿童参与工作,能增强他们对生活环境的责任感Involving children in work can enhance their sense of responsibility for their living environment.对于新生儿,我们不仅要关心他的身心健康,还应该关心他的心理需要For newborns, we should not only care about their physical and mental health, but also their psychological needs.动作发展应该是心理高层次的表现或反映,这是修理合乎自然发展逻辑的 Action development should be a high-level expression or reflection of psychology, which is in line with the logic of natural development.假如孩子们的活动正好和他的内在需求相配合,孩子的表现会让我们他的发展所需 If childrens activities are in line with their internal needs, their performance will enable us to develop what they need.儿童是人类的创造者 Children are the creators of human beings儿童是通过努力从事活动,从而使个人得到发展的Children develop themselves through hard work.尊重孩子的发展自由,包括帮助孩子培养发展的能力 Respect for childrens freedom of development, including helping them develop their abilities新式教育理论中的中心思想之一,正是呼吁人们重视孩子社会本领的培养,并且鼓励孩子与同伴相处One of the central ideas in the new educational theory is to call on people to attach importance to the cultivation of childrens social skills and encourage children to get along with their peers.我们教育系统最大的特色是对孩子环境的重视 The greatest feature of our
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