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初中阅读理解训练法讲解以2012年西城区一模阅读理解D篇为例:阅读训练第一步:看到文章先不着急,我们先读题目。请直接跳到题干部分。 Time is not a fixed object. The ideaof time in any given culture is largely a product created by beliefs,traditions, and values. In some cases, time is thought of as formless and isbased on what is going on at the moment, rather than as a planned object.Others regard time as a machine: a real thing which is fixed, which can bedivided into schedules (日程安排)andcan be wasted. Similarly,cultures are also likely to think of the passing of time in different waysas well.A society can be moved towards a specific (特定化的) understanding of history. Manycultures, such as British, Native American, Greek, French, Japanese, and someother Asian cultures, take the past, cultural history, and traditions as havingthe most importance, and use them as a guide in making present-day decisions.Some cultures see the present moment as the most important. Tradition holdslittle importance, and planning for the future is not the most important thing,but rather the present time is more valued, and these kinds of lifestyles arerelaxed. Other societies can be future-oriented (关注未来的), and place an additional focus onplanning and forward movement, and the present activities are treated as abridge to this future goal. This is the common agreement in the United States. How a personthinks of time can be understood in the way they work togetherwithothers.Someonewith a focus on the future will hold schedulesand times to be veryimportant, as they are necessary for moving on to the next step. However,someone who lives more in the present may consider a certain meeting time asnot fixed. In Italyand in many Arab countries, it is normal for people to be 30 minutes late for ameeting. It is different in the United Statesor Britain,for example, where lateness is accepted only up to 5 or 10 minutes. The concept (概念)oftime, and its flexibility (灵活多变), meaning, and even the nature of itsexistence (存在) is somethingwhich is deeply laid in the base of any culture.It is very important when enteringinto anagreement with someone, whether socially, or in a businesssetting, to realize that they may have a different idea about the importance ofdeadlinesand schedules. No one can be right or wrong in their own way,but still people can be accidentally insulted(冒犯) as a resultof a misunderstanding.读题的目的:(1)了解题型,即考你什么,不同题型有不同的方法。题型一般无外乎1)细节题,即可直接从文章中找到答案,但不会有100%一样的句子(区别于A、B篇),如果出现相似度极高的句子,需要注意,一定有陷阱;2)猜词题,划线部分的意思;3)推理判断题;4)主旨大意题。(2)了解文章大概讲什么通过题干和选项,出现频率非常高的词,可能就是这篇文章要讲的内容。知道文章大致要讲什么了,心态也就平和了,读文章就更有信心。56. From the first paragraph, we canknow that _.(细节题,定位在第一段,所以第一段要细读)A. peoplethink of time as a sign of cultureB. people havedifferent opinions about timeC. time isabout whats going on at the momentD. time iseither a planned object or a machine57.The past might be thought of as the most important because _.(细节题)A. it helps usto make present decisionsB. it helps usto plan for the futureC. traditionsbring us much prideD. oldcountries have a long history58.Which example best describes apresent-orientedculture?(推断题,需要理解文章,做合理推断)A. Making aplan for tomorrows work.B. Planning atour to the Forbidden City.C. Eatingdumplings during Spring Festival.D. Never payingattention to the weather report.59.What is the best title for the passage?(主旨大意题,给文章定一个标题,需要对全文的理解)A. TheTradition of Time B.The Importance of TimeC. The Conceptof Time D. TheManagement of Time第二步:读文章(1)分段一边读文章,一边要注意给文章分段,每段开头用数字符号标出来。这个小细节能够帮助孩子建立对文章结构的认识,同时减少做题时因段落多反复找浪费的时间。(2)理解文章结构一般说来,CD篇阅读喜欢考的是议论文和说明文,而这两个文体的结构的是非常清晰的。或总分结构,或总分总机构,或第一段是一个引子,引出文章的话题。本文结构“总-分-总”(3)找中心句有了文章结构的认识,继续阅读文章内容,每一段肯定有一个中心句,一般在第一句,或者最后一句,划出来(如文字划线部分)。找中心句的目的是解决“主旨大意”这种题型。段落主旨就是中心句,全文主旨就是各个段落中心句都讨论的共同内容。找到中心句,这类题型一般错不了。如果没有明显的中心句,例如本文第一段,那需要读完第一段后总结一下大意“对时间概率的两种不同理解”。(4)生词的处理 在阅读过程中遇到生词很正常,首先以平常心对待,因为这正式出题人考察我们的地方。对生词的处理办法无非2种,1,忽略它;2,用笔划出来。划出来后就先放着。最后你发现他并不影响你答题和对整个句子的理解,就彻底忽略它。如果题目正好涉及到,那就用猜词法猜一下。(猜词需要通过一定的训练才能运用熟练)(5)难句子的处理 遇到长长的一句话,很多同学先害怕了,读一遍没明白,又读一遍还没明白,慌了。一旦你慌了,你就上当了。对付长句子,在考试过程中最好的方法是和生词一样,先把划出来,实在没读懂先放过,往后读。如果你发现做题和这个句子关系不大,就可以忽略掉。如果跟题目有关,花一点时间做做句子结构分析,也是值得的。有一定句型训练基础的同学可以直接读句子的主干部分,也就是主谓宾,然后猜出基本意思。(句子结构分析是我们训练法中重要的一步)第三步:做题(1)猜词题(本文没有出现,但该题型肯定考)此类题我们需要看前一句和后一句,找和划线部分所在句子同义转换或意义相反的句子,即可推断出该词含义。(2)细节题回答原文中找答案,注意陷阱,如文章没提到的,不要主观臆断;出现比较级最高级的,需要细心看文章是否有比较的意思;出现代词的,需要注意代词指代的是什么(3)推断题正确选项与原文基本都是“同义转换”的关系,尤其是动词之间的转换。或者如本文58题,用例子来解释文章意思,也属于同义转换。(4)主旨题给文章找题目,正确选项通常会包含文章的关键词。通过各段落的中心句,中心句所围绕讲述的内容就是主旨。中心句没有提到的,或者只有一个段落提到的,就不能作为全文主旨。另一个判断的方法,就是倒推法,把4个选项都看一遍,例如B选项“时间的重要性”,如果本文写的是时间的重要性,那么行文应该是如何的?你可以想一想你会怎么写,如果不是你想的那样,就肯定不是文章的题目。第四步:精析以上三步都是考试和平时练习中的步奏。只要不是中考当天做的题,你都需要进行第四步。(1)对错误题进行解析当时你怎么想的非常重要,但很多同学忽略了,看了正确答案就以为自己明白了。非也!一定要回忆你当时为什么错,你才知道下次不能用同样的方式思考,那么正确的思考方式才能真正帮助你选对答案。(2)把生词弄明白查字典、记在笔记本中、经常翻阅(3)把长句子、难句子弄明白把长句子,尤其是各种复合句誊抄下来,进行句子成分分析。好句子要积累下来,尤其是一些从句的运用、非谓语动词的使用,熟练后运用到作文中,可以使作
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