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A Letter to My Friends-一封给我朋友的信日期:2007-04-27来源:英语坊 作者:字体:大 中 小 收藏到QQ书签 学英语,到EF英孚教育 英语口语5天5夜突破英语听说,100%保证!点击进入 外教一对一口语培训,尼克国际英语 少儿英语 儿童英语 广告位招商第一篇: Dear Billy, I am very sorry to inform you I wont be able to go to Yangminshan with you on the occasion of the Moon Festival because I just got a phone call from the U.S.A. Ma and Pa will be back ahead of schedule in order that they can get together with us on this special holiday. They of the older generation consider the Moon Festival a reunion day on which all members of a family are requested to be back home no matter how far apart they are. Under such circumstances how could I hurt their feelings by going with you to watch the brilliant moon on the night of the Moon Festival? I hope can understand my situation and put our appointment off till the day following the Moon Festival. I was told the moon on that day is much more beautiful than the one on the very day of the festival. Besides, we shall be able to avoid the holiday rush and enjoy the quiet under the moon. Do you think its a good idea? I am looking forward to hearing from you soon. Regards. Cindy. 第二篇: Dear Wendy, It is always a pleasure to know that everything is working out well with you. Thank you for your inviting me to go on holiday with you. Do you know how happy I was when I received your letter last week? I thought this would be a very good chance to see you again. I still remember the time when we chatted the night through, discussed our plans for the future and enjoyed together the beautiful scenery of Tainan. What a good time it was! It seemed everything would be OK with our plan to go to Tainan this weekend. But unfortunately one of our relatives who has been in the States for two years will visit us this Saturday and be our house-guest. My parents expect me to stay at home to help them do well by our visitor. As a result, I have to tell you, with regret, that I cant spend this holiday with you. Although I cant go to Tainan this weekend, I would like to tell you that at the end of this summer vacation I will go to see my uncle who lives in Tainan. When that time comes we may have another chance to be together again. So let us wait until then. Sincerely yours, Your friend Mary 第三篇: Dear Isabella, How are you? I received your letter by special delivery yesterday afternoon. Many thanks for the enclosed nine drawings and beautiful photos and, above all , for the invitation itself. Your invitation reminds me of the promise we made last year. I can still remember the day you and your folks moved to Taipei. That day you and I made a promise to meet again one year later, and we walked the street most of the time in silence. Then we said good-bye to each other and parted at the street corner at last. That is really a haunting memory, isnt it? Now one year is gone. You have invited me to go on holiday for a week starting tomorrow and I remember our promise. But I hope you can forgive me for what I am going to tell you: I am dying to see you, but I cant I am sorry, please. I have to break my word because my elder sister is going abroad to seek advanced study. She will leave for Germany soon and my parents want me to give a hand to them and do some things for my sister prior to her departure. I hope you can understand this. I hope you will not blame me for real, will you? Perhaps everything will be all right next time. May you have an enjoyable holiday! With love, Hero 第四篇: Dear Stephanie: Would you forgive me for what Im going to tell you? Because I failed to persuade my parents ( old fogies they are ) to let me spend the holiday with you and they insisted on my staying at home with them, Im afraid I have to decline your invitation. Maybe theres another way to spend the holiday with you: you can invite my parents and me to visit your folks. Would you do that for me? Please let me know before you send that kind of invitation so that I can find some excuses to persuade my parents to accept it. Waiting for your answer, your friend, Helen. 第五篇: Dear Friends: You can hardly imagine how joyfully I was thrilled when you said in your jointly-signed letter that we could have an opportunity to spend our holiday together. It seemed apparently impossible for me to turn down your offer as I was really fed up with the kind of life I led; however, on the day following the arrival of your letter, an old family friend of ours wrote to tell our parents that he would come and be our house guest for a few days. He is not yet here, but the time of his proposed stay, unhappily and quite accidentally, coincides with that of our vacationing plan. As a result, I was advised not to leave our home at that time. I hate to write this, but as you can see, Ive got no choice. Please write me about your reunion and let me share the joy you are going to have. Sincerely, Agnes. 第六篇: Dear Jenny: Thank you for inviting me to holiday with you, w
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