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Module 5 Unit3 Life in the Future 1 impression cn 1 印象 感想 of 影响 on What s your first impression of him get have an impression of 对 有 印象 make leave an impression on sb 给sb留下 印象 I didn t want to The doctor s encouragement left a positive impression on the patient impress vt 给 留下深刻印象 impress sth on sb impress sb with sth 用 使sb印象深刻 impressive adj 令人钦佩的 makeafalse impression onyou 对 有影响 1 The student takes up his pen and writes to his father 2 Playing basketball takes up much of my time 3 When did you take up golf 4 She took up his offer of a drink 5 He is going to take up the story where he left off yesterday 占去 接受 拿起 继续 开始学习 take off 脱掉 起飞 take in 欺骗 收留 take on 承担 雇佣 呈现 面貌 take down 写下 take over 接任 接管 take apart 拆开 1 The company has been by Sony 2 The village a new look since 1990 3 The plane an hour late 4 He was homeless so we 5 Reporters every word of his speech 6 Tom the machine but failed to combine it taken over has taken on took off took him in took down took apart out notice of it for granted take away measures to do sth advantage of a deep breath 拿出 注意 想当然的认为 拿走 采取措施做某事 利用 深呼吸 pride in one s chance trouble to do sth take it easy pity on sb turns to do sth 以 为荣 碰运气 不辞劳苦去做某事 怜悯某人 轮流去做某事 别着急 3 previous adj 先前的 以前的 有此类工作经验者优先考虑 People who have previous working experience will be considered first previous to 介 在 之前 Previous to going to the university he visited his relatives 4 1 surrounding adj 周围的 in surrounding area 2 surroundings n pl 周围 环境 If we can t change the surroundings we must try to get used to it 辨析 surroundings 自然环境 environment 自然 精神环境 The boy grew up in comfortable surroundings but not in a happy home environment We cannot tolerate his cheating in the exam tolerant adj 宽容的 tolerance un 容忍 tolerable adj 可忍受的 5 tolerate vt 容忍 忍受 doing n pron 6 lack vt 缺少 She lacks money to buy new clothes He lacks the skills required for the job so he failed in the interview n 缺乏 a the lack of for lack of 因为缺少 3 He failed in the exam for lack of good preparations 4 You are excellent but we do have no lack of teachers lacking adj 缺少的be lacking in be short of 5 He is not lacking in confidence He doesn t lack confidence He has no lack of confidence 7 adjustment to cn 调整 调节 make adjustments to sth 对 作出调整 We have made a lot of adjustments to the project adjust to vt 调节 使适应 She quickly adjusted herself to the university life 8 be back on one s feet 恢复 完全复原 come to Jack is back on his feet again after his operation rise to one s feet 站起来 8 press vt 按 压 If you press the button the machine will begin to work 催促 逼迫 press sb to do sth into doing sth The boss pressed the workers to work overtime press sb for sth 为了 逼迫sb The boss pressed him for overtime work press n 按 压 印刷 新闻界 The press is are very powerful pressure n 压力 压强 压迫 9 lost sight of 1 Suddenly I lost sight of my father in the crowd 2 We must not lose sight of the fact that learning English is very important catch sight of 望见 看到 out of sight 看不见了 at first sight 乍一看 at the sight of 看到 时 1 The thief ran off the police 2 The house is new 3 He a snake and was scared to death 4 out of mind 10 sweep up swept swept 横扫 打扫 sweep away 刮走 冲走 sweep off 扫去 吹掉 sweep over 风靡 sweep out 清扫 高傲走出of The housewife all the broken glass The flood houses and cars catch sight of 望见 看到 out of sight 看不见了 at first sight 乍一看 at the sight of 看到 时 at sight of at first sight caught sight of Out of sight swept up swept away 11 optimistic adj 乐观的 about pessimistic adj 悲观的 There is no reason to be pessimistic about the future so we should be optimistic about our life optimist n 乐观主义者 optimism n 乐观主义 12 instant cn 瞬间 片刻 in an instant in no time at once right away immediately I ll be back in an instant the instant moment second minute 一 就 I recognized her the instant I saw her adj 立即的 即食的 I don t like drinking instant coffee 13 representative n 代表 Our company will send three representatives to attend the meeting held on Friday 2 adj 典型的 of The painting is not representative of his works represent v 代表 representation n 象征 代表 14 settlement cn 定居 un 解决 My new settlement is in the center of the city reach a settlement on over 就 达成协议 settle v 定居 解决 solve settle down 在 安定下来 settle on 选定 决定 settle in 迁入 适应新地方 He selling everything and chose to a place far way from the city Last week he the island and two days later he invited us to visit his new had settle on settle down in settled in settlement
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