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初中英语九年级全一册 1 113 Unit 8 It must belong to Carla 单元测试单元测试 02 一 听力理解 一 听力理解 20 小题 每小题小题 每小题 1 分 共分 共 20 分 分 第一节第一节 听下面 5 段对话 每段对话后有一个小题 从题中所给的 A B C 三个选项中选出最佳答案 每段对 话读两遍 1 What does the woman ask Peter to do A Work out a math problem B Go to bed C Have a math test 2 How old is Bob now A Sixteen B Twenty C Twenty three 3 What will the man have A Noodles B Rice C Fruit 4 Where is the boy s phone A On the table B On the chair C In his schoolbag 5 Whose guitar is this A Jane s B John s C Jenny s 第二节第二节 听下面几段对话或独白 每段对话或独白后有几个小题 从题中所给的 A B C 三个选项中选出最佳 答案 每段对话或独白读两遍 听下面一段对话 回答第 6 至第 7 两个小题 6 Where did the girl find the book A Under Toby s desk B Under her desk C In her drawer 7 Why does Toby think the book is Sandy s A Because he bought it with Sandy B Because Sandy lent it to him C Because Sandy s name is on it 听下面一段对话 回答第 8 至第 10 三个小题 8 Where did the boy probably leave his backpack A In the classroom B At the gym C At the dining hall 初中英语九年级全一册 2 113 9 What s the time now A 5 30 B 6 30 C 6 40 10 What does Mum advise the boy to do A To get his backpack back B To give his teacher a call C To do his homework later 听下面一段对话 回答第 11 至第 12 两个小题 11 When does the speakers English class begin A At 7 30 B At 7 50 C At 8 00 12 How does John often go to school A By bus B By bike C On foot 听下面一段独白 回答第 13 至第 15 三个小题 13 Why did Mary and Jack take a radio with them A To listen to music B To listen to news C To speak to their team members 14 What did Jack do before their climb A He bought a radio B He watched the weather report C He checked their food and bag 15 How was the weather at the foot of the mountain A Fine B Windy C Cloudy 第三节第三节 听下面一篇短文 根据短文内容 完成表格 短文读两遍 Information Sheet 1 The girl s 16 was coming the next day 2 The young man bought some 17 for the girl 3 The shopkeeper sent 18 more flowers to the girl 4 The girl was 19 when she received the 32 flowers 初中英语九年级全一册 3 113 5 The girl was 20 years old 二 单项选择 二 单项选择 15 小题 每小题小题 每小题 1 分分 共共 15 分 分 从 A B C D 四个选项中选出一个最佳答案 1 model plane is this I think it s Jim s Look his name is on it A WhoB WhatC WhoseD Where 2 Mum may I go swimming now Yes dear but remember that you go with your dad A mayB canC mustD might 3 The boy looks older than Gina He Gina s brother A maybeB might beC perhapsD maybe not 4 Jack s backpack is red so this yellow one be his A mustn tB can tC mightD mightn t 5 We won The honor belongs all the members of ourteam A byB ofC atD to 6 Mr Green didn t his son s wedding because he was badly ill What a pity A joinB lake part inC join inD attend 7 Did you hear in your room No I didn t A anything unusualB something unusual C unusual anythingD unusual something 8 When he saw a wallet on the ground he at once A picked it upB gave it upC picked up itD gave up it 9 Did you hear any strange when the earthquake happened No I was in my garden enjoying the beautiful of my birds at that time A noise voiceB noise soundC sound noiseD sound voice 10 The thief ran out of the store and tried to but he was caught by the policeman A take awayB run awayC give awayD put away 11 There must be something the homes in our neighborhood 初中英语九年级全一册 4 113 A visitingB visitsC visitD visited 12 Anne the information you gave me is really Thank you very much Not at all I am happy I can help you A uselessB ordinaryC valuableD Nothing 13 David felt in class because he stayed up late last night A sleepyB sleepC asleepD sleeping 14 She surprise when I told her you were coming A explainedB expressionC expressedD created 15 My parents always me talking with my friends online A preventB wantC askD allow 三 完形填空 三 完形填空 10 小题 每小题小题 每小题 1 分分 共共 10 分 分 先通读短文 掌握其大意 然后从 A B C D 四个选项中选出一个可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案 Our neighborhood used to be very quiet However these days 1things are happening in our neighborhood and everyone is unhappy Zhao Jun the local school teacher is extremely 2 When he was interviewed by the local newspaper he said Every night we hear strange noises3our window My wife thinks that it could be an 4 but my friends and I think it must be teenagers having5 My parents called the police but they can t6anything strange They think it might be the 7 I don t think so Zhao Jun s next door neighbor Xiang Dan is 8 too At first I thought it might be a cat but I can t see a cat and I still hear the noises outside Everyone in our neighborhood is worried and everyone has his or her own 9 There must be something10the homes in our neighborhood but what is it 1 A interestingB excitingC strangeD terrible 2 A worriedB pleasedC satisfiedD relaxed 3 A ofB outsideC fromD inside 4 A actorB accidentC objectD animal 5 A troubleB funC lessonsD sports 6 A findB thinkC makeD feel 7 A waterB laughterC musicD wind 8 A crazyB surprisedC unhappyD mad 9 A waysB mattersC habitsD ideas 10 A cleaningB visitingC breakingD moving 初中英语九年级全一册 5 113 四 阅读理解 四 阅读理解 20 小题 每小题小题 每小题 2 分 共分 共 40 分 分 阅读下面四篇语言材料 然后按文后要求做题 A Is there something strange high up in the world s tallest mountains If so is it a big bear Is it a monkey Or is it a kind of man No
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