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I m more outgoing than my sister heavythin What does she he look like She He is short tall What does she look like She has long short hair long hair short hair Who is taller And who is shorter Liu Xiang is taller Pan Changjiang is shorter tall taller 更高的 short shorter 更矮的 Pan is shorter than Liu Liu is taller than Pan calm k m adj 镇定的 镇静的 Tom is calmer than Tim Tim is wilder than Tom Tim is wild Tom is calm wild waild adj 鲁莽的 轻率的 粗野的 Tom Tim quiet kwai t adj 安静的 宁静的 She is quieter than Zhang Zhang is quiet She is quieter smart sm t adj 聪明的 机灵的 Mike is smarter Mike is smarter than Andy Andy is smart Mike Andy funny f ni adj 滑稽的 有趣的 funnier Pan Chang Jiang is funnier Sam is funny Pan is funnier than Sam Sam athletic letik adj 擅长运动的 身体强健的 He is athletic more athletic She is more athletic She is more athletic than him serious si ri s adj 严肃的 庄重的 more serious She is serious He is more serious He is more serious than her more outgoing outgoing autg ui adj 外向的 活跃的 She is outgoing Li is more outgoing than her Li Wen is more outgoing 自主探究 找规律 1 Liu is taller than Pan 2 Tom is calmer than Tim 3 Pan is funnier than Sam 4 He is more serious than her 5 I m more outgoing than my sister 1 wild 2 small 3 tall 4 nice 5 fine 6 big 7 fat 写出下列形容词的比较级 1 wilder 2 smaller 3 taller 4 nicer 6 finer 7 bigger 8 fatter 8 thin 9 hot 10 easy 11 happy 12 healthy 13 funny 14 beautiful 15 athletic 16 interesting 8 thinner 9 hotter 10 easier 11 happier 12 healthier 13 funnier 14 more beautiful 15 more athletic 16 more interesting Listening practiceListening practice 1b Listen and number the pairs of the twins 1 3 1b Listen and number the pairs of the twins 1 3 1 2 3 Listen Are the words in the box used with er ier or more Complete the chart 2a er ier more Help me 由于 武林外传 的热播 剧组准备投拍 武 林外传 现因众明星踊跃报名 导演难以抉 择 电影开拍在即 男女主角和男配角却尚未确 定 你们能给导演提些建议吗 男主角 要求高大英俊 并深受女性观众 喜爱 tall handsome popular 陆毅 韩庚 黄晓明 女主角 身材瘦小 有一双大眼睛 剧中饰 演古灵精怪的角色 big small eyes short thin 周迅 刘亦菲 赵薇 男配角 16岁左右的小明星 聪明活泼 体型偏瘦 深受小观众的喜爱 同时有丰富的表演经验 小雨 丁当 刘星 I want to say Never judge a person by what he looks like 不要以貌取人 Write an article My best friend and I Write about the things that are different between you and your best friend
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