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浅谈“asas结构”的用法作者:刘晓琪 时间:2008年04月11日 来源:爱思英语学习网 已阅读22341次安徽科技贸易学校 刘晓琪 “ as as 结构”在英语中用法较多,学生在平时的学习中会频繁地接触到此种结构。有部分学生认为“ as as 结构”中只能出现形容词或副词并且认为此结构只能用于原级比较,这种认识是单一的。实际上 “ as as 结构”经过不同变化可以构成不同的短语和句式,这些短语和句式被灵活地运用于课文和练习中。如果学生对此结构的用法了解不多,就会在平时的学习中遇到障碍。为了帮助学生清除障碍,笔者就“ as as 结构”的几种用法介绍如下: “as + 形容词或副词原级 + as” 意为“和一样”,表示同级的比较,但要注意第一个 as 为副词,第二个 as 为连词。根据比较对象和性质的不同又可以把此种结构分为三种: (一)“ as as 结构”用于表示不同人或物同一性质的比较,意为“和一样 。例如: The tree is as tall as the building(is) 这棵树和那栋楼一样高。 注意此结构也常用于形象比喻中: as cool as cucumber 沉着的, as stubborn as a mule 非常顽强的,倔强的, as clear as crystal 非常透明的, as poor as a church mouse 非常贫困的, as busy as a bee 像蜜蜂一样忙碌, as easy as ABC 像 ABC 一样容易, as deep as a well 像井一样深, as light as a feather 像羽毛一样轻, as soft as butter 像黄油一样软。这些短语生动活泼,浅显易懂,记住这些短语可以提高学生的英语写作和口语能力。 (二)“ as as 结构”用于表示同一个人或物不同性质的比较,意为“既又” 。例如: This swimming pool is as wide as it is long. 这个游泳池宽度和长度相等。 (三)“ as as 结构”用于表示两个人或物不同性质的比较,表示程度相同或相当,意为“而”。在否定句中结构是“ so/asas ”。例如: He was as handsome as his wife was beautiful 他长得非常英俊,他的妻子也长得非常漂亮。 He was as experienced as his brother was green 他经验丰富,而他兄弟却涉世未深。 He cannot run so/as fast as you. 他没你跑得快。 Danny is not so/as wise as he is witty 丹尼为人风趣,但欠明智。 需要注意的是: “as + 形容词或副词原级 + as” 结构的变体形式是“ as + 形容词 + a + 单数名词 + as 或 as + many/much + 名词 + as ”。意为“和一样 。例如: I dont want as expensive a car as this. I dont want a car as expensive as this 我不要这么贵的汽车。 This is as good an example as the other is. 这个例子和另外一个例子一样好。 Tony is as clever a boy as his brother 托尼是一个和他兄弟一样聪明的男孩。 I can carry as much paper as you can. 我能搬得动和你一样多的纸。 此外,变体结构的否定形式为“ so +adj. + a/an + n. ( 单数 ) + as 。例如: I am not so strong a man as I was. 我已经没有从前那么强壮了。 二、 “as as 结构 ” 中常见词组和句式的用法 “as as 结构 ” 中常见词组和句式有很多,最常见的词组有“ as soon as ”意思是 一 就 , 引导一个时间状语从句,还有“ as much as ”和“ as many as ”意思是“像 一样多 ” ,用来表达极其多的语气,学生在学习中时常会遇到这些词组,对这些词组的用法并不陌生。笔者对此无需赘述。下列笔者将要介绍 “as as 结构 ” 中其他一些常用词组和句式: (一)词组“ as long as ”意思是 长达 之久;只要 。引导时间或条件状语从句。如: It took us as long as three years to carry out the plan. 我们花了长达三年的时间才完成这项计划。 You may borrow this book as long as you promise to give it back. 只要你答应归还,你就可以把这书借走。 As long as you work hard, you are sure to succeed in everything. 只要你努力,你就一定会事事成功。 (二)词组“ as far as ” 意思是“那么远,就 而知,就 言,” 如: He walked as far as the railway station yesterday evening. 昨天傍晚,他一直散步到火车站。 As far as Im concerned, she is the most qualified for the job. 在我看来,她是最适合这份工作的。 (三)句式 “ as+ many/much+ 名词 +as” 意思是“ 和 一样”。此结构是词组“ as much as ”和“ as many as ”的变体形式。如: To eat too much is as much a bad thing as to eat nothing. 吃太多和什么都不吃同样是坏事。 He is as much a member of the orchestra as Tom. 他和汤姆同样是管弦乐队的成员。 Comets are just as much members of the suns family as(are) the other planets. 彗星和其他的行星同样是太阳家族的成员。 (四)以下几个结构的意思都差不多:“ as as possible/asas one can(could)/asascan be” 都表示“尽可能地 ”的意思。 如: Read the story as quickly as possible. = Read the story as quickly as you can. 尽快地阅读这篇故事。 They watered the trees as often as possible. = They watered the trees as often as they could. 他们尽可能经常给树浇水。 His failure is as plain as plain can be. 他的失败是再明白不过了。 He is as handsome as handsome can be. 他潇洒极了。 玛丽学习极为努力。 其他例如: as wise as wise can be 再聪明不过了 as white as white can be 白得不能再白了 as wrong as wrong can be 错得太离谱了 (五)“ as as usual/ever/before ”此结构的意思是“像平时 / 以前一样”。如: He gets up as early as usual. 他像平时一样早起。 He seems to be as busy as ever. 他似乎像往常一样忙碌。 He works as hard as ever. 他和往常一样努力工作。 She was as beautiful as ever after so many years. 过了这么多年她美丽如故。 (六)“ as as 结构”可以用来表示倍数。具体用法是倍数词: twice , three times , half 或 a quarter 置于第一个 as 之前,意思是“ 是 的几倍”。如: You are not half as clever as you think you are 你可不像自己想象的那么聪明。 She isn t going out with a man who is twice as old as she 她不打算和一个比她大一倍的人出去散步。 Weve produced twice as much cotton this year as we did last year. 我们今年的棉花产量是去年的两倍。 She works three times as hard as I. 她用功的程度是我的三倍。 需要注意的是,在比较级前还可以用“ over, more than ” 等表示“比 倍数还要多”。如: He is more than three times as rich as I. 他的财富是我的三倍还不止。 I am more than twice as old as he. 我的年龄是他是两倍还不止。 He studies more than three times as hard as I. 他用功的程度是我的三倍还不止。 He has collected more than four times as many stamps as I. 他搜集的邮票是我的四倍还不止。 (七)词组“ as well as ”意思是“像一样好,既又 , 除之外还”,此短语使用频率十分高,用途非常广泛。它可以用作连词和介词,也可以表示比较。具体用法如下: 1. 词组“ as well as ”用作连词。连接两个并列的同等成分,其意义为“不但而且”,“既又”,这时相当于“ not only but also ”。它所连接的部分既可以是单词、短语,也可以是句子。例如: He speaks Japanese as well as English and French. 他不但讲英语和法语,而且还讲日语。 2. 词组“ as well as ”用作介词。此时,相当于 besides ,意为“除之外”,后常接名词、动名词。如:As well as visiting the old man, he helped to clean the room. 除看望老人外,他还帮助打扫房间。 3. “ as well as ”用于同级比较 , 意为“和一样(好)”,这时,第一个 as 是副词,第二个 as 是
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