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按照题目要求 每个任务点各为一段 每段段首写一个主题句 然后再围绕这个主 题句展开 读写任务 如何 写好 主题 句 2 引出经历 1 说出感受 3 直接回答 4 复述内容 5 引出建议 原因 方法 措施 步骤等 6 明示观点 1 你读信后的感受 2012广州一模 2 I appreciate what you say and am sorry to have caused you so much worry I m also touched that 3 2 你读完这个故事后的感受 周周清 After reading the passage I was deep in thought 3 你读这篇演讲稿后的感受 2011广州一模 After reading this speech I felt really sorry for the student who 1 说出感受 1 Tom 来信说他现在学习压力大 请谈谈你读 信后的感受 I felt terribly sorry for you when I read your letter in which you expressed the pressure from your study 2 吴菊萍挽救了一个从10楼掉下来的2岁女婴后 被称为 最美妈妈 请谈谈你对此感受 After reading the story I was absolutely touched by Wu Juping who saved the two year old baby 实战演练 1 以你或他人的经历说明你的观点 2012广州二模 A million miles is better than a million books the saying goes and my experience on my own 2 week study tour of the UK confirmed this 2 你或你同学的留堂经历 2011佛山一模 This reminds me of my friend Li Hua s experience in primary school 3 以你自己或他人的经历阐明这个道理 2009广州二模 When I was in primary school a boy was often teased by his classmates because of his poor clothes 2 引出经历 叙述经历的表达 I had a similar experience This story reminds me of my own experience I once had an unforgettable experience It occurred to me that my friend had a similar experience My friend Li Hua s experience is a convincing example Once when I Two years ago I Then Finally Not until then did I realize 1 你是如何处理压岁钱的 2012佛山二模 2 Unlike the boy I can take charge of my own lucky money 2 你是否赞成文中对出国游学的看法 2012广州二模 I couldn t agree more with the author 赞成 Though expensive I still think study tours are worthwhile 反对 3 假如你处在那些动物的处境 你会有什么反应 2009年广东 If I were an animal in the wildlife park I would feel annoyed when people keep photographing me 3 直接回答 题干是问句或含 是否 的句子 可直接回答 作为主题句 1 假设你当时就在事故现场 你是伸出援助之手还是袖 手旁观 2010茂名二模 If I were at the scene I would offer to help him and send him to the nearest hospital or dial 120 for help 2 你是否赞同作者的观点 I totally agree with the author I m afraid I can t agree with the author because 3 你从故事中学到了什么道理 2009广州二模 From this story I learned that we should not 实战演练 1 中学生活和大学生活的差别 2008广东 From my point of view college life will be different from the life in high school 2 建设绿色校园的重要性 2011东山中学 It is of great importance to build a green campus 3 你的父母是如何鼓励你学习的 2010年广东 My parents used to encourage me like this 4 复述内容 题干要求说明某事的重要性 意义 差别 利弊等 可直接重复要点 具体回答则通过其后的拓展句体现 1 网络的普及给青少年带来的利弊 With its widespread the Internet brings teenagers harm as well as benefits 2 掌握急救知识的重要性 As far as I m concerned it s of great significance for us to know some knowledge about first aid 实战演练 1 你有什么建议给文中的小男孩 2012佛山二模 As for the boy I suggest that 2 你认为建设绿色校园应该采取哪些措施 2011东山中学 In order to build a green campus effective measures should be taken 3 越来越多人又开始骑自行车的原因 Nowadays more and more people ride bicycles The main reason is that 5 引出建议 原因 方法 措施 步骤等 1 你认为应该如何应付考试紧张 Several effective methods can be used to solve the problem of feeling nervous in exams 2 我们为什么要遵守规章制度 As members of the society we must follow all kinds of rules made by government or schools The reason for this can be listed as follows 实战演练 1 你是否赞成文中对出国游学的看法 2012广州二模 I couldn t agree more with the author 赞成 Though expensive I still think study tours are worthwhile 反对 2 你对考试作弊的看法 2011揭阳二模 In my opinion cheating in exams will have a very bad effect on middle school students study habit 6 明示观点 明确表示对某观点支持 赞同或反对 不赞同 1 你对高中生带手机到学校有什么看法 I don t think it reasonable for senior high school students to bring mobile phones to school The reasons why I think so are as follows 2 你对失败的看法或态度 2009汕头一模 In my opinion we should take an active attitude towards failure 实战演练 综合训练 二轮复习书P191 以约120个词就 家庭氛围 family atmosphere 的主题发表看法 内容包括 1 你是否赞同作者的观点 2 你理想的家庭生活氛围 3 给父母提出建议 1 你是否赞同作者的观点 2 你理想的家庭生活氛围 3 给父母提出建议 直接回答 复述内容 引出建议 I strongly argue against the writer s idea because In fact my ideal family atmosphere should be completely comfortable So I have some suggestions for all the parents 综合训练 二轮复习书P198 以约120个词就 学生安全问题 的主题发表 看法 要点包括 1 请谈谈你读完这则新闻的感受 2 请讲述你自己或身边朋友的有关经历 3 应采取何种措施保护自己的安全 1 请谈谈你读完这则新闻的感受 2 请讲述你自己或身边朋友的有关经历 3 应采取何种措施保护自己的安全 说出感受 叙述经历 复述内容 引出措施 After reading the sad news I was totally shocked and wanted to express my profound grief over the victims This reminds me of the story of my friend Lily To rid ourselves of the terrible accidents we should take some measures to change this situation
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