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SectionA Grammar Focus 3c Unit 3 Is this your pencil Period 2 Attention it s it is isn t is not aren t are not Complete the questions and answers about each picture 根据图片补全问句和答 语 3a Is your book Yes it is No it Are my pencils Yes are No they aren t Is his ruler Yes it No it isn t Are her pens Yes they are No they thisisn t these they that is thosearen t Read the questions and complete the answers 阅读问句并补全对话 1 Is this her ruler 2 Is that Eric s schoolbag 3 Are these his pencils 4 Are those Anna s books Yes It s No Sally s Yes They re No Mine it ishers it isn tIt is they arehis they aren t They re 3b Put some things into the teacher s box 在老师的盒子里放一些物品 GAME 游戏 找主人 3c Take one thing out of the box and find the owner You only have two guesses 从盒子里 取出物品并找到它们的主人 你只有两次猜测机会 3c A Is this your book B Yes it is Conversation 1 A Is that your ruler B No it isn t It is hers Conversation 2 A Is this your pen B Yes it is It s mine Conversation 3 1 指示代词 1 在句子中 指示代词可以充当主语 定语 宾语或表语 如 This is a pear 作主语 这是一个梨 These video clips are very interesting and those ones are not 作定语 这些光碟很有趣 那些没意思 I like this very much 作宾语 我很喜欢这个 Oh it s not that 作表语 哦 不是那个 Explanation 2 学习指示代词 应注意以下几点 this与is these与are没有缩写形式 This is a Chinese car 这是一辆国产轿车 指示代词作主语指物并用于问句中 时 回答一般用it代替this和that they代替these和those 如 Is that a ruler 那是尺子吗 No it isn t It s a pen 不 它不是 它是一支钢笔 Are these your books 这些是你的书吗 Yes they are 是的 它们是 2 no和not 二者都是 不 的意思 但用法不同 前者可 单独使用 用于回答一般疑问句 反义词为 yes 后者不能单独使用 要和be动词 助动 词等一起构成否定句 如 Is this your pencil 这是你的铅笔吗 No it isn t 不 它不是 It is not my book 它不是我的书 3 The words that show ownership I my 我的 mine he his 他的 his she her 她的 hers they their 他们的 theirs it its 它的 its 形容词性 物主代词 名词性 物主代词 Grammar Focus This is a pencil Is this a pencil This is my pencil Is this your pencil 一般疑问句 一 含义 以动词be have或助动词 情态动词开头 以yes或no作回答的问句叫做一般疑问句 回答时可以用完整的句子回答 但大多数 情况下只需作简略回答 二 构成及答语 如果句中有动词be am is are 将be动词 提到主语前 并大写开头字母 句末用 问号 主语第一人称变第二人称 即变成 了一般疑问句 含有be动词的一般疑问句要用yes或no来回答 它的肯定答语是Yes 主语 is are 否定答语 是No 主语 isn t aren t 注意答语用it代替 this that Thisismypencil Is thi s yourpencil 含有be动词的陈述句变为一般疑问句的步骤 如 Is this your pencil 这是你的铅笔吗 Yes it is 是的 它是 Have you any magazines 你有杂志吗 Yes I have 有 我有 1 Is this your Yes you that is 2 this key Yes is mine penci l box thankAnd myschoolbag 根据图片完成句子 Is your itIt s 解析 it s是it is的缩写形式 it指代this It s mine It s my key Exercises 3 Here s an eraser 解析 a和an都是不定冠词 放在单数可数名词前 修饰 限定名词 表示 一个 一块 的意思 如果名词的 读音以辅音音素开头 用不定冠词a 如 a banana a pear 如果名词的读音以元音音素开头 要用不定冠词 an 如an orange an egg 在本句中 单词eraser是以 元音音素 i 开头的词 故要用冠词an 按要求写出下列词的相应形式 1 hi 同义词 2 no 反义词 3 are 同音字母 4 color 动词 5 I am 缩写形式 6 u 同音词 7 my 主格 8 to 同音词 9 it s 完整形式 hello yes Rr color I m you I too two it is 10 morning 对应词 11 this 对应词 12 a 同义词 13 i 大写形式 14 that s 完整形式 15 my name is 缩写形式 16 what is 缩写形式 an I that is my name s what s evening that 1 Is this your pen A Yes this is B Yes this s C No this isn t D No it isn t 2 Is that a ruler It s a sharpener A Yes that is B No it is C No that isn t D No it isn t D D 单项选择 3 What s this A Yes it is B No it isn t C It s a eraser D It s an eraser 4 What s name name is Ma Ling A your My B your my C your I D you my D A Complete these sentences with am is are 1 this his book Yes it 2 What that It a book 3 How you I fine thank you Isis is is are am 1 This is her eraser 改为一般疑问句 并作肯定 回答 2 That is his pencil sharpener 改为一般疑问句 并作否定回答 3 this school my is card ID 连词成句 Is this her eraser Yes it is Is that his pencil sharpener No it isn t This is my school ID card 句型转换 4 The picture is on the wall 一般疑问句 5 Is that a soccer ball 否定回答 6 I m Cindy 同义句 7 Is this your brother 肯定回答 No it isn t My name s Cindy Yes it is Is the picture on the wall 8 at please Kelsey call 63749996 连词成句 9 is what your box pencil color 连词成句 Please call Kelsey at 63749996 What color is your pencil box 10 your is book this 连词成句 Is this your book 将下列句子变为一般疑问句 并作简要回答 1 This is Gina 2 That is his brother Is this Gina Yes she is No she isn t Is that his brother Yes he is No he isn t 3 He is my good friend 4 These are nice pictures 5 Those are school things Is he your good friend Yes he is No he isn t Are these nice pictures Yes they are No they aren t Are these school things Yes they are No they aren t 1 Review the Grammar Focus 2 Find out the English words of school things you know Homework 课件PPT 谢谢 请领导老师批评指正 此课件下载可自行编辑修改 此课件供参考 部分内容来源于网络 如有侵权请与我联系删除
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