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快乐英语第五册Unit4 Lesson19教学设计 一、教材分析: 本单元话题围绕天气情况展开,重点学习描述天气及选择穿着的交际用语。本课是该单元的第一课。教学重点是cool, cold, hot, warm四个单词及句型It will be cool tomorrow. Can I wear ? Yes, you can./ No, you cant.的应用。 教学目标: 1、学生通过课件呈现、对话交流等形式,能听、说、读四个cool, cold, hot, warm单词,并能正确书写。 2、学生根据教师创设的情境能够理解并运用It will be cool tomorrow. Can I wear ? Yes, you can./ No, you cant.句型。 3、学生通过阅读对话,并通过教师提供、创设的情境进一步理解、强化所学句型,达到能够运用的目的。通过小组合作、探究等活动,学生能够形成合作交流的意识。 4、能和他人讨论天气情况,并根据不同的天气情况选择自己的着装。 教学重点: 本课时的教学重点是cool, cold, hot, warm四个单词在句型中的灵活运用。 教学难点: 1、短语go hiking , weather report 的理解和运用。 2、It will be cool tomorrow. Can I wear ? Yes, you can./ No, you cant.句型的运用。 二、学生分析: 五年级的学生已步入小学高年级,他们身上既有活泼好动、喜欢有趣活动的特点,又从简单地对课堂游戏感兴趣逐步深化为对英语本身及挑战思维的任务型活动感兴趣,学习目的更加明确,尤其喜欢将所学语言运用到生活情景中。 三、教学准备: 录音机、课件、词卡、衣物等。 四、教学过程: Step 1:Warming up 1. Greetings 2. Sing an English song 3: Free Talk T: Hello, Im Lisa. Whats your name? S: My name is T: What day is today? S: Its . today. The teacher shows some words. T:Let s have a review. The students read the word. T:You did a good job! Today we are going to learn Lesson 19. Step 2:Presentation 、Teaching the new words and new sentences. T: Hello, boys and girls. What a lovely day! Are you happy? Ss: Yes. T: Whats the weather like today? (引领学生说出今天的天气) T: Yes ,Its cool.(教读cool并出示课件显示气温凉爽的图片) T: Read after me.(反复教读练习) T: Whats the weather like tomorrow? Do you know ? Lets listen to the weather report.(课件播放天气预报) It will be cold tomorrow.please put on your coat. T: Oh, It will be cold tomorrow,read after me ,cold .(击掌读单词) T: It will be cold tomorrow.Can I wear my sweater?(引导学生说Yes, you can./No, you cant.) T: How about the weather in sping? Ss: warm (温暖) T:(出示春天的画面,并领读单词) 同上教学hot T: Today is hot.Can I wear my dress? Ss: Yes, you can. 出示课件练习对话。It will be tomorrow.Can I wear? Yes, you can./No,you cant. T: Lets have a chant together. Warm ,warm , sping is warm. Hot, hot , summer is hot. Cool ,cool, autumn is cool. Cold ,cold , winter is cold. 、Teaching the dialogue Here is about Bobs trip. What s the weather like tomorrow? What does Bob like to wear? (1) Listen to the tape. (Only listen) (2) T: OK. Read after me. (3) Now this time, read by yourselves. You can read loudly. (4) T: Who wants to read this dialogue? Good job! (5)Teaching the difficult phrases: go hiking , weather report (6)T: Who can answer my questions? What s the weather like tomorrow? What does Bob like to wear? What s the weather like tomorrow? What does Bob like to wear? Good job! Step 3:Consolidation (1) Discuss in groups of four. Try to make a dialogue to talk about the weather and you want to wear. (2) Act in groups. T: Lets do some exercises. Look at the screen. Choose,please. Step 4:Summary T: Look at the blackboard. In this lesson, weve learnt four words and two sentences. Step 5:Homework 1. Copy the four words three times; 2. Read the text. 五、板书设计: Lesson19 cool cold hot warm It will be cool tomorrow. Can I wear ? Yes, you can./ No, you cant.
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