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初中英语九年级全一册 1 88 Unit 8 It must belong to Carla 单元单元测试测试03 一 听力测试 一 听力测试 20分 分 一 听录音 从A B C三段对话中选择与画面一致的选项 5分 1 2 3 4 5 二 听录音 选择适当的答语 5分 6 A It s white B It must be Jack s C It s my favorite 7 A It s on the wall B It belongs to Mary C Peter took it 8 A I m sorry B Don t worry C You re welcome 9 A He s very friendly B He might be a driver C I don t like him 10 A It s about pets B It s Ann s C It s John 三 对话理解 5分 你将听到两段对话 在每段对话后有几个小题 请在每小题所给的A B C三个选项中选出最佳选项 听第一段对话 回答11 12小题 11 Where did the girl find the book A Under Toby s desk B Under her desk C In her drawer 12 Why does Toby think the book is Sandy s A Because he bought it with Sandy B Because Sandy lent it to him C Because Sandy s name is on it 听第二段对话 回答13 15小题 13 Where did the boy probably leave his backpack A In the classroom B At the gym C At the dining hall 14 What s the time now A 5 30 B 6 30 C 6 40 初中英语九年级全一册 2 88 15 What does Mom advise the boy to do A To get his backpack back B To give his teacher a call C To do his homework later 四 听短文 根据短文内容填空 5分 The Terracotta Army is one of the Eight Wonders of the world These terracotta warriors and horses were 16 in Xi an in 1974 by some local people The warriors were buried to protect Qin Shihuang They had different 17 looks and hairstyles They had different 18 from 1 83 m to 1 95 m They also had different weapons in their hands The horses were about 1 7 meters high and 2 meters long More than 700 000 workers made the warriors and horses They showed the high 19 of the workers and the power of Qin Shihuang 20 people have been there to see the warriors and horses 二 单项填空 二 单项填空 10分 分 21 The baby is sleeping Don t make so much A soundB voiceC noiseD smell 22 This book isn t It s A me Jack sB mine Jack sC mine JackD me Jack 23 He turned around but he couldn t see A something unusualB anything unusual C unusual anything D unusual something 24 How interesting the picture is Yeah There s a cat a dog A run afterB to run afterC running afterD ran after 25 Look Peter is playing basketball on the playground It be Peter He has gone to London A can tB mustn tC mightD may 26 The river smells terrible We must people dirty things into it A prevent to throwB prevent throwC prevent throwingD prevent thrown 27 Why did Miss Wang look so worried Because she wondered A where did the other students go B when would the policeman come C what her students have done during the trip D if her students had survived the earthquake 初中英语九年级全一册 3 88 28 The journalist is an old man in our neighborhood A interviewB interviewedC to interviewD interviewing 29 Beijing is a great place A visitB to visitC visitingD visited 30 The cleaners have torubbish to keep our city clean A turn upB pick upC fixupD give up 三 完形填空 三 完形填空 10分 分 There once was a farmer who lost his watch in his barn 谷仓 The watch was cheap but it was very 31 to him because it was a gift from his father After32the barn for a long time he gave up and asked for33from a group of children playing nearby He34them that the person who found the watch would be rewarded Hearing this the children hurried inside the barn 35 They searched everywhere but still could not find the 36 Just when the farmer was going to give up a little boy went up to him and asked to be given another37 The farmer looked at him and thought Why not After all this kid looks honest So the farmer38the little boy back into the barn After a while the little boy came out with the watch in his hand The surprised farmer asked the boy how he39where the rest had failed The boy replied I did nothing but sit quietly and listen for the sound of the watch This shows us that sometimes a40mind can think better than an excited one 31 A importantB expensiveC uselessD interesting 32 A findingB searchingC watchingD studying 33 A moneyB dangerC workD help 34 A promisedB taughtC warnedD believed 35 A angrilyB slowlyC immediatelyD hardly 36 A ruleB bookC childD watch 37 A wayB chanceC lessonD smile 38 A threwB sentC gaveD caught 39 A cameB knewC succeededD suggested 40 A beautifulB smartC peacefulD quick 初中英语九年级全一册 4 88 四 阅读理解 四 阅读理解 20分 分 A A doctor was once teaching a class of medicalstudents at a famous hospital in Edinburgh An injured man was brought in and the doctor turned to one of his students and asked him What s wrong with this man I don t know sir the student answered Shall I examine him and find out There s no need to examine him said the doctor You should know without asking questions He has hurt his right knee Didn t you notice the way he walked He hurt it by burning it in the fire You see his trousers leg is burnt away at the knee This is Monday morning Yesterday was fine but on Saturday the roads were wet and muddy The man s trousers are muddy all over The man fell down on Saturday night The doctor then turned to the man and said You had your pay on Saturday and went to a public house and drank too much You got muddy and wet on the way home Because you had drunk too much you fell on the fire and burnt your knee Is that right
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